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Everything posted by Boggler

  1. Awlrach looks kinda cool. There is too much going on there for me. I'm not very interested in adding one to my army unless he's flat out broken. I already struggle to find points for: Guardian of Souls Spirit Torment Crulghast Cruciator Maybe he can combine the three together?
  2. Actually. We are commenting on what we do know. Its also great to be hypothetical. Sure, we don't know the other stuff yet... We have a lot on the Wishlist!
  3. If nothing else, it helps me decide not to buy the Arena of Shades box. I was pumped too. Wow 0/2 on the reveals. It really sucks. No doubt about that. Sure. You can play the whole Nighthaunt "hopefully optimistic" tune and wait for the good stuff to arrive... The majority of games I've played don't even have walls. Do the writers even play this game? Do the designers? Army wide Frightful Touch might be a thing but even then we're not in a great place. Maybe it can also ignore Armour if close to an objective? Ethereal ignores negative mods only? Maybe we go somewhere. I don't know what would make this army great AND unique in 3.1. I guess neither does GW.
  4. I don't think they manufactured many Arena of Shades because the rules previews seem like they don't want it to sell. The article suggests that when your target gets hit they'll lose their aura abilities. They could double their range if they don't move. And there better be some hit/wound bonuses from the banner. Who knows right?
  5. I finally got around to my Nagash late last year. If he could have been included in Nighthaunt sooner then I definitely would have made it more of a priority. The old version is still far superior and would have made Nighthaunt a completely different army for six months at least. People can argue points all they want, to each their own. The fact remains the he is the highest cost model in the game. I went for Hand of Dust 8 times in 6 games. With 5 of those being failed to cast. Two were guessed and one was successful. I hardly think my issue is the spell. Casting order was always Mystic Shield -> Reaping - check range for portal something. Otherwise the rest of the NH spell lore is a solid choice if in range. I think your point about being the threat is the most important part. Its super true and apparent since in my six games Nagash didn't have anything decent in range to Hand of Dust 8 times and usually in the early rounds. Spirit Drain did decent work and its hard to say if a couple Arcane Bolts would have been better served. My opponent generally didn't know what to do or what Nagash could do, and this gave up lots of board space. It was vs shooting that gave me problems. Idoneth and DoK mostly, Kruleboys less so on Nagash but devastating vs the Nighthaunt, Nurlge and BoC were pretty even with Nurgles Disease adding up over time. Nagash is still powerful and going 4-1 at LVO is a real accomplishment. With wins vs Thunderbellies, Hammers of Sigmar, Zaitrek, and Fangs of Sotek. No one has managed a 4-1 since. Only four people have gone 3-2 and it is unclear if they were running Nagash. If Nagash Nighthaunt was actually that powerful then I think we'd be seeing better results than these. As for me, I'm going to another 3 game tourney in a couple weeks. Nagash is due to go off at some point and maybe I'll even get an elusive Wave of Terror!
  6. Here are my notes on running Nagash for 6 games. Wave of Terror = 1 time! on game six. A unit of 10 Chainrasps came out of the Underworlds and killed 4 Boltboyz. They killed the other 2 in the combat phase. Failed Charges. I rolled Double 1's six times. I also rolled a 3 four times. I would have loved to have TEN Wave of Terrors instead! Nagash miscast 3 times. He also only Hand of Dusted one model. Hand of Dust: Game 1. DoK T1. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on Morathi 3 wounds T2. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on Morathi 3 wounds T3. Dead. Game over Game 2. BoC T1. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain T2. Failed to Cast T3. Failed to Cast T.4 Miscast on the first spell. Game over. Game 3. Kruleboyz T1. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on Gobsprakk 4 wounds T2. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on Snatchaboss 2 wounds T3. Dusted the Snatchaboss T4. Failed to cast Game 4. Idoneth T1. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on the Turtle - No wounds T2. Dead Game 5. Nurgle T1. Opponent Guessed the Hand T2. Opponent Guessed the Hand T3. Failed the cast, Game over Game 6. Kruleboyz T1. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on the Mirebrute 3 wounds T2. Nothing in Range, So I used Spirit Drain on the Mirebrute 2 wounds T3. Failed the Cast T4. Dead Now, I'm no mathematician but I'd say that's not good. Hopefully Nagash has a points reduction! These abilities aren't automatic!
  7. I've decided that for 305 pts I'm going to go with Gorslav and 40 Zombies. I really hope we don't get screwed with allies rules because I think that this combo will be a good addition to any list. Maybe a unit of Bloodknights? What do you guys think?
