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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Wow, thanks for taking the time and uploading a pic! ❤️ I'll be sure to post the Tzeentchian minis once I got them! But this dude made me pull the trigger, looks like a decent fatemaster and got quite inspired by the lovely Adrian Smith artwork of Tzeentch warriors. I figure GW's offering will be even better but who knows how long it'll take. Frankly, I've never owned a 3d print and since I want to print my own parts it's also about knowing what I can expect/what's possible.
  2. I think Malerion will come during 4th ed. It‘s been too long a wait fot sure. Every Skaven, CD, Malerion, Ogors and BoC fan has my sympathy. I‘m sending thoughts and prayers like politicians do, that seems to be really helpful!
  3. Hmmm… not saying they aren‘t gods just that they don‘t feel like being on the same tier as some other gods. I just feel like having a mini makes them seem less godly already as in my mind a god should wipe the floor easily with whole armies - I know rules don‘t reflect actual power and they might just be aspects etc. but I can have a strained relationship to that concept. I‘m not against there being new gods per se, it just feels so convenient to have lots of key personalities ascend etc and be in there as figures. Makes me think of them more like primarchs than gods. But you‘ve named two decent examples for sure. I think it needs to gestate in my mind some longer, perhaps I can articulate it better later on.
  4. Ok, I just bought them on etsy. Will be interesting how they hold up in real life next to GW‘s stuff. I figure a couple of parts will be cool at least. A cool fatemaster should be in there!
  5. Not a shabby start for some Tzeentch bits/minis. By Lost Kingdom Miniatures. I would‘ve preferred some more pants but I might get some…
  6. Yeah, godhood feels as if there are tiers - the only ingame char that feels like a proper god is Nagash to me as he’s worked for aeons on it… and Sigmar would be my second pick but he was kinda divine long before being catapulted into AoS. The rest mostly feels like „hey, we had this char, let‘s say s/he‘s godly now“. And none of those feels like a Chaos God or Gorkamorka. I dunno, sometimes I think they should‘ve just stuck with the old pantheon like Ulric and company.
  7. I just hope there is a larger overall motivator to Destruction one day. The narrative of the races themselves are absolutely fine but they do lack that overarching threat other „baddie“ forces have - might be down to them having few „gods“ that GW can center the narrative around. The proper deities like Gorkamorka will always stay background characters and Kragnos, no matter how strong, doesn‘t read as a god but as a legendary beast. As you know, I‘m not exactly a fan of the new ex-mortal gods but it feels strange for some factions to have them and others lacking them. I‘d prefer if we only had more intangible gods ingame and lore-wise and instead legendary heroes and creatures but currently most big names float between legendary hero and real god. I do believe in time GW will refine that narrative aspect however. AoS is evolving faster than any other large setting by GW - I bet in five years it will feel as just as defined and well thought if as 40k did. Until then, we gotta send some love to Destruction.
  8. Yeah, Kragnos will win an ugliness pageant and then go on a rampage! What an amazing character 👌🏻
  9. One would think it would matter I guess but yeah, you are right, last edition it didn‘t really matter much. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll be honest, I don‘t care either way, as long as they release cool stuff! 😂
  10. Well, perhaps the new edition will also take place in multiple realms... All I care about is that the last few factions get cool updates and perhaps the smaller ones get some range extensions as well. And of course - less altruistically - some cool armored Tzeentch minis!
  11. Chamon = good cause Tzeentch stuff for sure😇 Ulgu = good cause coolest realm! I'll be happy with either, both realms are interesting. I think Chamon would make sense for Chaos Duardin and Ulgu obviously for Malerion. Skaven could be either, really. I figure Eshin screams Ulgu but they seem pretty universal all in all. I do hope we get cool scenery as well... I hope my scenery will turn out dark/desolate enough cause I kinda decided my Tzeentchian cult is from Ulgu.
