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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. And think about how good Plaguebearers are at 150. Same wound count, 5+ ward, Bravery 10, -1 to hit against missiles without a stupid conditional mini game attached, and they proliferate mortals just by existing. I still say 140, but I'd be okay with 150 for rippas. At least it wouldn't hurt my soul to put them into a list.
  2. This is the one thing I'm hoping for in the Winter FAQ, a drastic points drop for these guys. They're so bad, but only because they cost 40 more points than they should.
  3. That wording for the balance update screams "It's not done, it won't be coming in Dec. But don't worry, here's a surprise model reveal!"
  4. Because it's probably one underpaid programmer who was given a hundred other tasks to do.
  5. On the plus side, if it's Chaos, they sometimes sculpt models that only require minor adjustments to use in AoS.
  6. Anyone else notice the App has Orruk Warclans trolls as allies?
  7. A new Gloomspite book better be at the end of these Gitz comics.
  8. I don't know what you're talking about. They had the guts to make an entire Halfling army. That's pure quality right there.
  9. Hopefully he does. Means more army options for everyone. It would be good companion faction to the Lumineth (led by the two brothers).
  10. How many times do they need to rewrite the bone man's warscroll? They've had plenty of chances. How about rewriting some smaller warscrolls for units that really need it.
  11. Sentinels would still be too cheap. That warscroll literally defines the way people play the game right now.
  12. They're doing the daily Neverchosen comic focused around Nurgle, so I'm expecting preorders next week.
  13. Really hoping the winter FAQ brings down Gutippa points. It pains me to bring them in any list, but I love the models.
  14. I don't inherently have a problem with it, but we already have so many rumor engines out there for products that haven't even been shown yet. We have stuff from almost 2 years ago that haven't been solved yet. With all of the production delays they just keep teasing and never revealing.
  15. I would be greatly disappointed if they released a new Avatar model and didn't take the opportunity to beef up his warscroll in DoK to be a true monster.
  16. The book just isn't fun to play. So unfortunately it's a book problem and not a point problem. But of course I wouldn't turn my head at reductions. Also, top-level players can win with any composition with enough practice. Doesn't mean much for the state of the army. Look at any statistics and you'll see their absolutely tragic win rates.
  17. I'd be pretty miffed if the Gitz really have to wait another year before they get playable rules. Them and BoC are in such miserable shape.
  18. To claim knowledge over GW's obfuscating pricing methods is pure hubris of the highest order.
  19. Gutrippas continue to disappoint. In 10's, in 20's; with venom, with croc; they just don't do anything and never make back their bloated points cost. One mediocre-poor roll and they're screwed. I'm considering just removing all of them, replacing them with 3 units of bolts and tons of hobgrots. If I'm going to have a unit that just sits there and dies, at least it'll be 100 points cheaper, and maybe I can insert a couple more mirebrutes (the true paragons of the faction).
  20. Killbow is too random in most cases, even against your ideal targets. If you don't roll that initial 6 to hit, you still have to roll a 3+ to wound, then they get a save against it (and most big hero monsters you're targeting are going to be save stacking to give them a not-so-negligible chance of blocking that one hit), THEN you have to roll 5+'s to add to the damage. At any point in this sequence you could just get unlucky on a single roll and lose out on your 130 point unit doing anything that turn. Also, it sucks against normal infantry. If it was like 15-20 points cheaper, it could be worth it as a scare tactic. Otherwise, boltboyz are just more reliable against all types of targets. I like them in 6's because if they get hit with anything you don't risk 360 points evaporating instantly.
  21. Trolls really should have more wounds. They're on massive bases. 5-6 wounds each would make them feel truly monstrous.
  22. I like them. I think short of a whole new tome with improved warscrolls, these points changes would help a lot. My wishlist is for Dankholds to have 5 damage swings. Just look at those clubs they're carrying!
  23. I also want to go back to the days where Chaos Warriors were actually scary. Now they're just armored jobbers that sit on objectives.
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