  8. Are you ready for the new book? Here is what models I have. Assembled and painted. Help me figure out how to get ready for the new book! I'm going to get the Arena of Shades box to get me 30 Bladegheists, (we never know!) another Spirit Torment (or maybe OP named version), 2 Chainghasts, the Scriptor, and those Boltboyz. What else do I need. I'm notably missing: Black Coach Reikenor Do I really need these two? I always considered the Black Coach to be too expensive and then bought multiple times more on other stuff... EDIT: Also. Will we see Warscrolls for these unique characters? Garkorr Liekeron Keldrek Crawlocke
  9. Alright, I’m up. Game Two! Savage Gains Nurgle – Befouling Host 3 Trees, 6 Beasts, GUO, 20 Plague Bearers, Lord of Afflictions, Single Pussgoyle. Horticulous I was super happy to play this list. Again, my opponent had his army painted amazingly. Our table looked amazing. Even the scenery was amazing though it was all tall impassable rocks which was bad for him and his slow movement. The match was going to be great. He was a 2 drop, myself 1. I did my usual center castle, and he put his Plagues on his obj, GUO towards the left, and Hort/Beasts all on the right side. I knew that he’d get 7pts if I let him go first but the chance at the double was worth it. He went and moved up on to the objectives. His Lord of Blights came down in my deployment but failed the charge. His army was split into three forces, the beasts, the GUO and the plaguebearers. I knew I had the movement to choose wherever we fought so I was happy with how it was going. I was confident that I could take back the objectives with just movement so I chose Aggressive Expansion and split up my castle. I figured Nagash could take on all the Beasts by himself, with a unit of Hex and Chainrasps to screen and hold. Olynder went middle with 2 Hex units and the other Rasps did an auto 6 15” move onto the obj with the GUO. Nagash had full buffs and my opponent guessed the Hand of Dust on a Beast. The Hex that charged the Beasts didn’t do anything. If I did some wounds they were negated with the 5++ I got 7pts so we were tied 7-7 after 1 Priority! I lost. Again! Looking at my notes, it is the 7th loss in a row and I’ve only won 1 in the last 10 rolls! WTF! I’m not complaining but things would be better for our beloved Nighthaunt if they had some luck on their side! If I won I’d be on 8 pts and would clean up the Beasts side of the board and probably take out the Lord of Afflictions as well. He chose Broken Ranks on the Rasps next to the GUO. Nagash prevented all magic, as usual and he began to retreat his Beasts and run up the others. The Lord of Afflictions headed towards the middle Hex and my back obj. At the end of the movement phase he summoned 3 Nurglings. Charge phase saw 5/6 Beasts getting back in to combat smashing mortals onto the Hex and Rasps. They did so many mortals that they could keep charging farther in as more of my models fell. I made zero Deathless saves! The LoA got into the middle Hex and the GUO the other Rasps. The Bests killed the Hex and the Rasps. The LoA did nothing and the GUO killed the Rasps. Nagash attacked a Beast and did nothing, even with his 4 Arcane bolts he only did 6 damage. The Hex did nothing to the LoA… He got Broken ranks with a Monster for 8pts 15-7 My turn I wasn’t feeling so bad. Oly was in a good spot. Nagash could take out 2-3 Beasts! And I’d have at least Nagash obj plus my own. It was looking ok. I chose Broken Ranks on the Beats with 2hp left. Nagash buffed up Mystic Shield and Reaping. My opponent again guessed the Hand on his Horticulous! Lifesteal on the Beast was 2 mortals and blocked with 5++ Lady O rolled a 1 on her mortals to the LoA and then she rolled 2 on her MW’s which were both blocked!… great job! I think my opponent was rolling hot on his 5++ this was for sure. If I did a mortal somehow, it was blocked! Start of movement Nagash used Arcane Bolt to kill the Beast… Finally… then he moved up to take out some other beasts. Oly and the Hex moved over to help with the LoA who should already be dead but whatever! Nagash charged in and split his attack evenly on 2 beasts. Neither died. They lived with 4/5 health each. I was shocked. One of the 2d6 damage rolls for Alakanash was a 3… Does GW think the Scriptor is always 12 mortals? This is the real world here. Dice happens! Anyways, since I didn’t kill anything I didn’t even take the objective back. The Hex that charged the LoA didn’t even do anything. If I did get some damage then it was negated with the 5++. The LoA killed 3 Hex in return. What a brutal turn. I took 4pts but was still happy with how things were going. Nagash was on his own now and I was super disappointed that I didn’t kill anything this turn. Did I really have to put all of Nagash buffed attacks into a single Beast just to take it off? That’s crazy… I lost priority again and took Finest Hour on Nagash. He chose Ferrocious Advance on the Beasts and moved in