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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Black Grail Armour of Mousillon!!! Long live the Red Duke!
  2. You are forgetting the Mortach of the Shadows. Shadow is not always Malerion, a lot of creatures lives and hunt in the shadows and they are lords of the shadows too.
  3. The impossible to destroy and to end the eternal is clearly a reference to kill Nagash. He is the Death, and you can't kill the death. He is the Eternity because he can give you the immortality.
  4. it's clear that it is a vampire. The description of the shadow-lord is like an animal, their impatience and the reference that he wears a pair of blood looking-glasses...
  5. If you read all the story the manners of the shadow-lord is more like an animal, growling and being ready to attack their prey. That is clearly a vampire description.
  6. The Fimirs are not legal, any of the Incarnates are legal... The legality of the Idol will be removed in the next Big FaQs as always happened before.
  7. I would remove 5 Bounders to add a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. The CA of that git is essential for all the Squig lists.
  8. I'm very excited. We have to expect al least 4 announcements, of course not all of them would be for AoS but you understand me. P.S. Nobody is talking about a posible Destruction announcement... *sob* *sob*
  9. No, the DPs abilities are both different triggers. The Syll'Esske ability never triggers when you obtain DPs with the new rules.
  10. If you take a look at the end of the video you can see the White Dwarf and a Fireslayer together. I love it.
  11. A banner... GW made a renovation of the Cultists in BF... so...
  12. The most important thing I see it is the increase of the granularity of the cost! Using increments of 5 points is so huge for the game balance! I'm so excited 😀
  13. They fixed the problems with NH and KO points.
  14. Please be careful with the base size change of the Mork's Mighty Mushroom in the last FaQs. The 65mm base is the 60mm base, for GW both are the same. So, the base included in the box is the correct base, you don't need to change anything.
  15. The NH points are wrong. They are gonna fix it.
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/24/sunday-preview-angels-of-darkness/ Zero references about the FaQs.
  17. "Every major faction will be getting some attention" https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/10/28/enter-the-broken-realms/
  18. @Overread @Clan's Cynic@Neil Arthur Hotep @Kramer Thanks for cheer me up! I don't want rules, I only want to have a bit of presence in the biggest campaign ever released. If the Realms are gonna be Broken, Destruction must be a important part of these events. 🤤
  19. And Destruction continues without any type of presence in the Broken Realms books... I'm so sad right now.
  20. Dark Angels Slaanesh Drukhari Sisters Broken Realms with Lumineth (and Vampires if it isn't a big renovation) Every two 40k releases we have one.
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