  12. My days of being the most abrasive poster here seem to be numbered… I have to do better then!
  13. So what‘s the plan, fellow peasants? Torment Whitefang until he confirms it again? 👌🏻 Y‘know, I‘m something of a nuisance myself. 😎
  14. True… but even if more units got redone, it would still invoke feelings of nostalgia just by the scenery and square bases/movement trays alone. It‘s just the overall impression.
  15. Damn, didn't think I'd have any interest in TOW but that video made me feel hella nostalgic, just the terrain and grass mat alone. ❤️ Still unlikely I'll start it unless my group does but it retained that classic charm for sure.
  16. With the few mostly god-aligned releases they‘ve got, it wouldn‘t exactly baffle me but it would be a darn shame. I think Beastmen get really underappreciated. They might put them into TOW to push a proper update of the range back… I dunno how much The Honest Wargamer is in the loop now but I figure he knows his stuff. What IMO speaks against it is that an update of them would be beneficial to two systems now and we got various plastic gor minis in recent years but I‘m like Jon Snow, so just guessing. If someone new bought into TOW and saw he could either play with old minis or get new sculpts like the new Chaos Warriors or the theoretical Beastmen… would they go for armies that have lots of old minis (unless those are exactly what they wanted to collect)? 🤔
  17. Instead we got FFX-2 without a scantily clad Rikku! 😂 At least it’s not FFXIII…. anyways, I liked TOW (despite having no real interest in going back to it) and thus don‘t mind some of the characters being part of AoS, I just wish the characters I liked were still there. Precious few new cool chars get created cause everything revolves around the key players of old… I already took time off for FFVII Remake part 2. Can‘t wait! I just wish they put more effort into a remake of 3/VI as that has been my favorite (hard to pick one but it was my first and Kefka rules) - afaik, they work on a proper remake of 9, so that‘s cool too.
  18. 3 armies that could be fully mixed though and were in the same armybook... I'd put this under technicalities. 😋
  19. Due to my avatar, I feel a special connection already! I think you might be in luck as it looks like there will be new Darkoath (Chaos barbarians) minis coming in the near future. Warhammer Underworlds also has some nice barbarians for you that you could repurpose for WarCry or AoS. Personally, I find AoS more enjoyable than 40k as the rules are simpler and thus IMO more fun but that‘s a personal preference. I play 40k very rarely so that factors into it. The best rules are the ones you know well after all! Welcome!
  20. I feel like the grimdark manifested itself long before Mordheim. The big Chaos box (Realm of Chaos) that included rules for Warriors, Daemons and Beastmen as one single army had already very grimdark lore. IIRC, Tuomas was responsible for that one as well. Either way, to this day it‘s my definite picture of what Chaos should be. ❤️
  21. I wanna paint more of my stuff (Disciples of Tzeentch/Thousand Sons, more scenery, odd one-offs here and there) and I'm currently having a hard time not getting a second army. FEC really calls to me, although I'd probably also get skeletons and a couple of Nighthaunt to mix into them and run them all with FEC rules. My friends wouldn't mind and I love mixed Death forces since I've played Castlevania on the NES. But truth be told, if I was faster and didn't hate building minis (I hate removing flash, I'm a bit obsessive about that) so much, I'd probably own a Seraphon, Cities and now FEC army already and would love to get Skaven. And Ironjawz. Nids. More Chaos. Iyanden (or anything with lots of Wraithguards). So many cool armies out there... thank God I've learned to stick to my guns cause else I'd need a gigantic flat, I'd be hopeless! If I keep strong I won't really buy all that much most likely as I got pretty much everything but I need to turn those grey masses into something a little more fitting. We shall see... I'm at a point where I'd bet against myself staying strong though! I'd also like to finally print parts for my own custom leader but first I'd need to 3d model them. Probably just gonna use the Thaumaturge's warscroll for him. So yeah, all in all pretty easy goals for me - I can't set challenging goals for myself as I'm terribly lazy, a slow perfectionist and I got a lot of real life stuff to deal with too. But such a slow pace is enjoyable to me.
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