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Everything posted by Xil

  1. could be nurgle...but also could be nature:
  2. there is an app for faqs? is it in the Aos app? never seen that i found it, nvm
  3. Do we know a preorder date for Krethusa?
  4. I failed my target, as I said it was a busy month and currently I lie flat with fever.. At least i managed to magnetise my units for transport.
  5. Can anyone clarify, why the FAQ on Harness the Spiritpath is missing in the November 23 version? In April its still there, saying i can use Strike and Fate to complete this Battletactic. Was it an aprils fool? 😅
  6. i really like the image of that...but i can't bring myself to paint another hord after witch aelves
  7. We got some attention. Pretty neat. But less than i wanted 😅
  8. yeah, and judging by the head... i wouldn't exclude DoK/Umbraneth, because this dude has a similar silhouette:
  9. There is another version where this text is at the bottom: "We'll be shining the lights of Las Vegas into the darkest of shadows! What do you think we'll be revealing at our next online preview?"
  10. I actually haven't seen lots of post against that idea. Especiallly no strong feelings. Lets make list of the different advantages of adding or seperating: Adding: 1) Less Battletomes > less rules and bloat 2) Quasi Range expanion for DoK (which is needed) 3) Opens up different playstyles within a battletome by choosing Morathi or Malerion with different allegiance boni 4) easy start for collecting the army as it can be added to a existing DoK force (rather than getting a full blown new army with books, markers and models and what not) 5) reintroduction of a true Dark Elf successor as a complete faction Seperating: 1) Allows for confontration between Morathi and Malerion, rather than cooperation 2) Umbraneth can have a unique look (like IDK) rather than being forced to tie in with DoK/DarkElf Feel free to add to the list.
  11. I also have 2 of those magnificent weapons! So i will join the fray!
  12. Thats my prefered solution as i have stated multiple times already. Daughters could use a range expansion and they already dip in the shadow themes.
  13. well.... his cat was teased ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. i think it looks more like skin tone. or a slight hint of fur, like shaved
  15. looks more like a cane as the metal shaft is kinda twisted
  16. Weird nevertheless. They could just pull the moulds for the manufacturing to UK
  17. Wouldn't GW find another place for the model? or do they just scrap it now?!
  18. Maybe the ravens from the RE also belong to this model.
  19. So just a hero on foot? (priest or wizard then)
  20. Rumour Engines (rumour-engines.netlify.app) May 14th and 30th look like its from the same model. could be a Bola with 2 blades and a weight. Maybe even something for elves of some kind? In combination with the following it makes me think of DoK(Umbraneth)
  21. Happy New Year! I am going to finish the hunters i mentioned in december. Three need finishing touches and 3 more need everything except base colors. I hope i will have the time. Its a busy month and i also attend a tournament.
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