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Everything posted by janenglund

  1. Wait, whaaaat? As the Reaper Bolt Thrower does more damage than Celestar Ballista, the trick is that it is more vulnerable. It has 36" range for a reason, it has to stay away from the harms way. I often place my Bolt Thrower next to a building or the hill to keep the crew behing it and out of sight. How to be polite... that house rule seems to be imbalanced.
  2. What? Celestar Ballistas do not have better firepower. They have ****** range of 18", or only 1 shot on range 36". Celestar Ballista is 110 pts and does on average 1,30 damage with range 36". That is 0,12 damage/point. Celestar Ballista does on average 2,60 damage with range 18". That is 0,24 damage/point. Reaper Bolt Thrower is 120 pts and does on average 3,33 damage with range 36". That is 0,28 damage/point. And in ranges between 18"-36" it is better to take 4 Ballistas than 3 Ballistas and an Ordinator. And if you do not care about the max range, Waywatchers have treat range of 26" and do 0,31 damage/point. Sisters of the Watch have treat range 18" with the same 0,31 damage/point, if they move 6" they have treat range of 24" but it halves their damage. The advantage is that the Sister get +1 to wound against Chaos units and their damage potential goes up to 0,38 damage/point. Well, I don't care about the Ballistas and my Stormcasts hire the elves to do the shooting. You had to take 4 Ballistas and an Ordinator to make Ordinator buff to be worth it and to be better than the elves (Bolt Thrower, Waywatchers or Sisters of the Watch) and I am not up to that kind of investement. Ballistas are much more resilient though, but I never had problems with resience of Bolt Throwers, I try to keep my opponents busy taking care of more threatening targets like 10 charging Evocators.
  3. I'm confused how Stormcast's SCIONS OF THE STORM battle trait is supposed to work in a meeting engagement. If I read the rules; "Instead of setting up a STORMCAST ETERNAL unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up in the Celestial Realm as a reserve unit." I would do the following: At the start on the game I set up one unit of Prosecutors and I set up one unit of Sequitors to the Celestial Realm, after my first the movement phase I can descent from the Celestial Realm with my Sequitors where-ever I want following the normal rules. At the end of the first turn I would set up Lord-Arcanum and set up another unit of Sequitors to the Celestial Realm. During my second turn I would bring down the Sequitors and at the end of the turn I could set up one unit of Evocators to the battlefield and set up another unit of Evocators to the Celestial Realm. Is this how it is supposed to work?
  4. Core Rules: SET UP ARMIES Details of how the armies should be set up can be found in the battleplan you are using. First Blood Battle Plan from the Core Rules: SET-UP The players roll off, and the winner decides which territory each side will use. The territories are shown on the map below. The players then alternate setting up units one at a time, starting with the player that won the roll-off to determine territories. Units must be set up wholly within their own territory, more than 12" from enemy territory. The answer is: no, it is not.
  5. Is Celestar Ballista better that Reaper Bolt Thrower? Bolt Thrower's crew might die more easily and it won't get buffs from most of the abilities. But Knight-Azyros buffs it for example. Guaranteed 12 attacks looks terrifying on paper.
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