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Everything posted by DestructionFranz

  1. Thanks mate. I try to bring Destruction as high as it deserves.
  2. Ironjawz are one of the best looking army, people still loving it even if at the moment is one of the less competitive. I think they deserve the best from GW. I'm waiting for a new golden era for Ironjawz and all Destruction armies as well. Let's cross our fingers. 🙂
  3. Some sceneries, new models and point reduction to finally use the marvelous Gordrak the Fist of Gork!
  4. Hand of Gork is my favourite, especially for the "psychological effects" on the opponent. Than itchy Nuissance at the second place.
  5. Great.Very good idea! Thanks. Do it for Beastclaws Raiders please!
  6. That is their strategic point of strength! (With "Stone Skeleton," of course) You can smash in the enemy line in the first battle turn. And this is great! In my opinion one or two Frostlords have to be added in every BCR or Destruction list.
  7. And I will be the first to buy BCR miniatures... 🙂
  8. For the Supreme Lord, the Frostlord, in an insult to mount a modest Mournfang. 😆😆
  9. In my humble opinion BCR need point reduction around 15/20 % .
  10. I played the first match against Stormcast on Total Commitment Battleplan. (He could not deploy on Azyr) He put in 3 ballistas, 10 Evocators and 10 Retributors ( etc…) I was able to charge turn one, with my general his Evocators (6" + 17" movement) killing 7 of them, and shoot with Gitmob Archers his Sequitors. It was a massacre. I won 31-2. Second battle was against FEC with 3 big monsters and two battlelines of 30 and 20 Ghouls. I opted for a defensive deployment counting on my faithful Mork's Mushroom and Gitmob Archers and try to not engage turn 1 with his scary monsters. I have to say that FEC at the moment are one of the strongest army but with some lucky choices and some very lucky rolls I managed to draw the match, (thanks to Hand of Gork teleport) winning by destruction points. Third battle was against DoK. He put in 70 Which Elves with Slaughter Queen on Cauldron and Morathi. I lost 31 - 16 and he destroyed 1760 of my army points. So final result was an honest 8th place. This is the final standing: 1st Slaanesh 2nd FEC 3rd Stormcast 4th DoK 5th Grand Host of Nagash 6th Death 7th Sylvaneth 8th Mixed Destruction. The best unit of my army, was once again the Gitmob Grots Archers, they are always undervalued from opponents till they shoot the first time. ☺️ Second place for the Fungoid, but you have to use him with Mork's Mighty Mushroom and the Arachnacauldron (for Hand of Gork and Itchy Nuissance). Third place for the scary Frostlord on Stonehorn with ethereal amulet. He will be a huge plague for you opponents.
  11. Finally the tournament's day came. I was able to reach the 8th position on 30, so I was quite happy about that. I used this list as you guys have suggested: Mixed Destruction: Frostlord on Stonehorn (Might is Right, Ethereal Amulet) 420 Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 Fungoid Cave Shaman 90 Troggoth Hag 380 Gitmob Grots Shaman 80 60x Gitmob Grots with Bows 270 10x Greenskinz Orruks with Shields 80 10x Greenskinz Orruks with Shields 80 Mork's Mighty Mushroom 80 Arachnacauldron 50 ______________________________
  12. Yes you can, paying the price of battalion.
  13. Try to magnetize the head to switch whenever you like from Stonehorn to Thundertusk. (I prefer by far the Stonehorns)
  14. Congratulations, very good result! What was the result of the guy with Nurgle 3 Great Unclean?
  15. Yes, you can use a Fungoid Cave Shaman and with him you can have access to all the Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells: Using the Cauldron you have access at all Moonclans Gloomspite Gitz Spells. Some of hem are very useful like Itchy Nuisance or Hand of Gork.
  16. Hey guys, How the ability Throwin'Boulder of Rockgut works. Do I roll one dice for every model? So with 3 Rockgut I throw 3 dices? And, do I have to count my models or the models in the target unit?
  17. I thought about it. But I decided to use the Ethereal Amulet to give to my general the opportunity to survive till the turn 5. He will stay all the 5 battle rounds engaged...
  18. It sounds very cool to play... 🙂 Do you think that the Freeguild is stronger than a mixed Destruction list?
  19. Ok, thank you for the suggestions. I put in the two Frostlords and the Mushrooom (hoping to be able to cast it, just to see terror in the eyes of my opponent 😋) My goal is to reach the top 10 (at the moment is an ambitious result, but I need to avoid FEC and DoK to do that. 😂)
  20. A friend, on my group, plays Dispossessed. They are not so bad. I lost once against him. I put in too many Thundertusks and he easy killed them with his ability to appear wherever on the battlefield with one unit. The Thunderers shoot very well. My balance against him is 4/5 victories.
  21. Hey guys! I'm looking for some ideas to personalize the base of our marvelous Fungoid Cave Shaman. This model is so beautiful and charismatic that deserves a proper base. Did anyone of you make a personalized base for him and would like to show me?
  22. Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking about putting in a Fungoid Cave Shaman with Mork's Mighty Mushroom to fill the gap that I've against hordes. The Arachnacauldron is a good strategic option especially for Hand of Gork and Itchy Nuisance. But, like you said, you have to have something to teleport, and the Troggoth Hag seems good to go behind enemy's line to try to kill an hero or a wizard. (Not so good to claim objectives because obviously her value is one.) So maybe my list could be: Frostlord on Stonehorn X2 Troggoth Hag Fungoid Cave Shaman Grot Shaman Gitmob Grots x60 Orruks x10 Orruks x10 Mork's Mighty Mushroom Arachnacauldron Total: 1950 + 1 Command Point. In this case I can deploy far away from my enemy and let him start the battle hoping he comes close to me to be shooted with my archers and charged with the Stonehorns. What do you think?
  23. Hi guys, I'm preparing a 2000 points list for a tournament at the end of May. I need some suggestions and opinions. This is what I would put in: Frostlord on Stonehorn (Might is Right+ Ethereal Amulet) 420 Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 Grot Shaman 80 60 X Gitmob Grots with Bows 270 10 X Orruks with Shields 80 10x Orruks with Shields 80 At the moment I'm at 1770 Points. What would you put in to reach 2000 points? Would you change something on the models that I chose? ( I have almost every models of Destruction apart from Bonesplittzers)
  24. Actually you're right, I didn't play well that turn, because I was too enthusiast to try his power. 🙂 However I think that at the moment with ranged weapons and magic is to easy to kill for his value. So I will let the Magma on bench for my next tournament on May putting on my list one more Frostlord on Stonerhon and a Mork's Mighty Mushroom (and still having 40 points to invest).
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