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Everything posted by Shankelton

  1. God, I love everything about them. Not a single model in the range missed for me, closest being the hobgrots and the more rounded armor. Just prefer the jagged lines. Cruel, wicked weapons. Swampy, unclean aesthetic, cruel and underhanded, downright Morkish theme. No huge warmachines, just raiders and rogues to the core. The boltboyz are my personal favorite model I think. But in general it's the proportions of them all that sell it. They're so gangly and alien looking, wiry frames you can just imagine creeping and slithering through the tangled brush off a main road. Well they're orcs, their proportions are so... goblinoid. Not at all like Ironjawz, and I love that. Just don't make me have to play ironjawz or bonesplittas with them. I want only these guys, 24/7 and all day xD. Hopping we see a smaller, sickly cavalry that is like the warboss's mount. Something warg like, hairless and fanged. Though still has me wondering. Why the heck do they worship Kragnos? He seems like the antithesis of what these guys are. Regardless, these guys are my new army for sure. Ogres will have to pull some serious moves to overtake these guys as an aesthetic favorite.
  2. Hmm hmm. Love the jagged metal look, though still concerned on them just being Orruks but smaller. Overall looks promising, and I still have my ogres if the aesthetic falls through for me! Looks like that brand is from the rider as well, can see on the back right flank. Though part of me is hoping these guys are a smaller release! Even if I love them, would be good to just get the bones of an army to work on painting and have some other factions get a wave 2, like Ironjawz. Don't really feel up to hopping on the LrL kit avalanche. I would prefer to see a variety as the core of destruction, and not for Kruel Boyz to be the face.
  3. Very meh for me. Was not hoping for a magic orc faction. Waning quite a bit if ill end up picking this army up after all if that's the case.
  4. Will be interesting to see how these Morruks turn out. Little wary of them if there just a scrawnier orc, rather then a subspecies like a hobgoblin or goblinoid. But that's more just what i'm looking for. Not as interested in orcs personality wise vs. Goblins and hobgoblins, which is more my jam. I'm optimistic! Can't wait to actually get the details this weekend. Hoping we get some synopsis of Kragnos out before the timer. Feels like it might get trampled a bit in the deluge of AOS 3 talk, and I'm really curious to see how destruction is being framed prior to Dominion.
  5. When life gives you lemons, its ok. Have Club
  6. Im so sold on the rumor engines for Beasts so far. I gotta get the lead out and finish my 6000 points of ogors, and get ready for these boyz! Words can't describe how much this release is hitting what I want so far.
  7. Same here, if the releases have told me anything is that even a retreading of familiar ground will get turned up to 11 when AoS is involved. Personally hoping for a nice, familiar core with a healthy dose of the weird.
  8. If cruel boyz are true, it's exactly what I'm looking for in an army, theme wise. Greasy, shifty green skins in rusted and jagged armor. Swamps and Mires, which just happens to fit so snugly in with my Ogor army lore as well. Lanky and bigger then moonclan grots. I was a little worried that they would be very similar to the rippa's warband, which I didn't completely love the aesthetic of. Even if the interest was still there. The lore connection to Chaos Dwarves is just icing on the cake. Gives them a grounded, more civilized setting to spin little mercenary and trade stories with. LOTR sized goblinoid orcs, with that armor style from Mines of Moria, is so on my level. I can't wait. Please god let me be able to find a launch box of this.
  9. I wouldn't change elves for the world. It would be a much darker world if they were any lesser.. and much less funny when they get rochambeau'd by a goblin wearing trash.
  10. I just can't wait for the next chapter of AoS Alarielle: Step-Mother of Nature Destruction: yOu'Re nOt mY REaL mOM! *THrows chair out the window*
  11. Never thought about it being the direwolves. You're prob right!
  12. I can't not see Soulblight getting their full release revealed next week xD. No more speculating on the full scoop of the range. I think the Bitey Boys time has come, when they'll release is another question entirely xD.
  13. Really looking for just military hobgoblins in general. Underhanded, dirty tricks, making up for some of their size disparity with numbers and crude warmachines. Nomadic raiders with a tribe like civilization. More martial skill then say a night goblin, but obviously less then an ork. Pack tactics, and a play style of looking to set up unfair fights would be cool. Bonuses for outnumbering, or maybe charging/ flanking a unit that is already charged. Some ability to disengage from a fight, to wheel and hit into another one. Quick, but by no means speedy like Slaneesh or elves. Would prefer to not focus on magic, as that is really Gloomspites territory. I just want to play as goblins man. Let me be my favorite race with jagged armor xD.
  14. Good catch! Though the ice like bits under the arch still have me wondering
  15. Can't wait to get that sweet, sweet destruction lore! I'm hankering for it.
  16. All I know, is that i;m hyped for next week xD. Lots of goodies to come
  17. What cryptic messaging has hinted that? I thought the idea of hobgoblins was fairly well founded atm!
  18. Do we have confirmation that this one will be in Kragnos? Or that BR is ending with Kragnos? Could be for a new one we haven't seen yet.
  19. 100% Sylvaneth. Life in ascension has been mentioned in the BR's series, the Base is detritus and vines. Pose yells elven, as do the ears and iconography on the shoulder mantle. Love the inclusion of bugs and the little parts of nature. I predict it's some kind of buffer, a hearld of nature waking. The blow horn looks fairly ornate and elf like as well, and the model seems to be grasping it very elegantly. No intention to ever collect elves myself, but can't wait to see the pantheon fleshed out even more. Get hype wood elf and nature lovers!
  20. Im all for a new dwarf faction encouraging or enabling allies from all the dwarven pantheon. Having options when creating your force, and weaving your armies story is great. Right now the old Disspossed, Ko and Fyreslayers all have a good narrative home. I wouldn't want to upset that. Plus, it's very on theme for Grugni's/ Valaya (hope they both pop up as leaders) faction to want to extend olive branchs to the other dwarven peoples. For me that's the key difference between elves and dwarves. The dwarves are far more collective and community based, well the elves are far more specialist in what they see as right. Kurnothi, Umbreneth and Lumineth all have their own specific goals and you won't likely see them coming together unless extreme circumstances require it. Dwarves are much more likely to come to the collective planning table.... They'll just end up arguing more about what to do then ever enacting a joint plan xD.
  21. Absolutely. Options to place different combinations is great, so long as each factions can still happily focus on a mono faction without the handicap!
  22. Totally agree. If anyone is expecting 8th ed orks, or something along the lines of the older Miner or warrior kits, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Really all I need to be invested, is an armored take on the Dwarves vs. what AoS is currently offering. Grugni as the faction deity/paragon, and a lore focus on crafting, wisdom and community/strongholds. I fully embrace any LrL style twists of style inspirations they'd get!
  23. I dunno! I always felt that the human representation of destruction was Ogres. With them being human adjacent, and sharing that tribal society that would be human barbarians... but only surviving in destruction because they're large and strong enough to batter back the other factions on their claim. I think Human destruction is a bit too close to human chaos. As you can build and make that human faction from a chaos warband, with their own culture and values, but have their worship of the chaos gods be esoteric. Not every chaos army needs to be blazing runes of Khorne, or hoisting banners of Slaneesh. I think it can be more nuanced then that. At least, that's how I always envisioned building a chaos army narrative myself. A knight stormcast box, fighting hobgoblin raiders would be a hard box set for me to pass up. Even just to build small 500 or 1000 point warbands for my collection.
  24. A hobgobla Khan does sound pretty rad. Here's hoping!
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