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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. Fake news. Nobody loses faith in previews. Disappointing previews simply increase expectations for the next one.
  2. Hello Chris, tried to send you a PM but you’re not set up to receive. unfortunately I need to withdraw from this event (sent an email to lunatic_pandora on the 3rd but guess you didn’t receive?). can you confirm and if any refund is available. thanks, Matt Byrne
  3. I forget exactly who, but it was one of the GW rules writers on twitter. They were responding to someone complaining that the SCE nerfs would have made sense 6 months prior (winter 2018-2019) and were entirely unnecessary based on the state of the game in summer 2019 (thanks to FEC, Slaanesh and Fyreslayers). The sentiment was something along the lines of (not a direct quote) “yes we recognise these changes were no longer relevant but they were written 6 months ago, sorry.” Effectively this is a problem with the GW printing process. Books take 6 months to be published. Any balance updates you are printing in a book, such as GHB, will be immediately out of date as soon as the book lands, because the game changes in that intervening period due to other releases. Why GW didn’t revert these changes in the winter 2020 balance update is anyone’s guess but I would assume 1) such a large change was out of scope (looks like they were focusing on big monsters and newer books), or 2) GW don’t care. Edit: Found the tweet
  4. this will have massive unintended consequences, 💯 guaranteed
  5. Do any of those armies have a 100 wound unit that can teleport, auto-charge, and lock you in combat, though?
  6. Depending on the Anvilstrike list, this could be a really tough match up. Simply deploying Katakros >30.1” away denies the Longstrikes entirely (teleport non withstanding). As OBR, I’d be tempted to take the first turn to drop double -1 penalties on the Longstrikes (Katakros and Nexus), then hit the unit with double buffed crawler. 8 shots is some 5 dead Raptors. As SCE, I think you need to start the raptors in the sky. Either way, report back @Victra
  7. Counter look out sir hit penalty and negative to hit modifiers that are popping up I’d guess. FEC, Orruks, DoK can all get -1 to hit in some way, making characters -2. Suspect there are others I’m forgetting.
  8. I had lowered my expectations massively and I’m still disappointed. No summer nerfs reverted even though it was acknowledged on Twitter that they were 6 months out of date at the time. Everything that was overpriced before remains overpriced (Tauralon, Celestant Prime, etc). Theres still no way to compete with the stronger books from the last year. Nice drop on Dracolines though. Glad I didn’t get Desolators after all. Well I’m off to play Bonerepears until some Elves drop.
  9. 😃 I’m not sure it is suboptimal. You lose the +1 save, but everything in Petrifex gets +1 save anyway, except Katakros - who then gets +1 save when you use Supreme Lord, because he is Mortis Praetorian. and you’ll always be spamming Supreme Lord because it’s a whopping 36” range! ... It’s really hard not to take Katakros
  10. Katakros soulmason 20 mortek 10 mortek 10 mortek Gothizzar harvester 6 stalkers both Petrifex of course feels like a solid base, leaves 270 points spare. Probably want at least one more support hero and then endless spells. There’s at least two lore spells that are worth taking (5++ shrug and 6s explode on 5s). Maybe another harvester. could swap Katakros for a liege kavalos, Boneshaper and 2 mortek crawlers instead. The Boneshaper and liege kavalos have some of Katakros most important buffs (+1 attack and heal 3), and this way you get to use the Petrifex command trait for a tanky general. of course, WhatsApp chat pointed out that you can stack the kavalos command ability, so 15 of them can roll 2,3,4,5,etc times on the mortal wounds...
  11. There’s also an artefact for soul masons which gives +1 to wound. the soul mason himself has a rr 1s to hit spell that he can attempt to cast multiple times. It also goes off on a 5. the Petrifex CA is +1 Rend. theres another spell that makes exploding 6s on 5s instead. the liege kavalos has a +1 attack ability. thats 3 attacks per model on 2s rr1s/3s/1/1, exploding attacks on 5s (effectively 4 attacks per model) True that’s a lot of investment, and ultimately only 1 damage, but there’s a number of synergies going on in this book to unpack
  12. I’m still torn between Desolators and Dracolines and to be honest that’s largely because I can’t see how Dracolines manage against HoS. At least Desolators have the opportunity to shoot the Keepers first and drop them down the damage track. (Both backed by ballista of course).
  13. @Marzillius great list, great write ups. I’m so tempted to run the same but can’t decide between the 6 Evocators or 6 Desolators. Have you thought about dropping a ballista and Cogs? Frees up 190 points for eg an Incantor and a CP.
  14. Odd. In my experience with the Heraldor, the evocators either run into things, delete them and then snowball the rest of the game, or get ground down to 3/4 models while still giving as good as they get. edit; I also play them as a counter attack unit behind a line of Sequitors in Astral Templars
  15. Expensive battalions with inefficient configurations and marginal bonuses that aren’t worth the cost of entry, and which still don’t get you 3 battleline units like everyone else to reduce drops. Who cares about rend 3 Sequitors when they die to fights first/last fight twice all the same? Fine for casual play I guess.
  16. 3 Stormcast players in the top 10 at Blackout this weekend, great work 👍
  17. To clarify, we don’t pick hidden agendas on the day? These are generated randomly (by who?) Non-GW conversion parts ok? (Heads, cloaks, etc) is it intended that the Ulgu Realmscape Feature is different to the one at the main event? (12” max range not 18”)
  18. I’ve been using it since March and it’s really underrated, surprised not to see it mentioned before. Cheap to cast, better damage than arcane bolt, and most of the things you want to hit with mortal wounds usually run at you. its also gives you options when you inevitably get given first turn and are out of range of everything else, and AT Dauntless Hunters can help line it up against a key target.
  19. How come? 6 Longstrikes aren’t enough to one shot a Keeper, let alone two, let alone the support characters.
  20. So looks like Slaanesh will be left untouched for 6 months. 4 Ballista or 9 Longstrikes still mandatory?
  21. Even without a screen it’s NBD. A single TG only kills half a unit of Sequitors on average even fighting twice - and all the ones remaining have grand hammers. what makes it viable now is you can ignore the battleshock with a command point and attack in the next battle round with the survivors (assuming a vacuum of course), whereas before you would lose the lot to another double attack fights first. edit: should add of course there is the risk that it spikes much higher, but the risk of failure for FEC is now very real.
  22. Subject to any Slaanesh changes this is a big boost for Gavriel lists again, or any melee list for that matter. i think a strong shooting component is still required but I’m now seriously reconsidering the value of that 4th Ballista. May just swap it back to a Heraldor or Relictor/Veritant to keep the 20 Sequitors.
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