to take my back Obj. There wasn’t really anything I could do here. The disease tokens had taken their toll on my units and I didn’t have much left. Plus, I didn’t really kill anything and couldn’t be everywhere anymore. What a strange game. I really felt like it was going to be a good matchup but in the end he took all the Obj and took 9pts leading 24-11 going in to my T3. I chose Conquer with Nagash, thinking I’d do something this turn. Hand was miscast and that was my Hero phase. Lady O did nothing to the LoA again… WTF! Hahaha, she was supposed to be a scary MW cannon! Nagash went into the Beasts and did zero damage. He literally failed with all his attacks. My opponent didn’t even have to roll a save! That was game right there! It was still 24-11 at the end of 3 and we called it when I lost the priority again! Damn, Nurgle is a cool freakin army. I really liked the list and felt it was a winnable matchup. There is nothing glaringly OP in Nurgle and their internal balance seems to be even. The units, the summoning, the wheel, all cool things. The 5++ is a bonus and is brutal to play against if all you do is MW’s on 6’sto hit from 2019 We laughed at the dice imbalance but that’s no excuse for anything. Half my points are Nagash and if he does nothing then that is how it goes. This was my fifth game and I still haven’t rolled a 10 on the charge. Nagash has miscast 3 times and he had only Dusted 1 Snatchaboss. What can I say that we don’t already know.? We need a freakin Hammer! Playing against the two new books were a real pleasure. The new books seem to be really balanced and not at all OP. I think they are better than the Orruk/Stormcast books by far so I am a bit excited to see what fortune comes our way. We are going to need a lot help do so anything in this game state. I honestly don’t even know what can be done. My final game was vs a new player with his Kruleboys list and we played to a draw on Feral Foray He had a Mireboss General, 2 Rogue Idols, 3x6 BB’s 20, and 10 Hobs. No Shaman, no Snatchaboss! Great game. I’m not going to give the play by play because I’m still exhausted! But, I will say that I see Kruleboyz as a bit of a copycat of Nighthaunt. Back in 2019 everyone played NH because they came with the boxed game. Nighthaunt are mediocre. Kruleboyz are mediocre. It was great to play a new player though and if we all take the time to play and have fun with these new guys then the hobby will be in a better place for it. The game highlight was a Rogue Idol making a long bomb 12 charge onto Laydy O and killing her only to have Nagash pile in and kill it after. We laughed a lot. He told me after that he was scarred to face the Nighthaunt because he'd never even seen them before and the ghost aesthetic was intimidating! Its Nowruz! Persian New Year! Thanks for reading!
  10. Exactly, and it will include 3 Chainrasp, 2 Grimghast Reaper, 2 Bladegheist, a Spirit Host. They can say the box is loaded with models this way. I can be a haunted house game and include some hobgoblins. The Order models that play in the house would be brand new and their rules will be OP.
  11. I played another 3 games with my list today. Here are the batreps. It was a casual store tournament, so no lists were posted, and we didn’t use BCP. I did my best to remember the other lists. Let me say. AoS is in a good place. I have been to a few events recently and the atmosphere has been really good. I’m playing Nighthaunt, and seem to be the only one of about 30 players so far. Is there a good reason for this? Lots of people have been saying that my army looks super cool and they love the whole ghosts aesthetic. My army is painted good enough, but not pro and even still, they pop on the table and people love that. There are a lot of new players joining the hobby. I chat them about the good times of the Summer of 2019 when doing mortals on 6’s was the hot ******. Shooting wasn’t so prevalent then and the good times were rollin… Its been a long three years since our last book and my comment are intended to be objective. I wouldn't be playing Nighthaunt if I didn't think there was something still here! Game One – Tectonic – Idoneth Deepkin – Mor’phan Eidolon Wave Caster/Lothan/Soulrender Turtle 30 Thrall, 3x10 Reavers I must say. Idoneth seems to have gone from good to better to even better. They never had any point in time where they weren’t A+ tier and their new rules make them even better. Plus, the models are awesome, like super awesome. Too bad they're Order so I'll never play them. The new book kept their old battle round abilities because I guess they aren’t OP and then added some allegiance abilities to the mix. Add in some beautiful synergy and you have a really cool army. What was better was that my opponent had his army painted beautifully and seeing our game was really great. We have some viewers always comment on how cool the game board was. This is what the game is all about. Rolling dice, Moving your guys around. Doing stuff. Killing time, making jokes. Complaining about Covid... Etc. We are both 1 drops. 