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Everything posted by Skavelynn

  1. I plan on using mine alongside rat ogres, but the master moulder seems better overall for only 40 pts more so I'll likely be using packmasters less. Not a big fan of the gnawtooth model, I think it looks a bit derpy especially the wolf rat. I'm going to have 6-9 packmasters since I'll be buying more of the rat ogre kits from GW (ebay has not been kind), so I'm going to turn one of them into a master moulder on a 32mm base with giant rats and other skaven-y bits to make it stand out.
  2. So many units and combos I want to try, unfortunately can't fit them all in one list 😆 For auto includes...A big horde of clanrats is still a must, I'm going to be using plenty of wizards in my lists to play with the new spells, Thanquol is looking to be absurdly powerful too with the new warpfire projectors. Not sure how shooting will fare but I will probably bring some anyway. I feel like warpstone sparks on shooty stormfiends could potentially be very good, and warp lightning cannons still seem as strong as ever. Not to mention the Doomwheel! I'm most looking forward to using the master moulder and 4-8 rat ogres together as my hard hitting hammer unit, although I need to buy more ogres first (only have 3 😥)
  3. I will. Having a small group of 4-6 rat ogres with a packmaster/master moulder will make a very powerful heavy hitting melee force for surprisingly low points now with the decrease. The wind launcher buffs look good on paper but really don't make much sense now that you can't have multiple of the same weapons in a unit, you're going to have a long range artillery model mixed with close range/melee fighters that want to get close to the enemy. The to hit bonus against hordes also makes no sense to keep now that warpfire projectors are so good against hordes and fill that role. Should have changed the bonus to be better against more elite units so the rend could be put to more use, 3 attacks at 4+/4+ is unlikely to get much damage through. I see stormfiends being mostly used for that strong warpstone sparks damage buff with ratling cannons, alongside doomflayer gauntlets and warpfire projectors for the safest/most reliable close range combat. All just predictions though and overall stormfiends still seem decent and aren't "completely useless" like I see some people saying, there may some more allegiance abilities and synergies that make stormfiends incredibly good that I'm unaware of.
  4. I actually really like the look of those packmasters, even though they're obviously just slightly altered plague monks. The rat ogres are awful though, especially the heads which just look super ugly and derpy. Shame GW can't/don't put the island of blood models on the store, probably going to scour ebay for them since I'm thinking of using rat ogres over stormfiends now.
  5. I do think GW could have balanced the Stormfiends better. They basically just removed/nerfed everything good about them and didn't buff the other weapon options that weren't that good, plus removed the ability for packmasters to buff them. Pure skryre doesn't seem like it will be all that strong anymore but we shall see, as others said don't want to assume too much before the tome is actually here and we playtest the new rules to figure out what works and what doesn't. Warp Lightning Cannons, Doomwheels and wizards are all seeming like they'll still be pretty good. I do predict that stormfiends will be replaced by rat ogres though for the most part, alongside some packmasters and a weapon team or cannon they'll essentially fill the stormfiend role for equal or cheaper points. Plague monks are also sounding like they're going to be absolute monsters.
  6. Yup they're all on the app. Warscrolls on the site and warscroll builder are not updated yet
  7. Ouch, I think you're correct. Packmasters and master moulders only effect "Clans Moulder Pack" units. Looking at other moulder units, they have Clans Moulder, AND the Pack keyword. Stormfiends only have Clans Moulder, no Pack. Not sure if this is just poor wording, or if they have to have the Pack keyword to gain the buffs. That's unfortunate...Looks like stormfiends may not be as useful as I expected anymore if this is true
  8. I did! Both packmasters and master moulders look very good. I'm super excited for moulder, everything they got in the tome looks fantastic and fun to play. I also really like the changes to the doomwheel.
  9. I missed that one, that's going to be really fun to play with, 3 for 60 pts is super good. I think packmasters and wizards are going to be the core of the new skaven, spamming out the new spells every where and buffing your stormfiends and moulder beasties. Ratling cannon/doomflayer stormfiend + skryre damage buff + packmaster buff should be pretty strong. Overall I think everything looks pretty good besides the few changes I mentioned previously
  10. Well this is interesting. A lot of changes and new things to take in. I don't think skaven will be any weaker they'll just be playing a lot differently than we're used to with different units and strategies. I was right in my assumption that clanrats and stormvermin lost their unit size bonuses in exchange for the new allegiance ability, nothing was really lost though since they're basically the same thing. Clanshields are better now! Doomwheel looks like it'll actually be really good as a shooting unit now that ratling guns have had their range significantly decreased, and doomwheel has the new overcharge on shooting. Ratlings got nerfed which is unfortunate. Screaming Bell and Grey Seer are even more fantastic support models now Everything moulder looks great. Verminlords are great I really dislike the stormfiend changes, they nerfed pretty much every single combo and good weapons on them without buffing the rest. Warpfire weapons (thanquol and weapon team too) are now only going to be decent against hordes, they're basically the old grey seer spell. Shock gauntlets can no longer have their hit chance buffed up. Seems like ratling cannons and doomflayers/shocks with the skryre damage buff allegiance ability is going to be the best loadout now. Still don't like the warp lightning spell nerfs, shame the warlock engineer got hit with it too. I just don't see the engineer units being that strong at all anymore, they're just gonna be tools used to interact with some of the skryre warscrolls and abilities that require them. I honestly think skaven might struggle a bit more against more elite armies now that they aren't shooting out so many MW.
