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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. Ok, we are the protagonist of the last Broken Realm story but, the point, the most important point is the entrance of a SNARLFANG.

    Oh my!, I expected them in a future Gitmob army. What if the Gitmob would be integrated inside the GSG like a Glareface Subfaction, like it happens with the Bonesplitterz and the Ironjawz in the Orruk Warclans book?

    • Like 1
  2. The next analysis was developed by my companions. Thanks to them!.

    First of all, we are in Ghur and Skragrott is near Excelsis. Excelsis have the Spearbof Mallus, a big chunk of the World Before Time that it not only have the property to know the future but Tzeentch knows that with that chunk he could open a portal to Azyr. So Tzeentch is very interested to manipulate Skragrott...

    Gate will shatter: The fall of Excelsis and the corruption of the Spear of Mallus.

    Earth will tear: it isn't clear, it could be all the big wars that are happening at the same moment.

    Sky eats storm: it is described during the Morathi book, when vortex of Varanite were opened in the sky and thousand of Stormcast were trapped.

    serpent's tide: it is clearly the alliance between Morathi and Volturnos.

    The Changer: All is a Tzeentch plan.

    the splitting mirror: Sigvald was trapped in a mirror inside Shadespire and with the reborn the mirror was broken and Sigvald was liberated.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Dreddships said:



    The riddle at the end of that BR short story is definitely something important, and I'm making the call it's the order of events for BR.

    The first line is most certainly Excelsis and the Gate of Azyr. 


    Earth shifting - ugh... Who knows?

    Knowing what we know rn, a cryptic reference to the dead rising eg. Breaking the earth on graves etc.

    Could possibly mean we see Gravelords before Lumineth wave 2?


    Sky eating Storm - Storm is def Sigmar here, can't think of candidates for Sky apart from Kharadron and Lumineth?

    If it is as I suspect Lumineth eg. Teclis, makes some sense if we find out Teclis is answering IDK/DoK call to war. The Sky has 'eaten the storm' in the sense it's caused the downfall of Sigmar and his grand order.


    Serpent's Tide - either an obvious reference to Idoneth or Sotek or something cryptic.

    Serpent as Dragon could lead to Tyrion.

    Serpent as metaphorical Serpent could lead to Malerion (sly, shadowy, lying).

    I'm guessing this will be our grand conclusion, and if so, who the hell knows?

    The Serpent was also Slaanesh in Norscan worship, so possible wave 2 Slaanesh for end of BR saga with our 'missing' units?


    Last line is just Tzeentch claiming the Newborn was all his plan and doing, so usual Tzeetchian all to plan nonsense.

    Possibly find out Newborn/Slaanesh plot is the payoff for the Penumbrel Engine Heist? 

    Final BR book with Tzeentch being Tzeentch and 'shattering the mirror' eg. the weird trickery that's keeping Slaanesh sealed away? 


    Anyone with any ability to solve cryptic riddles please help I've no real idea past one line.

    I'm trying to understand the riddle but I'm feeling silly right now. I don't know what it tries to say us

  4. 49 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    That looks sooooooo much better.

    yet not sure how I feel about the blood-hair 😅

    BTW the Vamp has a blood dragon shield ;)

    The LRL are, once again, absolutely not my taste



      Reveal hidden contents

    Why no Falkor? Instead 

    image.jpeg.80accdf7d0260f8242f5120e8277d128.jpeg + image.jpeg.07f688531ed3373de82969c7d399f92f.jpeg

    No, it isn't a Blood Dragon emblem, it is the Von Carstein emblem.

    • Thanks 1
  5. AoS: Lumineth (Divine)
    W40k: Adeptus Ministorium + Sister of Battle (Divine)
    Adeptus Titanicus: Big holy robots vs Big unholy robots (Divine & Death)
    Kill Team: Necrons (Death)
    Underworlds: Vampires (Death)
    Age of Sigmar Warcry 2.0: Vampires vs Vampire Hunters (Death vs Divine)

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Bozgum said:

    True, never used that spell though, I always think they'll just shoot at something else... But I'll give it a try, I don't know against which army I'm about to play so you never know if it'll be useful or not 🙂

    The Mommet Moonface brights when you think that almost all the units of the game save at 4+/5+, so in the most of the cases you're allocating mortal wounds to the unit affected by the artefact. Another point is that it isn't a -1 rend so you ignore all the "ignore -1 rend" that are very commons in these days.

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