1980 pts. I won the rolloff and deployed my castle middle right. He put his castle behind his boats middle left, in a couple choke points. All heroes were well away from Portal/Dust range. Did I mention how cool the new Idoneth rules were yet? Did I mention the boats? Or what they do? Well, his castle is way better than my castle. Still, I felt I could block the choke points and keep him pinned in so I took first turn. I chose Aggressive Exp and moved up. Nagash had mystic shield unbound and the Spirit Drain on the Leviadon did nothing. The 15” move on the Hex gave me a good spot. My Chainrasps fell behind because I rolled 2 1’s for their runs. The castle took the middle with decent enough space for the screens. One unit of Hex went in to the side of the Thralls and the other hit some Reavers. The Reavers did work. Its like 30 attacks hitting on 2’s from the Turtle. Which became 3’s but still meant I had 10 saves to make. Well… I didn’t! Two survived and then died in the combat. I killed 2 Reavers. The other Hex killed 3 Thrall. I guess doing mortals on 6’s back in 2019 was cool. Now its just a gimmick. I finished the turn with 6 pts and still felt good. He chose Broken Ranks on the Hex and moved up what he could. The Thralls were tied and and the Reavers were free to move. This was bad. The turtle also got out and shot the Hex for BR with a monster freeing the Thrall to charge my Bodyguard Hex and wipe them out. I needed priority to stand a chance here… Nope! He took 2nd and chose Bring it Down. With that and the shooting my whole army was dead. It was beautiful! What a beautifully synergized army from a book that just came out. Lots of shooting, Ridiculous short range shooting. T2 run/charge shooting. +1 to hit bubble,, re-roll 1’s to hit bubble, D3+3 model regen What did I have? Nagash and a bunch of underperforming scrolls from 2019! We had some laughs after and talked about our armies. The Scriptor and what could have been done differently. Great opponent. We felt that my emphasis on going first made me fail to realize who was the aggressor here. I’d say that if I let his take first then he’d just move on to the objectives and then probably shoot everything he had into Nagash. He agreed and we tried to math out what damage had to be done to dent his force. In the end it wasn’t likely to end well for me. His castle was better than my castle today but his list is not unbeatable. Its strong but I think that puts the Idoneth is a good place. Not an OP place. (My IJ would have crushed him) Well guys, Thanks for reading up to here. I’m going to post the rest tomorrow. Did I win a game? Am I ready to be a rare Nighthaunt 3-2 finisher at a 2 days event?
  12. They should have made a Ghostapalooza... Tomb Banshee, Cairn Wraith, Executioner, Spirit Torment, Guardian of Souls, Knight of Shrouds all for 200pts, and they drop all at once. Throw in the Scriptor and make it 210 pts...
  13. I'm about to play another 3 game tourney with the same list I posted above. I'll probably make a report tomorrow. Nighthaunt players are definitely in denial more than other factions. It's amazing how many people are trying to spin the Scriptor reveal into something positive. We must have hope! Remember the Mortality glass? That was a good rule.
  14. Interesting. You mean keep the Scriptor in reserves until turn 2/3 when you know more about the board state. Choose a target on T3/4. Hoping they are still in LOS. Be out of range of anything that can hurt you.
  15. It's fun. For sure. Another of many problems is why you'd want to wait until T4/5 to kill something. And what hero could possibly be a good target? A Warchanter? 97% dead on T4/5. OK.
  16. I get it. We waited a long time for something. Anything. The problem is that this is it. This what they gave us. This ability does nothing. I was hoping the new book would do away with all the "if this, and this, and then this, but only if" garbage.⁸ If anyone can tell me the positives then I'll gladly listen. Even if this guy had 8 3+ 3+ -2 rend D3 attacks this ability would still be garbage. Armywide bodyguard rule? We'll need it.
  17. Ya! Maybe its just me that thinks this way! I don't call my "Nagash Nighthaunt" army "Nighthaunt" either! In any case. I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Bonesplitterz. I'm a ways away to get my Boyz to a competitive level this Ed. Like 4-5 boxes of Boars short to be precise. This will get done eventually but probably not this year. I have way too many other projects on the go. And, I knew I had to make the switch back in Summer 2021 when we all found out that we had to reset everything, add boars and go Icebone. If we get some pts changes to the army then I'll be super happy as I won't have to hobby as much. Reinforcement pts also give me a problem trying to get any list to 1 drop without adding a Mega. Kragnos? Eh, No thanks... For now!
