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Everything posted by andysonic1

  1. I had been saying since the start of the year that Slaanesh was next. As a Khorney guy myself I was perfectly fine with that and expected things like 40k Angron in 2020 along with more Khorne Daemons. I'm presently surprised to see Khorne Daemons being packed with Slaanesh and it makes sense to kill two birds with one stone since Flesh Hounds and Heralds need plastic models too. My hope is the boxed set comes out sooner rather than later if only because I was it now ?
  2. Looking back at my last few games I could have definitely used this strat to do some funny things, like getting units up in the enemy's face turn one or, like I said, using it to surround them with Flesh Hounds. Or even get around their army completely and get something in their back-leader's face, which would have made my life easier on a number of occasions (Flesh Hounds assaulting some wizard that thought they were safe behind battleline units, hue hue hue). If I'm not being clear for other users: since you're summoning the units one at a time you can use the new leaders (cheap, small foot heralds specifically) to increase your summoning range. Because you place your summoned units down one at a time, you can "chain" your summoning across the board with one or two heralds before dropping something larger, like Flesh Hounds (this assumes eight total blood points for two heralds and one unit of five Flesh Hounds). This could also allow you to squeeze out of sticky situations where your opponent thinks they've got your leaders stuck in such a way that you can't summon, depending on the amount of blood points you have available to you. All you'd need is enough room to drop a herald (which are on 32mm bases, so pretty small in AoS terms) which should give you enough room to then summon what you actually want (Flesh Hounds or Bloodletters).
  3. Just wanted to jump into the summoning discussion since I've built my army around it and really love the mechanic. I split my focus between summoning and having an OK assault force of Khorgs, Juggerlord, and Blood Warriors (going to also try out Skarr because every time he dies it's a blood point). My three Slaughterpriests have Blood Sacrifice and so does the Chaos Warshrine I use. Everything else is MSU Reavers with two Chaos Spawn for hopefully more points when they die. Turn one in my last two games I managed to get four blood points. I use those to summon either Bloodletters or Heralds (depended on the mission). From there the blood starts really flowing. In my experience: if you have 8 blood points at the start of your hero phase, summon a Bloodthirster anywhere on the board and then build up blood in the rest of the phase. If you have less, get as many as you can and summon MSU Flesh Hounds and Bloodletters everywhere. Flooding the board with Flesh Hounds has done more for me than Bloodthirsters have because usually my Flesh Hounds make the charge when they arrive and their weight of attacks tends to whittle down the enemy while their two wounds each holds them still. The Flesh Hound footprint is also huge which makes it easy to zone areas of the map. I haven't done anything really crazy yet like chaining Heralds around the enemy and dropping Flesh Hounds to surround them, or had 8 points at the top of my hero phase to drop a Bloodthirster somewhere scary, but the more I play it the more I love it. Needless to say the dice can really ****** you over if you don't roll well, but when you roll average or above average you can really get crazy. And by going MSU you guarantee points as long as you charge headfirst into the enemy.
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