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Everything posted by andysonic1

  1. At the end of the battle round or round or player turn? Because player turn makes no sense.
  2. From the previews and leaks, I don't think that issue exists anymore. You don't NEED the Bloodsecrator, and it being wholly within encourages you to move him with a smaller entourage, not your entire army. Don't want those costly, killy units to deal with battleshock? Roll them with your Bloodsecrator and a priest. Want to take the battle to the enemy, or rush to a far off objective? Take a hero that can give his leadership to nearby units, or just eat the battleshock, or kill the enemy before they can kill you, or use your smaller units to tie them up while your hero wades through them lopping off heads. Using Goretide, you can make sure your Blood Warriors or Bloodreavers keep up with your Juggerlord, so have them grab onto the enemy while your RAEP-lord does the heavy lifting. Bloodsecrator has been reined in, it cannot be the lynch pin for your ENTIRE army now. Hell, nothing can: not the alter or judgements or other units. The power has been spread out from one giant bubble to multiple small bubbles, and it's up to you to manage those bubbles. Even more indication that you'll need to spread your army out into multiple forces. The hammer axe and anvil skull has returned to Khorne. GOOD
  3. Khorne summoning has always paled when compared to the other armies, but it was fun to spit out 2-3 units a turn or one giant unit of Bloodletters. I don't see any of these tweaks changing that if that's still what you wanted to do. Although it seems like if you wanted to go heavy on the Blood Tithe the goal should be one or both of the once per battle abilities ASAP before you summon in units to benefit from them. Edit: also I was totally correct about being able to move your Bloodsecrator now. We're getting so spoiled I love it. Edit2: @AresX8 So you want scans basically? lol
  4. Ah, OK, yeah I get it now. It's still very strong and big, but that's assuming it stayed the same base size as before. BRING ON THE LEAKS
  5. I think, and this is just wild speculation based on only the previews for other units and abilities, that we may not need to "plant" the banner anymore. It may just be open the entire time, allowing us to move him around. That would be in line with what appears to be the "mobile magic dead zone" Khorne now has. Wut
  6. I think I get the design philosophy after reading through this a little more. The battalions are nerfed, the units are buffed / side-graded. Battalions are now just a buff meant to focus your army more in one direction while reducing your drops and getting you another artifact / command point. Abilities that were in the battalions have been moved to the Judgements / unit warscrolls / Alter. If you look at the Brass Stampede, it says Skullcrushers deal mortals on 2+ normally. This means they are buffed in the book and taking the battalion is just a way to slightly buff them more while getting the other benefits that come with a battalion. You can now focus more on which units are the best instead of which battalions are the best. They've leveled the playing field and are trying to promote creativity. A bold strategy cotton. Let's see how it plays out for them.
  7. The skulls are cool, the icon is OK, the axe is sweet. I can see myself using the axe every game and the skulls nearly every game. The alter being an 8 inch aura for your priests and a 16 inch aura for enemy wizards is fantastic. Now I can move my Priests further into the battlefield without fearing for the life of my big banner boi. The whole thing feels like you're creating an area of spell denial that is potentially devastating for the enemy to enter. So far so good. As long as leaks don't reveal some horrible misstep in rules somewhere, I'm a happy boi!
  8. Also fair enough, I'm giving up additional hitting or saving power for more Daemon Summoning power. If this gets nerfed, so will +1 hit and +1 save prayers, so everyone will need to change how they play. HOWEVER, I believe (see: hope) there will be a Slaughterhost that focuses on mortal models summoning daemon models. It should come with something to boost summoning (at the cost of not using a different Slaughterhost). I mean at this point who can really say what is going to change and what is going to stay. It's clear they've looked the entire book over and 2.0'd it. I hope the summoning mechanic gets some love.
  9. I'n my experience if you are playing with three Priests using Sacrifice every turn, and you've got min squads of Reavers, it's pretty easy to get to eight blood tithe at least twice a game. Even when I blobbed my Reavers into one giant 40 man unit I never had problems summoning multiple units a turn or getting to 8 tithe at least once. Sacrifice is an incredibly powerful ability made better with a nearby Chaos Spawn.
  10. The Bell endless spell for Skaven does the same thing. Does the moon for Gits as well? It seems like they are making thematic ways for each army to work "optimally" on the battlefield, so I could see them doing something like, "When X number of models die within Y inches of the portal / shrine / endless prayer, its aura grows X number of inches permanently. The range in which units can be thrown onto the pile increases by X as well (X + Y)". So now you want to get in the face of your enemy and fight, even sacrificing your own units to it, so you can increase the size of it and move onto other, further objectives.
  11. Wishiest wishlist ability: While the number of models in a unit are a multiple of 8, increase the damage of that unit by 1 for each multiple of 8 models in the unit until it is no longer a multiple of 8. 40 Bloodreavers under a Chaos Warshrine just became the number one target of the enemy. 10 Blood Warriors just became your Blood Sacrifice target. This will never happen but makes me happy to think about.
  12. I was actually going to stop working on my Blades of Khorne this year due to the steady buffs washing over the armies. I didn't want to slowly get worse and worse on the battlefield due to no fault of my own. Now? I may weep from happiness. I'm going to redouble my painting efforts and get my army done. I can't wait to see what new battalions, abilities, and prayers we get!