  18. I think everyone can agree that Kragnos current version is really good. I also think everyone can agree that taking Kragnos with whatever factions makes that faction a Kragnos army and not at all a __________ faction army. Bonesplitterz have their strengths. They have their bodies. They lack so much else that there is good reason for them to be bottom tier and rarely played. Personally, I'm not going to jump on the Kragnos bandwagon. I went all in on Stikkas/Arrers last year and I can't be bothered to round em out with another 20 Boarboys. I'm sure they's do ok with Kragbro but mathematically the Icebone Boarhammer does way better. @Shirtripper Well player Sir. Great well written report. Holy hell, you had luck. My recent report in the Nighthaunt forums tells of me failing 10 charges with half of those being 4" or less., and still being able to body-block my way to a decent result. I think the playstyle takes skill and you certainly knew what you were going for. As for the Defender terrain setup. No thanks!
  19. I'd be shocked if Harridans weren't Battleline with Oly as General. Same goes for Bladegheists for Kurdross. It'll just be weird to have to take a named character to unlock those possibilities. Still, I like the idea of the 10 Harridan/Torment combo. I'm just 5pts over on my list! lolwtf. Reapers might have to sub for them. 155pts Maybe I keep the Dreadblade, though he didn't do nearly as many Spectral Summons as I thought.
  20. Nice work. Did you use Nagash? I'd really have to play another 10 games with Emerald Host to give a better answer. My 3 games didn't really give me a good range of options for the Curse, but I can understand its strength. I used it on Morathi, a Shaggoth, and a Snatchaboss. In the future I'll have to get better at planning because I didn't ever really want to be in combat with Morathi and the Snatchaboss got Dusted and I assume that a lot of potential targets would want to be Dusted as well. What are the top 5 targets for Emerald Curse? Frostlord? Gargant? Stegadon Skink? MBMK? I'd really like to know as it will help me plan for future matchups.
  21. Hi. I'm slowly looking back in to the thread to see what was posted before my game report above. Thanks for posting! You went 3-2 and that is pretty good considering you seem to be the only Nighthaunt to go 3-2 in February! The info is on THW Stats. Only 11 people even brought a Nighthaunt army to a 5 game tournament in the whole month. Sure its up from 5 in Jan and most of these are Nagash lists but its showing that these lists take a lot of skill to pilot to a winning record. I am interested in your Dreadscythe combo and I'd like to explore it more. Hopefully I get a chance, but I can see many situations where they would be good, and many where they would not. The 1" reach really bugs me. I just ran a Nagash list, and the general consensus here is that Spirit Hosts are a Trap!, Hexwraiths are a Trap! Chainrasps are a Trap! Olynder? Trap! Well, I don't think that people who think that these units are traps are wrong, its just that there really isn't a way to optimize our lists at the moment because everything is so damn old. Hammers are weak. Anvils require too many points/combos/healing to last. Doing mortals on 6's was cool a few years ago and Ethereal is not going to kill anything. Is Nagash the trap? I certainly hope not. I'll be playing him until the book drops.
  22. Hi guys. Here is a battle report for the 3 games I played at a local tournament. I haven't played NH in a few years and I have never used Nagash. I originally planned to use him in OBR but since the change to Nagash I decided to go with NH instead. I played Big Waagh for a while, and then IJ late last year but needed something more complicated. And hey... I do have about 3k painted NH! My games were amazing fun. Its such a thinking/control army vs "point click remove" that takes most of the top spots in the meta. Max output can come from Nagash but being swingy and 955 pts, its a lot to rely on. And, the bone daddy can't be everywhere... He did shut down enemy casting all day. I don't think there were any spells that he didn't unbind and with just one miscast it was ok. I never rolled a 10 on the charge out of 12-15 charges. Its a dice game, maybe I could get some good matchups and see what happens, everything changes turn by turn, I just have to keep myself in it. Also, if you've seen my reports in the Destruction forums, you'll know that I don't do TLDR. Here is my list: Game 1 - DoK Hag Narr - Tectonic Interference He has Morathi, Bowsnakes, Spear snakes, spear snakes, teleporting guys, deepstrike guys. Great player. It really makes this game so much fun to play against a great opponent, and this was a super way to restart my NH career. I deployed looking to castle up in the center. Depending on how he deployed I could either try for alpha and hold him in his deployment or sit back. We could be 18" away and that's good for me because Hex move 15"He deployed far enough forwards that I decided to try and make a go of