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Everything posted by Blightzkrieg

  1. On the subject of "generic humans", I'd like to see a faction of "Free Resistance" or "Loyalists of Sigmar" or something, basically scrappy veterans who lived under Chaos Rule and formed a united militia against Chaos. Basically like a cross between Free Peoples and Skaven where all their steam tanks and monsters are battle scarred and bolted together haphazardly, with generals and priests wearing imitation Stormcast armour or something.
  2. But it's been many years since 40k had a Tyranid release, with multiple space marine releases per year. I think that's the situation people would like to avoid with AoS, though arguably we're already at that point.
  3. I like the idea of a proud noble race that has gradually descended into savagery. They still see themselves as paragons and act in ways that hint at their glorious past, but are monsters who others fear. Also they're dinosaurs and they wear the skulls of other dinosaurs and that's just the dopest thing ever.
  4. Didn't the CSM stuff just release? Or is it oIder? I honestly can't believe the nerve it takes to increase the price on items less than six months after they've hit shelves.
  5. I'm super picky and slow until a month in when I'm sick of the model and just slop paint wherever
  6. Maybe they're repackaging it with a square base 😀
  7. While I understand that per their lore the ghouls don't really need to look like they're pretending to be knights, I think it would be more characterful if they did. I think the Archregent miniature strikes a nice middle ground.
  8. An animal focused Wanderers would be a wonderful new faction and very distinct from Sylvaneth. I'm very hopeful for the Wanderers range, as it is the most supported of the old elf ranges. I think the other elven kits will be consolidated with whatever shadow/light elves come out or dropped.
  9. Seraphon! But would eventually like to start collecting Daughters of Khaine. Or Skaven. Or Deepkin. Or Beasts of Chaos. Or...well you get it.
  10. All the xcast podcasts feel like advertisements for potential job applicants, not that that's a bad thing.
  11. I really hope we can get a high quality preview (ideally in the Citadel paint app) showing how each one looks.
  12. New Death battletome is honestly the biggest reveal here because it almost certainly confirms a brand new death faction.
  13. So if I'm understanding correctly, the only step this new paint skips is washing right? Because that's not really why my painting is super super super slow. Or is basecoating with contrast paints significantly faster as well? That would really help.
  14. I'm inclined to believe (like some others have mentioned) that the Sylvaneth delay is having a domino affect with other similar battletome/scenery/spells releases being pushed back as well (I assume they're all manufactured or shipped by the same company). GW's breakneck release schedule is likely starting to give. I think the lion is part of a united Aelves warband that is hopefully called literally anything other than "Aelves".
  15. Maybe they're advertising a service where I can pay Duncan to paint my army for me.
  16. There was a teaser but we dont 100% know it's a goblin vs sylvaneth box. It's extremely likely however. I'd say like 90%.
  17. But it's easier for Games Workshop to increase sales by combining them rather than investing in a full release.
  18. I also remember hearing Gutbusters were discussed as a part of the interview when GW were hiring a game designer, but I can't remember how long ago that was or what the source of that is.
  19. Maybe the Tomb Kings can be brought back as an Idoneth endless spell.
  20. It would be interesting if it was an expansion that added units to a handful of different armies, depending on what escapes from the vault and which armies they happen to join. Like SC units for different races or light monsters that are tamed by different factions.
  21. New gyrocopters that are just Duardin flapping their arms really fast.
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