  11. I really like the new grey seer warscroll, I think this will make them much more viable and not be outclassed by warlock engineers as much. The new spell will be way more useful overall than vermintide was, and 2 casts and unbinds is fantastic. I don't really see why they removed the command ability, but we have other ways to negate battleshock now plus hordes will have higher bravery from strength in numbers so it's no big deal
  12. A little confused to why Khorne is getting an updated tome, and especially endless spells of all things but I'm not complaining. The teasers for future releases like the new AoS game and soul wars 2.0 seem promising! I wonder if the "something ancient and terrible" has something to do with Tomb Kings? The Sylvaneth and 40k models look lovely, I especially love the chaos spider model.
  13. Rat Swarm I think looks pretty good, it doesn't seem too strong but the fact that skaven have immunity to it makes it a pretty safe spell to use. Vortexes could be interesting, summoning them to control areas like onto a far away objective sounds like a fun strategy. Will have to test it out. Bell looks great, it's basically our crown of conquest in a more mobile, longer range spell form with the fun skaven-y chance of just blowing itself up. Definitely my favorite rules-wise. Gnawholes I don't really see much use for personally, but if they're free then might as well use them if you have them. I guess teleporting clanrats is cool, but unless warpgrinders are removed from the tome I don't see the point of spending a bunch of money on terrain, most skaven units that benefit from deepstriking already have abilities to do so and the gnawholes are big and predictable. I was hoping they'd be use for a skaven summoning mechanic. I do like that they aren't "mandatory" terrain though, just a thing you can use if you think it sounds good or fun.
  14. I think thanquol needs his entire warscroll redone. Right now he's just a 400 pt mortal wound cannon and nothing else, his melee options aren't as good and if the warpfire throwers get nerfed then he will likely be a pretty underpowered character for his points cost. They could go about this many ways, but I'd like if they nerfed both weapons a little but combined them so you didn't have to pick between braziers or the projectors. His spell and command ability are rather weak too, those could use some changes.
  15. I don't find them to be that strong. I don't think they need any changes, the most would be slightly upping the points cost to 80 or 90. Their range is low and their save is very poor, I usually just bring them to fill in remaining 70-140 points in my lists. They already have to risk getting in charge range, getting shot down before they do anything, and blowing themselves up with the overcharge. I feel that's plenty of downsides, and should be some examples of how GW could consider nerfing other skryre units instead of just throwing in more ways for them to blow themselves up with spells/overcharging.
  16. What are your predictions for warscroll and points changes? I have a feeling clanrats, stormvermin, giant rats, etc. will have their to hit/wound bonuses for unit sizes removed or nerfed in exchange for the new allegiance ability. Sounds like Skaven heroes are getting some big changes with these new keywords and abilities too. Stormfiends and Verminlords will likely receive changes to make them all fairly balanced instead of just a couple of the weapons/verminlords being good with the rest being situational or bad. I'm hoping Stormvermin and Hell Pit Abominations get points reductions
  17. For the Skaventide! The abilities look great. I can't wait to see more of the tome and what units have all these new keywords, the Clawlords especially seem very interesting. If clanrats' warscroll remain the same then with overwhelming mass they will be hitting on 3+ and wounding on 2+ with spears. 😮
  18. Yes I was a little upset at the lack of new updated models as well. Was hoping for a plastic weapons team kit, but the LoN format for the tome and clans allegiances sounds lovely. I assume the warp lightning spell will be for board control and mortal wound damage, and the bell one I think would be cool if it had different effects like a screaming bell. Not sure about the rat swarm one.
  19. Awesome! I guess my complaining from yesterday worked 😆 I'm glad they are going for the LoN style tome, it's what I was wanting and think it will work well for skaven. Can't wait to read it. The endless spells are a little underwhelming looking imo plus no new minis, but hopefully the bombardier and rules are neat. What do you guys think about the gnawholes? I wonder if they'll be used for teleportation, or maybe summoning units from them? In lore the skaven use them to travel between the realms
  20. Very true, the old skaven models do look a bit like monkeys lol. Although I like them a lot, I'm hoping we get new updated models for some of the older units whenever carrion empire and the upcoming news GW teased is released (any day now... 😣) The grenades would unfortunately make them look a bit out of place in AoS, but the ones without could work as alternatives to giant rats, maybe for a skryre theme? I love the little candles, very cute (until they blow up 😋).
  21. I have noticed this as well. Old skaven models had mostly fur with a few patches of skin showing, now it's the opposite. Perhaps all the warpstone exposure caused hair loss 😆
  22. How many clanrats would you recommend bringing in lower points (1000-1250) games? I'm used to having 120 and playing at 2000 points. A new LGS opened nearby and the players there prefer shorter and smaller games. 😅
  23. I feel like this would work the best as well. Have a general allegiance that is for mixed skaven/verminus/masterclan, and then 4 "sub-allegiances" for pestilens, skryre, eshin and moulder with some of their own battleline options and abilities to represent the clans. I don't feel verminus or masterclan have enough unit variety to have their own exclusive allegiances, especially if clanrats are to be battleline for every clan. Eshin is pretty lacking in that department as well though.
  24. Clanrats currently SOO on the US store. Imminent reboxing?
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