it. I took first go. Hero phase, Shademist on the Hex who were going to go all the way in. Spirit Drain through the portal on Morathi taking off her 3 wounds. Mystic shield, then miscast on Nagash with 5 casts left. I moved up my castle to the middle and had my screens spread out. Rasps took the side obj but closer to my castle. Oly and Nagash failed their shooting and the the Hex failed their 4" charge, twice... if the got a 6 I could have tagged the Stalkers too but I guess it wasn't going to be my game. The other backup Hex made their charge with a 4 and I had to settle for a less than ideal engagement because I needed to block their movement. Sure, I killed a few Spearsnakes, but he also killed some Hex and they were probably going to die the next turn, and the other failed charge Hex were certainly going to get shot. I scored Aggressive Exp and got 6 pts. His T1 he didn't get any spells off. The bowsnakes shot off the Hex. This gave Morathi enough space to fly out of her deployment zone and try or a long bomb charge on the Rasps. Well, he got his long bomb, took the objective and scored broken ranks. 4 pts. Priority here was going to be big. I was castled up in the middle, I had lost 2x5 Hex and 10 Rasps The Alpha obj was the middle. I won the prio. Shademist on the Hex. Spirit Drain taking Morathi down to 6 wounds and 5 Arcane Bolts charged up on Nagash, Reaping Scythe too. Olynder was in range for her mortals/wail. Nagash did his Gaze and went in to melee everything. 3" range on the staff is great and this was the moment of the day when Nagash took off 10+ spear snakes and the two support characters by himself. Conquer for 6pts. His T2. He has Morathis, Bowsnakes, teleporters, and deepstrikers. He takes Montrous Takeover. The Bowsnakes do a bunch of damage in the hero phase, and then a bunch more in the shooting phase. RIP Nagash. Morathis took the middle and the chain rasps fell to the deepstrikers. I only had Olynder and Dreadblade left, which was enough for Savage Spearhead but not good enough for much else. Great game. I really felt unlucky here as I didn't think I made many mistakes. Especially playing this army. This DoK list was tuned. I wound up losing 15-29 Game Two - Survival of the Fittest Here is the list: A bigass block of meat! with extra Rend that I don't really care about! I deployed in the same castle as before. I found it worked well enough and if I let anything in to Nagash, especially the Minotaurs, then he'd be done. Rasps screened out the flanks, setup to take the edges of the side objectives. I was actually the most afraid of this list the most on the day, it was so many wounds to deal with and that is not NH specialty. He deployed his shiny new Herdstone in the back. Apparently he was afraid that I would use Nagash to destroy it with a Monstrous Rampage! The goats were dancing around it and would spend the game sacrificing themselves in some ritual, maybe they wanted a Chimera to appear? A Chariot? Some Bestigor? I love the BoC mechanics. The rest of the army was on the line. Dragon Ogres screening for the Bullgors. Since I felt that if he went first, I would be pinned in my deployment, with zero chance of getting onto the objectives, I took first turn. Hero phase, basically everything went right. Shademist on Hex Nagash buffed up. He unbound Hand of Dust which was fine I guess. My goal with movement was to get Oly in range of as many units as possible for her Wail. Finally some low Bravery! My castle moved center, and slightly towards the right. The left obj was a bit weird as it was partially blocked by a very large rock. The Rasps went that way and tried their best to stay on the obj while being as far from charge range as possible. Nagash was close enough to do his mortals at range while still having my castle screen off the big guy for future use. End of the turn, I only lost 1 Hex and killed the unit of 3 Dragos Ogres and 4 other Dragon Ogres. He was pinned in. Aggressive Exp - 5pts His turn. His Hero phase does his ritual, Nagash unbinds everything. No shooting, not much movement. The Ghorgons go after the Rasps. I redeploy off the left Obj just to save them. He fails his charge on the other, around the annoyingly large rock. Bullgors smash into the Hex and because he was pinned in, he can only make contact with one in the middle. The other unit of Hex gets charged by a Ghorgon, Doombull and 6 Bullgors. They died... The center Hex did much better. They killed another couple Dragon Ogre and lived with 1 model thanks to Death Magic Incarnate. He got Conquer and 3pts. He won prio and had some options. The left side was a bit open if he wanted to get into Nagash who still had Mystic Shield and 3 Arcane Bolts around him. He chose Broken Ranks on that last Hex in the middle whose unit held up most of his army for two turns. I was pleased with that for sure, though it would have been nice to win prio, and give him two more friends to help... Again, no Hero phase thanks to Nagash, he did wind up at 9 summon pts and was torn on what to summon but in