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Everything posted by Kelsicle

  1. So what do non-Longstrike lists look like at the moment? I’m a big fan of the sequitor models so want to lean into them and the Sacrosanct chamber. What heroes are needed to support an Evocator/Sequitor heavy list?
  2. Not sure about this one... something Chaos related? I’d have said free guild but I don’t think anything new is incoming for them.
  3. So what do we think of this? Hints towards magic so possibly something to do with the psychic awakening but I’m hoping this is Aelves
  4. So what do these kind of leaks generally mean in terms of release? Are we close looking at early October or is it still up in the air? Did we have anything like this ahead of Idoneth/Gloomspite? I wasn’t around at the time
  5. New rumour engine! I’m not sure about this one, might be wishful thinking but the lines of the ring look a bit Aelfy to me... although I might just be seeing what I want to see
  6. Unfortunately this one doesn’t look very AoS related... will put my Aelf desires on hold for another week...
  7. Just the one enclave. You can use multiple battalions if you have the points for them.
  8. @Trevelyan @Emissary whats the draw behind the spite-revs? Is it a price thing? Haven’t seen anything from the new book yet. what kind of balance should I be looking at numbers wise between battleline and kurnoths?
  9. So what do we think is the best way to expand on the looncurse box? I’m thinking I’ll be building the units out as Tree-revs, and thinking to add another couple of boxes as well as a couple of boxes of Kurnoth hunters. So this is where I am at the moment: Allegiance: SylvanethLeadersArch-Revenant (100)Battleline10 x Tree-Revenants (160)10 x Tree-Revenants (160)Units6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400)- Scythes3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)- GreatbowsTotal: 1020 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 70 Any suggestions on how best to build this up to 2000 points?
  10. @Naem All good points. Speaking as an Australian where GW Prices are already outrageous though I’m really hoping that we don’t see these price increases flow down to us.
  11. I’ll be pretty devastated if these rumour engines turn out to be Eldar rather than a new Aelf faction... my body is ready for some new AoS Aelves.
  12. A leak is different from an official release. Leaked rules aren’t allowed in tournament play or most likely any other matched play unless agreed with your opponent. If they release the digital Battletome it means those rules are available to use and if the models aren’t available alongside people will look to alternatives.
  13. If they release the Battletome they’ll be releasing the rules for the new endless spells for Sylvaneth, and open the door to players who want to use them spending money on proxies rather than ordering the models from them.
  14. Hey all does anyone know how to get in to the Idoneth WhatsApp group?
  15. The other thing to keep in mind is that unlike Reapers, Bladegheists only have a 1” attack, which means a unit of 20 is probably not getting everyone in range to attack, which would also detract from the retreat/charge fishing. i tend to go for units of 10
  16. I generally try to keep them in the 18” bravery bubble from the king, so the Battleshock isn’t usually a concern. I do agree though bravery is one of their weaknesses.
  17. My plan is to use them as choppy chaff to try clear screens/tank shooting. They can take a hit and pack a pretty decent punch so I think they’ll be useful for escorting thralls up the board.
  18. @Koradrel of ChraceThis is very similar to the list that I plan to run once I get things built up. I think it’s a good balance between the eel spam for the punch and infantry for objective holding. Also let’s me bring a couple a sharks which I hope I can get some work out of. Haven’t settled in spells etc yet though: Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin- Enclave: FuethanLeadersVulturnos, High King of the Deep (280)Isharann Soulscryer (130)Isharann Tidecaster (100)- GeneralBattleline10 x Namarti Thralls (130)10 x Namarti Thralls (130)10 x Namarti Reavers (130)Units9 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (510)3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)2 x Akhelian Allopexes (240)10 x Eternal Guard (70)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 134
  19. Has anyone tried magnetising the arm on Akhelian Guard to swap between Morrsarr and Ishlaen? Any tips on doing so? I was hoping it would be easy but the join isn’t a flat surface like the Thralls were
  20. Hey all! Looking to take my Nighthaunt to a few tournaments over the next 6 months, will be my first steps into competitive AoS. I have a list in mind to start things off, focusing on MSU Grimghasts and Bladegheists. Currently I’m looking at 60 Grimghasts, 20 Bladegheists and 10 Harridans (because I have them and they fill the gap perfectly). These will be supported by a Dreadblade Harrow (General), Reikenor, Spirit Torment (probably kept in the underworlds with the bladegheist) and Guardian of a Souls supporting the Grimghasts. My question is what unit sizes do people think are the most optimised? Initially I was going to go for units of 10 Reapers to maximise charge opportunity, however I’m not sure if these will be too difficult to keep on the table. So now I’m looking to 3 units of 20 Reapers and two units of 10 Bladegheists. Any thoughts or opinions on this? Nighthaunt.pdf
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