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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. The conditions to kick any objective that it isn't in your deployment zone are very hard. You need to be very close to the objective, and if you covered all the objective it is very hard, or impossible, to kick it. The problem is, as the opponent of a SoB, he won't care about objectives and you only think to maintain distance and kill my Gargants. In that case, you are gonna lose in a lot of games in a few rounds. I think it is fine if as a player, I try to win the game capturing the objectives, in consequence, my opponent must lose if he only wants to kill things.
  2. It could be that the second Broken Realms book is the Be'lakor book centred in Chaos armies
  3. Ok!, the bars seem bones to me... or Am I becoming crazy?
  4. Why will you add a second Warstomper? Only the general have access to the tribe traits. I think it's better if you go full Mancrushers or you add other different to improve your deficiencies versus elite units.
  5. Charging is not always the answer. If I charged the Mortek Guard in the first turn is very possible I don't have enough bodies after three turns of combat and I would lose the game. Charge is powerful but only versus the enemies you are going to win something if you charge. Behemat was cunning, he wasn't an orruk, makes your father's memory proud.
  6. Avoid close combat, I tried to fight in small areas with my two Mega-Gargants at the same time. Ossiarch is a very resilient army to try to win in close combat, but he have a lot of problems to put 30 or 40 bodies in an objective.
  7. No, it happened when I played versus Tzeentch so before this game I changed the skill to hit heroes and wizards. This is my forth game, and the first I felt how this army must play. The army have potential, it isn't broken but with the correct battleplan you could win and be very competitive. I'm very happy now.
  8. I won my first game versus Ossiarch. I changed my mind, if you play trying to score and avoid been damage you are goning to win. The battleplan was Focal Points, a battleplane very favourable to us. I played Breaker Tribe with the +1 to hit Hero and Wizard. Idiots with flags is a trap, your opponent is going to remove the commands first so your skill is useless. It is better to chunk small heroes.
  9. Gatebreaker was very easy to assemble, but Kraken-Eater was a pain designed by Slaanesh. By Gorkamorka, I had a few moments when I only want to cry.
  10. He has the Dankhold skill, and this skill is awesome. He can slain most of the mages of the game with a 4-5+, most of the cavalry with a 3-4+. He does a job that the others are awful. I think he is a bit overcosted, as all the Mega-Gargants, but he has the skills that any other gargants don't have.
  11. I think he is a very good addition in a Taker list, when you are holding objectives and you are not very offensive. Besides that he is very good killing small heroes and crushing monsters, two things that the others Big lads are awful.
  12. My only compliment with the Bonegrinder is that he is awesome versus small heroes and monsters.
  13. No, the Stomper rules are only for Mancrushers and the Braker are only for Mancrushers and Gatebreakers.
  14. I don't understand why he don't do any damage when he charges... I was very excited reading him but the lack of this input damage makes me down me.
  15. I send a mail to them with a few questions about some skills and interactions that I don't understand, and I added my firsts impressions with a constructive point of view. I tried to understand what experience they want to develop with SoB before writing some silly or it could seem like I was crying. I hope they understand my point of view, I tried to be very polite and thankful for the very good things that this army have. 😄
  16. It easier. It is a Destruction Battletome, and the designers of this faction write rules more for fun, very gimmicky or very weak. Look first the Ogor or Orruk Warclans battletome, the most competitive books we have, and they are only playable a few things, with only one subfaction that seems more a casual error than the intention of the designers. Now compare the design of books like Cities, KO or Seraphon.
  17. They aren't efficient being merc, the cost a lot of points and you lose too much bodies, and the Gargants don't do enough damage to break the game in your favour.
  18. I'm a hard Gloomspite player, I know what is to fight with a weak army and I can say it with all the words: "SoB is the weakest Destruction battletome ever made." I love the models, I bought a complete army but the rules are the perfect description of an army for parade and not so much more. You don't have enough content to try new strategies or combinations. With all my respects to designers, the book seems the first take a look in the development of a product.
  19. What do you think about the army if the points were: - Mega-Gargant 400 pts - Mancrusher 140/400 pts I think that the principal problem after two games is a very low number of wounds for the survivability of the models in most of the games.
  20. The rumor engine is the Underworlds 3D markers for obstacles to me.
  21. One point: Ben, the designer, said in Twitter that they can cast endless with the artefact. It is an errata.
  22. So, if you the Troggoth Hag is a Fellwater Troggoth you can use de Command ability to ignore spells and return the Hag with the Loonshirne?!
  23. Only Rockgut and Fellwater. The Dankhold only gets the +1 regeneration and the battalion ability. Of course, the Hag is outside for all the rules... She only can get the artifact and the trait if she is the general.
  24. I played my first game with them yesterday (via TTS). My list was: Taker Tribe: 2 Kraken Eater 3 Mancrusher and 1x3 Mancrusher I lost versus STD with Archaon. The opponent was a great player, so I learned a lot of things. My first impressions are the following: - Any -1 to hit has a devastating effect against Gargants. - The subfaction rewards you for having a variety of Mega-Gargants, it was a mistake on my part not to take advantage of that. Kraken-Eaters are good thanks to their artefacts, the second was too much weak for me and a Breaker would be a better second option. - At the lowest level, they are still powerful and they can take a lot of damage. - I missed a Triumph so much. I think it is necessary to play of less than 2000 and we have to fight to get it. I'm very worried about SoB, they aren't very good at fighting things like Archaon, Stonehorns, units very armoured or units than can debuff our hits.
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