the end held on to those pts. He wanted a Chimera! When he moved his Ghorgon in to kill Nagash, I redeployed the Hex screen to block off the Bullgors. He's only be able to get the Doombull in to Nagash as well. It was a bit scary, but I was full health and Morikhane is decent enough Mortal wound protection is the Ghorgon get's those 6's to wound. The other Ghorgon was going to eat the Rasps and that was ok. I was still in my castle and held a decent position. Combat. I did 6 mortals to the Ghorgon, bracketing him enough for him to whiff on Nagash. I think I took 4 damage and then Nagash killed both the Ghorgon and the Doombull. Oly took some damage from the other unit of Bullgors and the Hex bodyguard took most of it. They didn't die and were left on 1 model after all of the combat. Oly killed another Bullgors. In the end I was happy with my position. Going in to my T2 I had Nagash, Oly, Dreadblade, 10 Rasps, and 1 Hex left. Most impotantly, Nagash wasn't in combat. He scored Broken Ranks - 5pts I chose Conquer, as I could just move those redeployed Rasps back on to the right obj. Easy pts. Hero/Wail Oly did a lot of Mortals everywhere. Nagash charged up. Brought back 2 Hex. Shot some Dragon Ogres then him and Oly wiped enough Bullgors that the rest would flee to panic later in the round. My castle was holding strong and I ended the turn with 2 more Hex than I started with. Killed a dozen Bullgor, and Dragon Ogre. Conquer - 5pts. Big prio here. If I win its game for sure. I'd wipe the rest of his Dragon Ogres, kill his Shaggoth and probably his General Doombull along the way. His Ghorgon was on the left Obj and if I lost prio I'd just delete that Obj. I lost. He had to go. No big deal. He wouldn't get the center back, no way, and the right obj was too far from his forces. He chose Savage Spearhead, and I honestly didn't know that you couldn't use summoned units to complete. A bystander told us and I said no way, wtf well we didn't know so you should still get to do it because it changes your whole game plan. We were ok with that but in the future its good to know. He got 3pts for the turn and the Chimera failed to do anything major to Nagash. My turn, I'm in a good spot. I lost nothing at the top of 3 and that was the bonus Rend round! Nagash didn't care about the Chimera. I knew I'd kill him with Bolts/Soul Stealer and then be able to move freely wherever I wanted. Oly/Wail did more mortal everywhere. I took Warlord and already had the 2 objectives. 5pts. Nagash went up and killed a bunch of Dragon Ogres and the general. The game was called for time here. I was happy with my position. I was up 15-11 and wasn't in any danger of losing either objective. We rolled some dice for some hypothetical priorities and he won both of them! This kept the game close but it was still a win for me as I would complete more Tactics and he'd have to set up to even try and take an objective. Not a slaughter but a win. Great game. I was afraid of the amount of wounds but in the end it was positioning and blocking those wounds where they were that won the game. Nagash did work, for sure but I think Oly and Wail was the MVP, lol Brave 5? 10" radius? Extra models flee within 12" She ignored the Rend and if she took damage it went on to the Hex. I just had to avoid shooting and we'd be good! Game Three Kruleboyz - Feral Foray This was going to be a close game I could feel it. I was tired, losing my voice, and facing a bad matchup. Mortals/ranged mortals. I castled up. Deploying on the line, hoping to just a good first turn charge vs whatever he put in my way. He deployed fairly conservatively and then used Super Sneaky to deploy 6 Boltboys 9" away, front and center. I had to take first, right? If I didn't then I'd be eating a lot of ranged mortals, and give up some board control. He used his trick and I had to put 1 Rasp and 2 Hex in reserves... it did not start well as this slowed my castle and denied any chance of an alpha. I ended my movement phase closer to the middle but a bit scattered because of the reserves. I was still happy because the boltboyz were going down but my position was less than ideal. Dirty Tricks! I got Aggressive Exp 4pts. He goes for Ferocious Advance and does nothing in the hero phase. Movement was conservative and he shot off the unit of Hex that killed his other boltboyz. 4pts I won prio chose Conquer and buffed up Nagash, Oly went in to Wail range and my castle pushed out. I didn't want to charge in on the right side, just to block movement. Those Hex were good, and the Rasps were on that obj. Nagash should have done more but he failed his 3" charge and then only got a 4. He'd make it on to the objective but only because I had to burn 5 Arcane bolts at the beginning of the combat phase to kill the screen of 10 Hobgrots. I joked that this was certainly a world first. Nagash then piled in 3" and completely whiffed on a unit of 10 Gutrippas. He was super exposed where he was and I was a bit worried for his survival. Oly and the Hex did work in the middle, clearing out their spot. I got 5pts with Conquer. His turn. He goes for Broken Ranks, an easy kill vs my Hex with those boltboys. I go finest hour. He does manage to get Miasma off with Gobspak and flew mega far that turn! This let him get in to the Rasps on my left Obj and I totally didn't see that coming. 