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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. As much as a new ogor faction like this would be dope, I'm placing no stock in this rumor. No way they get rid of the plastic ogor boxes they already have, especially after reboxing them not long ago. I also don't believe GW would put that much effort into Gutbusters.
  2. Interesting that wizards won't be able to dispel the blessings. I sure hope there IS a way to stop them, otherwise we just reversed the entire problem with wizardless armies. On that thought, I hope they don't jump the shark on this whole anti-magic thing. Nobody who uses wizards is ever going to want to play against someone with Khorne if it means their units are completely useless.
  3. If the Hysh elves were just redesigns of the Diablo angels, I would be completely on board.
  4. Very interesting that they specifically mention Ur-gold. Subtle hint at a Fyreslayers book soon?
  5. It'd be nice if they made Slimux and the gang actually worth taking in general.
  6. It's the return of the Ogor Overtyrant of course.....or I guess anything that likes treasure. It doesn't have to be specifically tied to Idoneth, especially for base features probably reused.
  7. There's no way we'd get 21 models for a brand-new faction. Could be new Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath. Slaves have around 20-something right now.
  8. I see. If so, not in great taste, given all the people who are still (rightfully) angry about their dropped army.
  9. Which book is this from? This is very interesting, because now I'm supposing the new artwork we saw in the Warcry trailer may be references to this Lord-Celestant Settrus and his Imperishables (the guy with sickle-like weapons and the lithe Stormcast warrior). Or it could just be a wink and nod and nothing more. But...
  10. Chaos warriors have needed a face lift for a long time. I'd rather use my old hunchback warriors than use the stiff, tiny dudes getting used now. It's shocking they have yet to receive a SE equivalent model range.
  11. They're already quite anti-magic focused. Their armies get a load of unbinds, including instant unbinds, and forced casting rerolls. Khorne isn't immune to magic, he just hates it. If they were any more anti-magic, then it would be a nightmare to play against them with any faction using wizards. We don't want to make armies anti-FUN.
  12. I'm expecting an inclusion of ways to dispel enemy endless spells without wizards. Something we'll see (hopefully) continue from here on out for the less magically-inclined factions.
  13. What I'm hearing is I should be hoarding money for an AoS summer slam.
  14. I know it's not the most reliable artifact in the world, but the Glowy Howzit can potentially be amazing. In one game it managed to deflect 12+ mortal wounds. Of course, you never know when you'll roll that 1, but hell, a 4+ after save is nothing to dismiss. I've found you want to make your Troggboss tougher, rather than killier. He's better as a big, decent support beatstick, and he's fairly squishy without some protection. He probably doesn't gain as much from offensive artifacts.
  15. Stormvault looks like Arkham Horror. Also, I wouldn't confuse this with the actual AoS expansion coming out. They're clearly separate things. That said, nothing they showed looks terrible interesting.
  16. If this is true, I suspect Darkoath/Slaves will arrive to AoS sometime beforehand.
  17. I think a majority, if not all, of those images are of Chaos Darkoath guys. Maybe we'll be getting them later in the year when Warcry comes out?
  18. How is no one talking about this picture? Those are definitely guys we haven't seen before.
  19. You still get no command abilities if you want to run snakes proper. They just need to make melusai battleline for Morathi.
  20. It's funny that DoK also have that command ability, but you never end up using it because of the weird way most army builds work and how everyone has to be your general to get their benefits. I really hope they fix that in the next GHB. Oh you want an army of melusai? No command abilities for you.
  21. Absolutely true. Beastmen are one of my favorite factions, but I ended up switching to Gitz because all of the Beast units that I liked ranged from bad to terrible. Things like Cygors/Ghorgons are still preposterously unreliable and degrade like ice cream on the beach. For the life of me I cannot fathom why they decided to nerf Gors into oblivion...they're WORSE than they were before the book, and they were bad back then. I also cannot get over the fact that Dragon Ogors do less damage than regular dad-bod Ogors from a lore perspective. Like you said, the only efficient lists are Tzeentch/Khorne lists...despite the book going on and on about how aligned beastmen are looked down on and 'weak.' If I wanted to play an aligned Chaos army I'd just play BoK or DoT. So yeah, trying to collect what I wanted for BoC was a pretty disappointing experience.
  22. Same for DoK. I've got a near 500 point sorceress queen who's dying to lob some crazy models around.
  23. 8 attacks, with 5's and 6's being mortals under the light of the moon or with the artifact. Each 5 or 6 doing 4 mortals. It's closer on average to 8-12 mortals with all of the buffs (which aren't difficult to get). And we're talking a hero that's only 100 points. Anyone else think that's a tad insane?
  24. I'll only ever consider the Gargant once they remove that terrible drunken stagger rule that turns even the simplest of 3-inch charges into a stressful roll.
  25. Eureka! This is a brilliant idea. Think I'll convert a troggoth to have a shaman on its shoulder and use that as the "Troggoth Hag." I despise the normal FW model, so this would be a great alternative.
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