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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. Hmm... well Ill be, paint me surprised!. Based on todays community article, it looks like we'll actually get an orruk warclans book. Oh please Oh please, let them rework all the ironjawz/bonesplitterz warscrolls. If these new Orruks have a 4+ save (looking at you killaboss), please bump the "heavily armored" Ironjaws to a 3+, and make Brutes a elite unit with their points. As a unit that can apparently forge their armor with their own fists, Ironjawz Brutes deserve to be the Orruk equivalent of stormcast paladins or other heavy hitting foot elite.
  2. Looks like the WIght King's Command ability is no longer redundant with all out defense. The Orruk Warclans article up today showed the new All out Attack and All out Defense command abilities. All Out Defense adds 1 to a units save, and no longer rerolls saves of 1. Also commands are issued in the Hero phase know, which explains the Hero Phase language on the wight king datasheet.
  3. Yeah I'm more of the opinion that they're straight up Warclans. Hopefully with them Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz at least get a model or two. GW isn't that efficient. Kruelboys will get their own battletome. GW isnt going to miss out on that revenue stream. My bet is the only reason kruelboys can be used in Orruk warclans is the ORRUK keyword lets them get used in the "Big Waaagh!!!". Thats it. Like greenskins, you can include them, but you use the existing Warclans battletome. As the entire "Big Waaagh! rules only consist of TWO PAGES in the Orruk Warclans book, another likely scenario is the Big WAAGH!" rules get updated and reprinted INSIDE the new Kruelboys Battletome,. Forcing all the ironjaws and bonesplitters players to buy the $40 Kruelboys battletome for the two pages updated Big Waagh! rules. Welcome to GW's sales strategies.
  4. Any word on when Dominion Pre-orders go up? Its NOT the 5th, correct?
  5. It’s not hate, it’s poor design. It’s like giving the seraphon a new giant centerpiece model of a giant horned rat. Makes no sense for the seraphon and makes shaven players weep
  6. For all the lore about the kruelboyz worshipping Kragnos and taking up his iconography, after looking at the newly revealed models, the shields and other “faces” look more like squigs to me. Makes me think more and more that Kragnos was a last minute edition to the destruction story. Like the model was made for some other product line or idea that was later dropped so they stuffed it into destruction. Especially after Kragnos role in the excelsius storyline (I’ll be spoiler free here for those who haven’t read it yet).
  7. Which once again brings us to the problem of the grand alliances. “Destruction” just makes for a boring theme. Scratch destruction and replace it with something else. Perhaps Life, like a primal force of nature that can’t be tamed. Now you have the order/chaos opposites and the death/life opposing forces. Way better than destruction, where a bunch of entire races just wander around and kill stuff with no rhyme, reason or goals. not even sure why we need grand alliances anyhow, there’s almost no support for soup armies where you mix a bunch of factions inside a grand alliance
  8. I’m just going to use my rogue idol figure as a kragnos stand in for local games. Seems more appropriate for an earthquake god
  9. Thanks for the cometary everyone. I love the models, just hate to see them so weak. Though I guess it’s probably a power move to sell more blood nights. As an old kit that people already have, If black knights were still viable there would be less impetus to buy the new blood Calvary sculpts.
  10. We’ll I guess we’ll know on Saturday when the book comes out
  11. Based on the last two years of lore, with Gordraaks ultimate goal of challenging Sigmar, there’s no way he’d bend knee to Kragnos. If he does, I’m done with AOS lore forever, I’ll just go paint my orks and sit in the corner. kragnos already feels like a last minute addition to the story. A “hey how we sell this neat model” moment from GW. There’s no way Kragnos was planned in the excelsius arc from the beginning. if GW really wanted a big god thingy for destruction, Gordraak avatar of Gorkamorka, or a newly empowered Rogue Idol we’re much better options.
  12. Or maybe he breaches the gate to azyr to confront sigmar, the gate closes and it’s the last we see of him for an addition.
  13. I’m actually wondering if Gordraak dies or gets incapacitated and kragnos picks up the pieces of the army.
  14. I’m inclined to believe they are part of orruk warclans. There were no orruk updates now terms of models in all of second edition, and none in the broken realms series. No models, no boxes sets, no spells, nothing. Stormcast and destruction are probably about to get a big update/expansion in 3rd edition. I welcome my new weedy orruks with open arms.
  15. So for all of us that have a bunch of these kicking around from the previous edition, does anyone see a good use for them? All I can think of is running minimum sized units and using them as quick screens or objective grabbers. Hmm what about waves of suicide chaff with mortal wounds? I also guess a MSU still deals 1d3 mortals on the charge. And as a summonable unit you could bring back half on a 4+. Now you have two knights that do 1d3 on a charge. Bring them back on a 4+ and you get 1 knight that can charge again.
  16. I dont know...with the angular pommel on that mace and its short length, I'd actually believe we might have the first chaos dwarf preview. Though the fingernails on the hand look "Orkish", chaos corrupted duardin could have similar hands.
  17. That would make too much sense... I really hope that's the case, but GW will definately do something sub-par. After watching the vampire roll out, and all the failed cross-line promotional opportunities over the last few years, I now believe each department at GW works in a vacuume and there's no real effort to make a synergistic product. The new destruction army will be isolated with poor to no allying rules with the other destruction armies
  18. Well, one of them has 3 wounds (the big guy with the mace) the other two have one wound. I hoped that they would have a few more wound apiece, at least equivalent to a 3 man squad of Vrykos vampires.
  19. Ijust noticed Prince Vhordai's command ability lets you pick a Hero and they can fight in the hero phase. I Guess he could pick a wight King AND the wight king could buff himself with reroll 1's in the hero phase. ...Its a pretty poor combo and use of resources, , but it would work
  20. true...but then its no different than the standard game-wide command ability that lets a unit reroll 1's. Unless that generic command ability is going away in 3rd edition, then the wight kings command ability would be quite useful
  21. So... Did I miss something? Is there a way to make a deathrattle unit fight in the hero phase (simmilar to Ironjawz Mighty Destroyers)? Because reading the Wight King's command ability, it activates in the hero phase and lasts until the end of that phase only, making it useless under the current rules. SO I guess its a typo OR its referencing a new game mechanic from upcoming third edition?
  22. Anyone know of Bat swarms survived into the new battletome? And if not, they're technically in the legions of Nagash book still, so could potentially be brought as allies until 3rd edition? Or does Soulblight Gravelords replace the Legions of Nagash book? I'd Imagine LoN will continue to exist until 3rd edition, then get dropped from support, but perhaps not.
  23. I made a really nice vampire lord on nightmare conversion a few years back using a mount from the dreadblade harrow, and a vampiress from the Coven Throne. She sits sidesaddle on the mount and the ghostly wisps on the horse work really well when painted to look like flames befitting a nightmare.
  24. So what's people's opinions of the new Vengorian vampire-monster? I think its a cool figure, but its anatomically strange, and doesn't quite sit right with me. I may separate the vampire half from the giant bat thing, add a bat head (looking at you fell bats bits) to the lower half, some armored legs to the vampire half and resculpt it as a mounted vampire on Vengorian.
  25. Any chance the Crimson Court heroes can be played separately, or are we still thinking they will be a single unit? After seeing Prince Duvalle's warscroll card on Sunday's pre-order preview, I'm optimistic for 4 separate characters instead of one single unit. But I'll take Prince Duvalle and 3 vampire bodyguard unit as well. And I guess worse case scenario, I have 4 really nicely sculpted generic vampire lords to add to my army.
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