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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Two week launchment... the GH hope is disappearing...
  2. Yeah, the shipping note was leaked as always... this is the motive we expected the GH the past week...
  3. Da Bad Moon only speaks with the real rulerz... 😔 If the next week they announce Pariah and another Specialist Game release content... I think all about AoS was delayed after the 40k hype train will vanishes. 🙄
  4. A new DoK book is not announced and we don't know if it is in development. The same happens with the rumours without any weight of the Slaanesh mortals or the Campaign book of the Siege of Azyr. The only books are Lumineth and Sons of Behemat. We can hope we will see the GH20 soon, but with the covid-19 and the launchment of W40k new edition is very possible that it is the only AoS releases we are gonna see this year.
  5. I know a lot of people is waiting for the Lumineth, but the release of the next GH is necessary, a lot of armies needs to be fixed and others needs to be updated like they do before. Battleplans, Realms and artifacts rules... We need new content that is only possible with a GH.
  6. Imposible, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Beastgrave... Sons of Behemat before August is impossible... and with this "next week" i am down now... I think a few things will be postponed
  7. Da Moon speaks me... Da Moon told me that today is the day of Lumineth and Generals Handbook 2020 next week pre-order.
  8. We need a siege army. Destruction is not only savage people. A good example of a Destruction army could be the Mongol Horde, conquerors with powerful weapons, advance weapons and one of the most advanced siege technologies.
  9. They only change warscroll that affect the good development of the game like Plague Monks or Thunderers. Dankhold are big support guys with the objective of hunt small heroes or elite units. They aren't units to capture objectives or fight core units.
  10. The faction rules are not the Warscrolls, we have a problem with the moon... Most of the Warscrolls are fine, and the Danks have a superb rules with an specific job that they do very well.
  11. The battalions needs an urgent point reductions. Grots needs a reduction. Sorry but the comparison with the potential of the skins, marauders or clanrats is shameful. Dankhold needs a reduction. Spider riders need a reduction. Skragrott needs a reduction, we pay a heavy tax with the "only general rules"· Heroes are fine. Manglers and squigs are fine. Gobapalooza needs a reduction, but with the battalion reduction will be ok. Araknaroks are fine. Troggoths are fine. Fanatics needs a reduction. Of course, these reductions will be less urgent if they change our faction rules in the GH2020 as they did with Seraphon or Ironjawz in the past book.
  12. The low fantasy of Warhammer was only a thing during the 6th&7th edition, all the others editions created crazy things like demons with a cannon in his ass, the female Skaven being giant incubators, dwarf zeppelins, giant tanks, machineguns, sniper rifles like today or other crazy things...
  13. You need to be prepared for some Verminlord points increased thanks to the Chaos Ascendant. 🙄
  14. Well, the Sporesplatta are better in bigger armies, if you are going to play 1k or 1.5k games, I think it's better if you try the Loonsmasha first.
  15. You need both fanatics to test the real Grot Bomb and a Madcap for the -1Rend artifact. 😁
  16. Ummm... The gargant continues in the Destruction Alliance, but it's temporarily out of stock.
  17. For a unit of 20 Stabbas you can return: 2 Netters, 1 Gong Basher, the Boss and the standard bearer
  18. The Aleguzzler Gargant was removed from the Gloomspite Gitz sub-section at the Games Workshop Store.
  19. The Aleguzzler Gargant was removed from the Gloomspite Gitz sub-section at the Games Workshop Store.
  20. I think that the last weeks they are leaking Warcry stuff. 😄😧
  21. It will be great if the fireball is the objective. Think about it, if a gargant move to 1' or less of an objective, he can grab it. A gargant only can have one objective at the same time. It will be a cool and unique rule.
  22. Forgeworld units are never included in the battletome. Yes, I'm sure that the warscroll will be updated like the Aleguzzer warscroll too.
  23. I think that the Covid-19 prevented to get painted all the models and they're struggled by the impossibility to have all the miniatures...
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