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Everything posted by MattyP

  1. But I thought the the curseling does not know/learn the spell as he can only cast it if he unbinds it and not again.which means his ability ( vessel of chaos) does not let him learn the endless spell...unless using glean magic, which doesn't work for endless spells
  2. So, for endless spells, what would people like to see? What would they be/look like and what would their abilities be? ......maybe something like whirlwind of change....has effects similar to vortex beast, where you will a dive and consult a chart for each unit it passed across
  3. We played duality of death....where only heroes or behemoths take objectives....So it started off well with me rolling high casting rolls and him failing unbinds....I screened well until I had to move heroes to take objectives and I only partially screened the LoC who was killed top of turn 3 by the deepstriking ripperdactyls. He got them on the LoC bottom of turn 2, but then he got the double turn.....and got his bastillidon in range of the LoC and objective 1.....which meant he now has objective 1. I was so demoralized that I didn't know how to come back from that...as I didn't have the second objective, but my magister was near the second objective and was going there but kept him screened with pinks....GS was screened by other pinks but on a balewind. ......he had objective 1 and I had summoned blues on objective 2.....he got a razordon into my blues....I was so concerned about screening my 2 remaining heroes that it cost me....cause I should have charged 1 unit of pinks and magister into the razordon to get the magister on the objective.......I also should have pulled some pinks away from the GS earlier to screen the other side of the LoC...😕. So.....yeah.
  4. Have a 1250 point against seraphon playing duality of death, where only heroes/ behemoths can take objectuves. He has 3 heroes and a deep strike unit....I'm thinking to take Tzeentch3.pdf GS w/familiars ...general, arcane sacrifice...bolt of tzeentch Ogroid...treacherous bond LoC ...Mark of conjurer....tzeentchs inferno 10x pinks....treason of tzeentch 10 x pinks ....unchecked mutation Balewind Cogs
  5. that's pretty cool I think . Love to see some abilities like that
  6. love the concept of a cult rising up. New arcanites abilities and/or models would be cool. ALso, I don't see a lot of battalion choices that are viable currently.....multihost, changeshost, and maybe 2? covens....from what I see
  7. What is everyone wanting as far as updates this year? I'm thinking that a terrain piece would maybe be a flux cairn....it could buff friendly casters and hurt enemy casters......id like to see updated Fate Master and Herald on Disc models at least......endless spells that could cause chaos spawn, possibly.....maybe some more spell lores ......just my thoughts
  8. I'm just wanting to buy new models and tzeentch themed endless spells. And I've played against skaven after their update.....they are nasty and I didn't fair well. ....could have been me. I'm not upset that slaanesh is getting stuff, just want more tzeentch stuff to burn money on 😁.
  9. Still waiting for the tzeentch update....endless spells and whatnot .....however looks like it's slaanesh release instead. Mixed feelings
  10. So I cannot find this . I have searched FAQ and the malign portent FAQ states that an ability the allows a model to learn or know a spell can't be used for endless spells unless points are paid......but the vessel of chaos ability does not allow the curseling to kniw/learn the spell (that is clean magic). So , if he doesn't learn or know the spell via vessel of chaos then he can unbind them cast it
  11. It has been said that the curseling can't use vessel of chaos ability to unbind/ cast endless spells in matched play, even though it is in the FAQ that he can.....I'm confused on this
  12. I haven't had too many good experiences playing tzeentch, and after review list ideas I came to the conclusion that it's me not the list....somewhat depressing. I have tried to learn how to play (experiencea painter but inexperienced player) and took me a while to get down the basics of game play. Now that I've gotten that down in trying to learn strategy, but not going well. Did/does anyone else have a hard time learning stategy? I'm trying to keep a positive attitude...as it's just a game.....but losing as much as I have is not making for a fun experience
  13. Im just sitting over here waiting on the tzeentch update.....chaos god of magic is needing some endless spells ....
  14. Thanks @Asimov. With this list I've got 1900 points and I'm considering a few things: 1. Spend more points in endless spells 2. Swap out the vortex beast and Acolytes for 2 more units of pinks 3. Swap out the vortex beast for 1 unit of pinks and add endless spells Just some thoughts. I like the look and abilities of the vortex beast ( and all things tzeentch). I played skaven last weekend and...... It was bad. Lol
  15. Needing some help/advice....newish player here and love the lore, look of Tzeentch...and the painting. But not fairing well when I play.....my current list is the following: Lord of Change - Gaunt summoner w/ familiars - general....Arcane sacrifice...tzeentch's inferno blue scribes...fold reality Herald on foot Magister ...bolt of tzeentch 10x pinks ...Unchecked mutation 10x pinks ....bolt of Tzeentch 20 x acolytes vortex beast spell portal Cogs Balewind I've noticed my problems are at least 2 fold: 1 I sometimes forget certain abilities or summoning (a lot to keep track of),_2 not familiar with objective based gameplay (I focus more on surviving and killing more models). Appreciate any feedback
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