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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. Ok, more rumors it is! New Ghur article on the community site. It mentions forests of predatory trees that feed upon their victims at night. New unit or terrain perhaps? Everything else mentioned in the article is something we've pretty much seen and heard about before.
  2. squigs, kruelboy shields are squig faces. Kragnos was an afterthought tossed into the line.
  3. So I was thinking of taking the cursed city Vrykos Bloodborne and placing them on Dire wolves as mounts, to be used as a proxy for blood knights in a Vrykos Dynasty Gravelords army. I figure I cant be the first person who thought of this. Has anyone seen any pictures of similar conversions?
  4. Wasn't there supposed to be a Beast-centric preview? Did I miss the reveal of the sludgeraker and Flyer? OR are they still unknowns at this time? Do we know they are for Kruelboyz, or as previously suggested, a new waternding monster mechanic for Ghur, or a general Destruction unit that can be used across armies?
  5. Ironjawz.... Mawkrusha/Gordraak Megaboss Warchanter Wierdknob Brutes Gruntas Ardboys Kruelboyz have another 3 potential units in a calvary unit and two rumored beasts.
  6. Its also highly likely that brutes will get a warscroll change in an Orruk Warclans book shortly after the Dominion set release. Perhaps they got a bit of a buff to bring them back to a true 180pt unit. They're supposed to be heavy armed and armored super-orruks, it would be nice if their stats reflected it.
  7. Or Sludgeraker is the job title for the poor troggoth assigned to muck out the privy...!
  8. Did you see the soulblight gravelord article today? See according to GW's experts, black knights are "Durable and Hard Hitting elites"😂🤣😂. I guess I should sideline my blood knights, and break out the black knights again.....😉 From todays article: "On the battlefield, Soulblight Gravelord armies often comprise large infantry units that are incredibly tough to destroy due to their refusal to stay dead, as your Vampires and Necromancers replenish lost troops using Necromantic wizardry.* Wight infantry and cavalry in the form of Grave Guard and Black Knights offer the army durable, hard-hitting elite options, while Dire Wolves and Fell Bats surge ahead of the main army to pick off vulnerable or isolated units."
  9. I'm not sure mawkrushas actually fly, have you seen the wing to body ratio on one? I just think it uses those huge front arms and happens to be really good at jumping and falling with style 😁
  10. Hmm... Could we be getting another version of the classic Wyvern? A mawkrusha is basically a bulky wyvern, complete with the tail stinger. Wonder if the Kruel Boys have a thinner lighter version? that would be neat, and a fun throwback to older editions.
  11. IN today's Slaves to Darkness article, they mentioned that units with the Totem keyword get to issue commands to any unit within 18", which is the same as the general's range. So our warchanters have the totem keywork, meaning they can issue unit commands out to 18". Which is a nice boon.
  12. Lookee! we get 40K style secondary objectives.
  13. Hopefully Thursday we'll get a big beast preview. I'd like to see a general monster that can be taken by any Destruction force, and gains that allegiance' keyword(s). Some massive megafauna like a Rhinox, a giant predator perhaps (cat, baer, etc), some weird drakespawn would be cool (but directly clash with Kragnos lore, so probably a no), Or just some huge, terrible beast made of nightmare fuel. There's all these giant bones scattered around Ghur, I want to see what they belong to!. (and then put a howdah on its back and cover it with Orruks and Grots waving banners)
  14. At least with the Kruelboys I can finally get some shooting and siege weaponry into my Ironjawz lists. I used to use various customized orruks as proxies for Gitmob artillery pieces until they got squatted. I have a bunch of Orruk Brutes holding Vanguard Raptor Crossbows with goblin attendants carrying bolts that I used to use a proxies for Grot Spear Chukkas. Now I can dust them off and bring them back as Man-Skewer Boltboys
  15. True, its bad, but remember coherency changes as 5 models, so you'd lose all but 5. Oh well, so units will have to be less strung out. That will be mitigated by the smaller board space i guess. The smaller board will still allow you to screen vs deep strike.
