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Everything posted by DestructionFranz

  1. No worries. 🙂 You can play every Battalion paying its price in every mixed List. For instance, the Beastclaws Raiders Eurlbad in a mixed Destruction army.
  2. In my humble opinion 10 is the right number for Squig Hopper. But it depends on what else you run on your list.
  3. That is exactly what I would run If I would maximize the Gordrakk's ability effect on a Beastclaws list. I like so much your list.
  4. At the moment the only battalion with whom Yethees can be used is Torlbad. But unfortunately you have to use 4 Thundertusk. So it's total unplayble. I cross my fingers for the new Battletome.
  5. It's a pity. :-( It would be great the Braggoth's Beast Hammer with Gordrakk! I suggest to try Eurlbad with Gordrakk. It's not so destructive as Braggoth's but very cool to play as well.
  6. Yes we can. In my opinion we must do it. :-) He's too much useful with the new rules his ability to generate Command Points. A couple of them would be perfect.
  7. I've just finished to paint 80 (60 archers and 20 spearmen) of them and their Grot Shaman. (And believe me wasn't so easy) I don't think this is a smart commercial idea. They delete an army and all its players (I played mixed Destruction) in 1 minute. So I don't know why I should keep playing AoS if something that they sold me just few months ago can be deleted like that.
  8. Unfortunately our Gitmob Grots are gone. Does anyone know if they will be put in the legacy group with Bretonnia?
  9. I don't know at the moment what to do with AoS. As I said before I'm having a tournament on next Saturday and with new GH 19 my plans have to change a lot . I was thinking to run a pure Beastclaws Raiders list but I know very well that I would not have any chance to reach one of the first 10 positions, especially in a 5 games tournament. 😞
  10. Congratulations for the result! I think that GW this time makes a mistake, nobody's is perfect, alright, but I cannot find any commercial reason into delete an army. Why I cannot use them anymore? Why they disappeared from the GH '19. I think that they would move them in the legacy section of the book. I agree that this is a big blow for any mixed Destruction army. What can we use to replace them? I don't see anything so effective as the Gitmob Grots. Any suggestions?
  11. I like so much Destruction Forgeworld Models. They are amazing in my opinion, so I bought some of them just because how they look. I hope that sooner or later they will be merged in just one army.
  12. I hope that Gitmob Grots will keep they status of battleline, otherwise I won't play mixed Destruction anymore. 😞
  13. I used the Gitmob Grots Archers like battleline in my mixed Destruction army. They are decisive in control objectives but first of all in destroying enemies with their incredibly lethal bows. (When they are buffed by their Shaman). Said that I think is normal that 3 kind of Grots are to many to support (Moonclans, Gitmob and Gutbusters),
  14. I hope they haven't cancelled my favourite battleline.
  15. Thanks for the informations. It's a pity because I would like to buy more Forgeworld models, but maybe some of them deserve a price reduction in the game. No Gitmob means that I cannot use Gitmob Grots anymore? Or just they don't sell them anymore but they can be used?
  16. Hey Guys, I've heard that the Forgeworld models will be included on the GH '19. Does anyone know if their cost change?
  17. Unfortunately the Frostlord on Stonehorn is still too much expensive. I have expected a bigger decrease.
  18. I'm having a two days tournament on the 28th of June. At that time I think GHB '19 will be used. My hope is to put in more models. 😋 At the moment my list is : Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 (Ethereal Amulet + Might is right) Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 Fungoid Cave Shaman 90 Gitmob Grot Shaman 80 60 X Gitmob Grots with bows 270 10 X Orruks 80 10x Orruks 80 Mork's Mighty Mushroom 80 Arachnacauldron 50 I've got 430 points more to spend. The 3 options are: Hag Queen 380 + 1 Command Point wounds :16 + D6 every battle round tot:2000 (more magic, more resilience) 20xStabbas 130 + 6x Fanatics 280 (putting out 10 orruks) + Geminids 40 + 1 Command Point tot:1990 Wounds 26. (more destructive power, more objective control, charge at 6+ after "Hand of Gork", attack priority during combat phase) 15x Boingrot Bounderz 300 + Fungoid Cave Shaman 90 + Geminids 40 (more resilience, good destructive power, more speed (flying ability), magic, more command points during the battle)
  19. My feel is that is a good thing. And I cross my fingers... :-)
  20. Why do you wnat to use the Rogue Idol? Is there any sinergy with the Troggoth?
  21. Finally! I think that is time to celebrate. Something special is coming....
  22. @PlasticCraic First of all, congratulations for the battle reports, they were very enjoyable. I was really involved during the reading. Moreover a huge pat on the shoulder for the result!8th place is a great goal for our lovely army. This confirms my thoughts, at the moment the only way to be competitive with any Destruction army is to run a mix between our best units. (And this is quite obvious) 🤓🙃🤓🙃 As you wrote, at the moment any Destruction army has to start from putting in: 1) Gitmob Grots Archers + Gitmob Shaman 2) Orruks to fulfill the battlelines. (using waaaagh shields and possibly putting them on cover to have a 4+ rerollable save). 3) a Gloomspite Gitz Wizard with Arachnacauldron for hand of Gork + some useful Endless Spells (Geminids Mork's Mighty Mushroom etc) 4) one or more two Behemoths. (I prefer the Frostlord) 5) something to be teleported (With Gloomspite Gitz Keyword). If you ask for suggestions I would take out Skraggy due to his high cost. He's so expensive because he can control the Gloomspite Gitz Moon. I would substitute him with 2 Fungoids. (Lots of useful Command Points plus GG spells).
  23. @PlasticCraic Hey mate. How was the tournament?
  24. Good luck for the tournament and let us know the result. I like your list but in my opinion, maybe you have a lack of damage in the combat phase that usually is the focal point of a Destruction army. The Magma Dragon is your stronger unit but he has to be used very carefully because his cost is very high and is a little bit fragile for 540 points. (I'd like to see him point dropped or with a save 3+). If it focused by your opponent it will die turn one. You know my love for uncle Frosty and I would prefer him with ethereal amulet or Ignax Scale to tank a little bit more.
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