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Everything posted by madmac

  1. Eh, in a sense Order is the least bloated GA. Chaos is largely just one old army, or two if you prefer (Chaos Warriors+Chaos Demons) blown up into five different armies, plus Skaven and BoC. GA Death is really just an entire GA of Vampire Counts spinoffs+OBR as a spiritual TK successor. GA Destruction is an entire GA based on the old Greenskins army, plus Ogre Kingdoms. GA Order inherited the literal armies and/or spiritual successors for Empire, Brettonia, (Arguable, but I put SC here. It's all non-chaos human factions in any case) Lizardmen, Dwarfs, High Elves, Wood Elves, and Dark Elves. It's only the largest GA because it's composed of at least two or three times the actual old fantasy armybooks of any of the other GAs, with by far the least splitting and bloating involved.
  2. True, plus there was never one elf army in old Warhammer, there were three. In a game where many old singular armies were expanded into 3-5 different armies, it's not actually that shocking that three elf armies got turned into 4-5.
  3. Reading carefully, it looks like only the Dragon Princes are confirmed for December? No word specifically on the smaller dragons.
  4. Right, but that's still only six. Normal underworlds seasons have 8.
  5. Yeah, it deserves to be said, whether Bonesplittas for example have a future or not, chucking them into the neglected corner of a soup tome (twice now) has done nothing to reassure most players about their chances of sticking around. If your army isn't getting anything it isn't getting anything, and getting 1/3rd of a book instead of a full book isn't really a big improvement in that regard. That's not to say that I think all souped factions are doomed or anything, but I do think it's hard to spin as a positive development if you are a fan of a specific subfaction who is just getting thrown in with other more popular armies and not getting any new models or anything out of the deal. Even just from a rules perspective, it's often a step down in terms of support.
  6. That is almost certainly a Maneater. Notice the cloth is very worn, typical for Ogors, and no human has that much junk in the trunk, as it were.
  7. I could very easily see GW doing something for Eshin similar to the new kill teams. Effectively a new unit kit and warband all in one box,
  8. Not only that, that rumor list is very light on 40k stuff for January, which is also a traditional slot for big AoS releases.
  9. I never found that a convincing argument against warscroll battalions, tbh. There was only a bare handful of battalions that were even taken primarily for their special ability, and that tiny number of warscrolls could be nerfed as easily as anything else. The real have vs have nots was that some armies could trivially one or two drop with battalions and others couldn't, and they didn't really fix that problem at all going into 3rd. Conversely, battalions were used pretty heavily throughout 2nd edition to make less-powerful unit options more appealing, and losing that has been a huge blow to list building in the new edition. There's even less reason than before to take anything but the strongest units for a lot of armies, and that's a shame.
  10. Yes, this seems a slight update to that previously debunked rumor with the bits that were already provably wrong removed.
  11. Yes. One of the less appreciated bits when speculating on Underworlds rosters is keeping in mind that every GA always has a least one warband/season, and none of them ever have like 5/8. This is the real reason Warclans and Gloomspite have so many warbands, (Destruction is literally 3 factions with SoB out of scope) and why a Zombie warband is plausible. They have to do something for Death and there's not a lot of armies and subfactions in that GA that haven't already been covered.
  12. What bothers me so much lately is that they've been willing to do roadmaps for 40K since 9th edition launched (Here's the next two codexes and rough release months and also the next two after that will be Xenos and Imperial on these months, etc) and Necromunda has had a roadmap forever that they stick to, Underworlds with this last season finally had a road map for the first time ever and it was fine, but everything related to AoS and Warcry is still top secret all the time, like the world will be destroyed If we know even vaguely what the next three tomes will be.
  13. Eh, I'm pretty sure it's just Spiderfang. There's a tidbit in the new Warclans book that mentions Gordrak invading 8 points with a horde of Spiderfang at his back, seems to be an obvious teaser for this upcoming box.
  14. Nah, they're doing a live presentation tonight, there's literally no reason for them to hold off on the stuff previewed because it'll just leak out anyways.
  15. I'm not sure this is true. Looking at the community articles on the subject, it just says you can view all "current" datasheets for free, (Until a new codex is released). Need confirmation from someone who actually uses the 40k app, I guess.
  16. There's rumor engines now that haven't been revealed after a year and a half, and it's not the first time. From what I've seen, any timespan between "already revealed" and "two years" is a possibility.
  17. They said from the start that is what they were doing with these, and there would be more after SoB. You can basically assume anything getting updated in White Dwarf like this won't have a new battletome for a long time.
  18. SC/KB are a given, so we'll just cross those out. Leaves 6, to tease upcoming releases I'll throw in Shadow Aelves and Chorfs, so four more. Skaven and some kind of Human/Dawnbringer team also seems reasonably likely, leaves 2, Something Something death, every GA gets at least one warband but I have zero idea what new thing they could add, and one more thing I can't think of.
  19. The issue with Bonesplittas is they need a proper plastic hero. All the shamans are resin, and the Big Boss comes on a sculpted square base. If they get an updated hero model, you can make a decent SC box for them.
  20. Some of the models in Soul Wars are exclusive to that set so they pretty much have to, just like the 1st edition Starter which got split into SC boxes that are still the only way to buy certain things like the Lord-Relictor.
  21. They'll repack Soul Wars as a starter eventually.
  22. I mean aside from the chariot, these are just abilities they already had, maybe with slight wording changes.
  23. My first thought was "new generic Witch Hunter" but looking at it again, the cleaver doesn't fit that at all, and the legs actually look pretty stocky. I'm changing my guess to "Ogor Maneater cosplaying as a Witch Hunter"
  24. It only stands to reason that separating grots and Orcs benefits the grots more. Goblins were always where all the fun/silly and varied bits of the army resided, while Orcs mostly just provided the baseline muscle. So separated Goblins are still great and separated Orcs are boring and monofocused. While I'm not really sold on all the swirling rumors about these swamp orcs, hobgobs, whatever, it does make sense to me that GW would use them to expand warclans with something closer to the traditional goblin roles, EG literally anything that isn't just brute force melee.
  25. Grombrindal always carries his rune axe with him, though. Even in the most recent story where he's pretending to be a Kharadron gunner, he's still got his axe. Hammer and Pick points more towards Grugni, one way or another.
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