  16. I say go old fashioned, give me a giant squiggly swamp beast that inspired all the Kruelboys shield. Or some other massive beast. Ghur is the land of beasts for goodness sake, give us something other than a mawkrusha. I think the Orruk riding the troggoth is a good place to start (especially since I made one last year with an old Greenskinz chariot mounted as a platform on the shoulders a Dankhold, that I use as My Rogue Idol Proxy )
  17. If the first battletome we get is orruk warclans revamp that includes ironjaws and bonesplitters i'll be thrilled. It soulds like they are moving toward a more integrated soup army. If my ironjawz get new warscrolls and become the heavily armored 3+ save units, the Kruelboys become the standard 4+ save orruk , and the bonesplitters have a 5+, I'll be fine with that. Give each Orruk lineage a different focus. I'd love ironjaw Brutes to get some buffs to be the heavy hitting elite foot troops, with the kruelboys providing the artillery and archery. And some of the previews have said the kruelboys will be bringing in more monstrous units, so perhaps we'll get some massive swamp monsters or other creatures that the bonesplitters players could then use inside this new Warclans assembly.
  18. Hmm... well Ill be, paint me surprised!. Based on todays community article, it looks like we'll actually get an orruk warclans book. Oh please Oh please, let them rework all the ironjawz/bonesplitterz warscrolls. If these new Orruks have a 4+ save (looking at you killaboss), please bump the "heavily armored" Ironjaws to a 3+, and make Brutes a elite unit with their points. As a unit that can apparently forge their armor with their own fists, Ironjawz Brutes deserve to be the Orruk equivalent of stormcast paladins or other heavy hitting foot elite.
  19. Looks like the WIght King's Command ability is no longer redundant with all out defense. The Orruk Warclans article up today showed the new All out Attack and All out Defense command abilities. All Out Defense adds 1 to a units save, and no longer rerolls saves of 1. Also commands are issued in the Hero phase know, which explains the Hero Phase language on the wight king datasheet.
  20. Yeah I'm more of the opinion that they're straight up Warclans. Hopefully with them Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz at least get a model or two. GW isn't that efficient. Kruelboys will get their own battletome. GW isnt going to miss out on that revenue stream. My bet is the only reason kruelboys can be used in Orruk warclans is the ORRUK keyword lets them get used in the "Big Waaagh!!!". Thats it. Like greenskins, you can include them, but you use the existing Warclans battletome. As the entire "Big Waaagh! rules only consist of TWO PAGES in the Orruk Warclans book, another likely scenario is the Big WAAGH!" rules get updated and reprinted INSIDE the new Kruelboys Battletome,. Forcing all the ironjaws and bonesplitters players to buy the $40 Kruelboys battletome for the two pages updated Big Waagh! rules. Welcome to GW's sales strategies.
  21. Any word on when Dominion Pre-orders go up? Its NOT the 5th, correct?
  22. It’s not hate, it’s poor design. It’s like giving the seraphon a new giant centerpiece model of a giant horned rat. Makes no sense for the seraphon and makes shaven players weep
  23. For all the lore about the kruelboyz worshipping Kragnos and taking up his iconography, after looking at the newly revealed models, the shields and other “faces” look more like squigs to me. Makes me think more and more that Kragnos was a last minute edition to the destruction story. Like the model was made for some other product line or idea that was later dropped so they stuffed it into destruction. Especially after Kragnos role in the excelsius storyline (I’ll be spoiler free here for those who haven’t read it yet).
  24. Which once again brings us to the problem of the grand alliances. “Destruction” just makes for a boring theme. Scratch destruction and replace it with something else. Perhaps Life, like a primal force of nature that can’t be tamed. Now you have the order/chaos opposites and the death/life opposing forces. Way better than destruction, where a bunch of entire races just wander around and kill stuff with no rhyme, reason or goals. not even sure why we need grand alliances anyhow, there’s almost no support for soup armies where you mix a bunch of factions inside a grand alliance
  25. I’m just going to use my rogue idol figure as a kragnos stand in for local games. Seems more appropriate for an earthquake god
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