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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Dawnbringers 2 is gonna be BIG and GREEN
  2. The post-Dominion preview was a 40k preview only with Kill Team and the new Orks.
  3. Thanks! I love to maintain the list. If anyone want to know, the kits that could be launch this summer are: - LoTR diorama - Lancer Knight - HH - - Generals & Harbringers - Leviathan Not confirmed content but the kits could be released this summer too: - Arks of Omen special characters - Forgeworld resin models (HH/Blood Bowl) - Underworlds previous core warbands - Warcry Starter set with Underworlds models (the leaked boxset) - Seraphon Vanguard
  4. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/28/sunday-preview-start-new-adventures-into-the-underworlds/
  5. https://www.mywarhammer.com/mylibrary Orruk Warclans was removed from the MyLibrary section
  6. Harbringer of Decay is not on the website anymore
  7. The rumours are too weird to me. Things like the new Hero Phase with Heroics Actions on different phases are a bad design so I think It is a compendium of whises than a real leak.
  8. Chapter/Generals were released one week before Dominion/Indomitus preorder. The main problem with new editions is that the released are always 3-4 weeks including the two preorder weeks, so the timeline is half July and half August for all the contento after Leviathan party starts. Leviathan preorder starts June 10, a lot of influencers have the box right now and they are preparing the material for the release.
  9. They are trying to avoid to show any AoS model on theses photos. It is all marketing
  10. Beastmen is one of the factions that are gonna receive new models soooo... What if the next starter AoS faction are them?
  11. Harbringers is the first book only. The campaign is called Dawnbringer.
  12. For new factions they are waiting one week (Astra Militarum) or a few months (World Eaters)
  13. "There will also be a new miniature reveal for Warhammer Age of Sigmar"
  14. Chaotic Dwarfs were not uncommon on Fantasy Lore, the Dreadfleet game have one of them. Chaos Dwarfs don't workship Chaos Gods, they rispect that but they are workshipers of Hashut on exclusive
  15. Wow! Today is a great day!, They released all the things before Seraphon! Only Seraphon, GHB, Harbringers and LoTR special model are the only releases before Leviathan
  16. I don't know what would be the next team BUT it is the first time of the game that only two Star Players are the only content to be shown since the re-release. Bilerot Vomitflesh Ripper Bolgrot
  17. Horus Heresy kits! at last! The release implies that next week is the HH Campaign and the Seraphon are very, very soon then.
  18. I think that the next realm is Aqshy with the return of the Chorfs
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