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Everything posted by Kelsicle

  1. I think it just matches the theme of the in store event
  2. Kind of sounds like the Ruination chamber is the Stormcast Endgame, the hyper elite, super strong final form for the Stormcast after getting through the reforge process.
  3. 100%, i had to mute it. Disgusting behaviour
  4. Until this gets a like from Whitefang I refused to believe it 😂
  5. Rumour Engine could be a Tzeench Horror, they love a good tongue waggle
  6. The New Rumour engine matches pretty closely to what is on the Rotbringer Sorcerer scrolls, so +1 to Nurgle. Hopefully getting something either in Dawnbringers or a new Battletome 🤞
  7. Well Death got two new armies during their time as the big bad, and a big update for soulblight... hopefully Destruction gets a big Gitz update and a new army next year
  8. Thats what they mention in the description of Eternus. He is a former Varanguard who stripped his armour back to the metal when he switched over to support Belakor
  9. Hopefully they start using Warcry the same way they use Killteam in 40K, and introduce refreshed unit boxes that way. The underworlds warbands are nice models but usually they are undersized units so can’t really substitute into AOS.
  10. +1 damage to any troop unit is crazy. I think they obviously included it assuming that they needed to make it reasonable to remove the units that are counting as 3 on objectives... but this sounds like a massive overcorrection that is asking to be abused. Sadly the units worst impacted will be the ones that are already suffering with poor survivability.
  11. Some really good points here, particularly about "interesting ability creep", I think this is something that SCE suffered from greatly in 2.0. I tend to agree that overall a lot of the "unplayable" warscrolls are only a points change away from becoming viable, and with new GHB meta on the horizon I think we will see a complete over hall in the kind of SCE lists we see popping up.
  12. @PJetski What do you mean when you say 'Effective wounds' as opposed to just wounds?
  13. Cool model, but releasing a new sculpt for a model only available in the starter sets as an event exclusive? Super lame move. Also no pot-grot? does it have an exclusive warscroll like the old Nighthaunt Guardian of Souls
  14. Agreed I don't mind the leaks, and they are far more rampant in 40k. A lot of people seem to think it robs GW of the effort they put into the reveals but to be honest the reveals always seem pretty low effort. Corny skits and a couple spinning camera shots and flashing lights. If they put more effort into the reveals I would be more sympathetic, give me more OBR style reveals with dramatic trailers.
  15. You guys are thinking about Thralls completely wrong. They aren't a unit of 10 with 1" reach, they are a unit of 5 with a built in 5-man screen!
  16. To clarify, is your theory that a unit with one model in it or any single model will continue to revive with one wound at the end of the attack sequence as long as it can have Cycle of the Storm applied to it due to the sequence in which wounds are allocated and models are slain and removed?
  17. The Lord-Imperatant lets you deepstrike one "Thunderstrike" unit with 3 wounds or less to within 7". Evocators dont have the Thunderstrike keyword though so yea he shouldnt have been able to do that. Definitely a case of misunderstanding the rule than cheating though.
  18. Out of the Mist could be more like IDK forgotten nightmares meaning the units are untargetable, which would be super strong. Need to wait and see the proper wording before we write it off as a pointless debuff.
  19. Does anyone know how the GW NDA's work when they send out preview/review copies of Battletomes? I'm quietly hoping that the NDA will still lift this week with the original pre-order date and so there is a chance we get a man reading book to reveal all the rules for us.
  20. @Neverchosen This is a better picture of IJ and KB together.... Not sure if it improves the prospects at all though
  21. While I appreciate the point you are making Teclis is a poor example (His was the first scroll i checked for a counter argument too). The Archmage ability determines how many spells he can cast and specifically says that he can cast up to 4 spells, so there is an upper limit of 4 for Teclis.
  22. Are there any other instances where a warscroll/special rule or ability relies on a very specific order of activation that might support the argument that this is intended?
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