  13. Wouldn't mind an overhaul of the book Blood Tithe table that gives it "Endless Prayers" instead of some of the options. Most of them are never used as is.
  14. It's the same reason any other Khorne Daemon can charge first turn: WoK Command + Bloodstoker + Command Run auto 6. Bloodthirster is now moving/running 20 inches + charging 2D6+4. Don't forget to buff your Bloodthirster with two +1 Hit prayers and give him an artifact that makes his AoE MW hit on 5+. Seems good on paper but everyone's running giant horde screens now which could make it harder to use.
  15. Hahaha jesus that's what I get for mouthing off without seeing his name. Sorry, @Dan.Ford, didn't mean to put words in your mouth! I still think the main issue with our army is other armies needing to be brought down. And to be perfectly honest I was one of those people thinking Bloodletters were going down to 100 points. Karanak at 160 = never going to see this guy in a game again.
  16. I'll take that one on the chin for not seeing that, but one Slaughterpriest with 3 packs of 30 Bloodletters isn't exactly the norm so I stand by my post. That army could honestly work without the Slaughterpriest in it since the way he runs it he's in your face turn one with 90 Bloodletters. I agree it's a death by a thousand cuts. GW seems to have problems figuring out how to buff Khorne without them becoming OP. 40k 8th edition Berzerkers were crazy good when the new rules dropped, but they've been slowly nerfed by internal and global rule changes and updates. AoS seems to be the same: AoS came out and Khorne were the big baddies, now you get a handful or less players taking them in tournaments because they're so difficult to use.
  17. I think there's a little too much gloom and doom in here. Yes, we got nerfed. No, it isn't going to effect us very much. Khorne wasn't winning tournaments, hell we were already fighting tooth and nail to get in the top 20 of recent tournaments. Let's look at some Khorne tournament lists: Facehammer GT - Daniel Ford gets 4th with a Murderhost list with no Slaughterpriests - https://aosshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/fhgt2018-top-10.pdf Blackout 2018 - Daniel Ford came in 10th, same list Full Results: https://secure-hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/6/6/7/6674230219d60a55/BLACKOUT18_results.jpg?c_id=22511440&cs_id=22511440&expiration=1545333049&hwt=00a7f46a0e41c2427b50369d9e7bd260 Lists - https://aosshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/BLACKOUT_lists2018.pdf Nova Open - David Fields came in 1st with Council of Blood - https://imgur.com/a/n3q67QS Angelcore 2018 - Vincent Chan dead last at 22nd with zero points - Someone else's list is listed in the list page as well, no idea whats going on here - https://aosshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Angelcore-Lists-2018.pdf Sydney GT - No final results, but there are zero Khorne lists trying to maximize Bloodletter MW - https://aosshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Master-List-Sydney-GT-18.pdf There are many people who believe buffing Bloodletter's MW makes Khorne competitive, but tournament players appear to not agree. I could continue looking through tournament results and lists but I did right when 2.0 came out and came to the same conclusion: Bloodletter Bomb died with 2.0, not with Wrath and Rapture. Hell, tournament players are probably praising the change as it means your attack isn't dropped when you roll a 6 (I imagine Daniel Ford is grinning ear to ear). In general: Khorne needs some minor tweaks, but the other, newer armies need nerfs more. Bringing those armies that are OP due to one reason or another down to the level of their predecessors will indirectly buff Khorne back to where it was pre-2.0. I'd rather they didn't knee-****** buff us and make us the new hated army of the year (which GW has been known to do in the past).
  18. https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Core-Rules-and-Bases-Sizes-EN.pdf Flesh Hounds and Karanak are now on 60 x 35 mm bases. Time to start rebasing!
  19. I don't think anyone's ever accused Games Workshop of being consistent.
  20. That's almost upsetting until you realize Mighty Skullcrushers are in a good place right now regardless.
  21. No one's mentioned anything about it changing in that way which is why it took me by surprise. We lost an obscene number of MW on Bloodletters and gained a decent amount on MSU Bloodcrushers. If the other Juggernaut units get the same buff I could see me running a JuggerLord more often. Additionally this makes summoning Bloodcrushers more valuable. Time to start taking Violent Urgency + Talisman of Burning Blood again!
  22. Is this a new change?: Bloodcrusher's Murderous Charge now increases in damage based on how many models the enemy unit has. Equal or under 5 = D3 MW. Over 5 = D6 MW. In the book it's based off how many models the Bloodcrusher unit has not the enemy unit.
  23. The part where I said allying it in at the very start of the comment, under the quote from the other user where he mentioned the Shaman. Don't have a cow, man. Bloodreavers also get the +1 to run and charge from their Hornblower, but yes run+charge is always great. I don't see it being absolutely necessary, though, because from experience you usually don't need it. I'll admit I'm biased in this whole debate as I'm painting 40 Bloodreavers right now and I'm bloody well going to use them. That said, Bestigors are brutal as a unit of 30, even unbuffed. If I was just getting into the hobby I would be seriously looking at them instead of Bloodreavers, but you have to dance with who brung ya as they say.
  24. You're still allying in a Shaman. Shaman's still a wizard. I don't fault anyone for doing whatever they have to do to win, but my Khorny bois stay magic free. Besides at that point why not just play Beasts of Chaos?
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