28" move. Nagash got charged by the Snatchaboss and with the Waaagh and those Gutrippas he was left on 1 wound. Lucky me! Morikhane MVP here as he took 20+ mortals. He swung back but didn't do much. Gobsprakk did his job and my opponent got 4pts. If I didn't win prio here it was certainly game over. I did win chose Warlord and Nagash Dusted the Snatchaboss, Soul stole some life back and then cleaned up the Gutrippas. The Hex and Oly in the middle both failed their charges and I was unable to get in to those Boltboys. But Oly/Wail did kill a couple. We both didn't have much left. Nagash on 4 wounds but too far to burn the objective. Another 4 pts. His turn he goes for Monstrous Takeover. Shoots off my Hex. and starts to burn my objectives with Gobsprakk. He gets 5 pts. End of T3 its tied 13-13. I have Nagash now on 7 wounds, Oly and a Dreadblade. He has Gob, 2 Shaman, 5 Guts, 2 Guts, and 3 BB's. I win prio and go Broken Ranks on the 2 Guts.... TLDR? They didn't die! Nagash was now back to 12 wounds and failed his charge, twice. So did Oly and she failed her Wail too. Oh well! That was game for me. I only got 2 pts and my trio wasn't in any position to do anything. I couldn't even burn anything because I failed all my charges. His turn he tries Warlord and then kills him with Gob. 6 pts Now I have Nagash and Oly left! Down 15-19 He gets prio T5 and does Savage plus some Obj for another 6 pts, I can only manage Savage myself for 4 pts and with the Grand Strategies its a tough 22-28 loss. Great opponent. Conclusion. Like I said above. Nighthant is a tough thinking/control army. I was mentally exhausted after this and I learned a lot. I think I played well enough, and I am super happy with how this army performed. I would have been happier if some things went my way (like all those damn failed charges could have been Wave of Terror) but that is no reason to be upset. Nagash was great and annoying at the same time. I'm sure that shutting down the Hero phase is worth something but at 955 pts when something like Morathi is 660 just doesn't make sense to me. a 5+ ward is ok I guess but its a freakin CP and I used all my CP rerolling charges. Emerald Host was ok. I guess. The bonus attack on the charge was great but those Hex have stat lines from 3 years ago. -1 Save on a Hero was ok too I guess, Bodyguard rule didn't come up nearly as much as I thought. and again. This meta is an arms race, I'd never kill a Gargant a turn. I'd just have to block them where they were and anything top tier damage/shooting wise would cripple this me T1 which was why I needed to be 1 drop. Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy reading this. I'm going to play this exact list again in a couple weeks. I'll probably do another report and hopefully inspire some of you to dust off these beautiful old models and get some games in before the new book comes out. The future can only get better.
  23. Guess what? There are a whole bunch of lists that can go 4-1 or 5-0. Ironjawz are in a real good place. Most of my battle reports tried to focus on Battle Tactics. These are what will get you those max points needed to win your games. While there are a few different scoring systems out there, the 35pt on used at Da Boyz is one to look at. Do you have a plan to score a Battle Tactic on every turn? Prevent your opponent from doing the same? Here is a 5-0 list from Da Boys - Sorry for the formatting, the new app should be banned. MBMK, 3 Chanters, 21 GG's and here are a few 4-1 lists: MBMK with Amulet of Destiny anyone? We might as well be writing 1520 pt lists... If you want to win an event. Go 5-0 or 4-1? Do you want max scores every turn? Do you have a plan to deal with: 30 Sentinels 50 Pink Horrors Lumineth/Goading/3 Windspirits blocking your MD Seraphon/Thunder Lizards Archaon Nagash with 40 Mortek or 20 Blood Knights
  24. Still no FAQ lol? Here is some interesting stuff that I found: Ironjawz took home First place at the Michigan GT. As far as I can tell he is using a list that has not been posted in this thread. Double MBMK, Double Mount Trait, Tripple Warchanter! But wait? No Fast Un? I'll let you guys dissect this one. Obviously player skill was involved. Ironjawz also took 3rd and 4rth place out of 75 at the Mancunian Carnage. Here are a few couple lists. Its great to see the variations and again, nothing beats player skill and having a plan of attack for each of the battleplans and opponents. This list only lost to a Teclis Sentinel castle and that Lumineth only went on to finish 2/3 while Ritchie finished 4-1 We obviously don't care about drops here. This is why we lose to Morathi and 15 Bloodstalkers sometimes. I hope these help you guys with some inspiration.
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