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Everything posted by Myrdin

  1. Honestly, with the changes to CP abilities I was thinking that Skyfires became much more viable now, despite their steep price. 6 of them with a Tzshaam (Tzaan Shaman), gets you 3+ re-roll 1s to hit on their shooting. That sounds very painful on the paper considering their overall profile. And with the price increase on Enlightened I think the dismounted version became a little bit more attractive. Imagine them tagging along with MSU Bestigors. 2" range has you covered and being slower than the disc version, they should draw less attention too.
  2. You are forgetting the bulk discount for 30 goat strong. So the price difference is not really a big thing consider the volume of bodies you are getting. Now as far as the whole Idea, I second Ajmaus. 90 bestigors on the table will be rather detrimental to the health of your side of the board. It will clog the table and slow down most of your stuff, other than fliers. Also as pointed out, no 2" range is a huge deal as you wont be able to utilize those numbers. While its true that Bestigors are best served as MSU, it also good to point out that running one blob of 30 and 2-4 drone units of 10 is also pretty viable. Especially if accompanied by some other big threats like a Chimera or Gorghon, they will keep the attention of your opponent and his strongest stuff on them. After all you cant ignore that unit, less you`re asking for a beating. This will allow the drone units of 10 Bestigors to either flank or engage into small skirmishes and it will be more agile than 3 big units of 90 models.
  3. This is pretty cool. Is there an option to download the summary and print it or is this for online use only ?
  4. Just a newsletter update from Mierce Miniatures. It seems they have a 50% off on their metal miniatures. Last time they had this I got myself a nice unit of their version of Bestigors, so I though I`ll give a shout out to anyone who might be interested.
  5. Just to chime in: As for the summoning, you might find that, depending on the scale and length of the game, and how well you roll your sacrifice each turn, you might need to get more bodies. Basic ungors are solid summoning option in case you have depleted your first batch of "volunteers" as you can get more points out of the unit than you spend on it. And yes, the Raiders are best in big blobs so you can get those rerolls. Its just 4+/4+/-/1 so many people dont take them seriously but, with the re-rolls that amount of Dakka can bring down even big targets if you are lucky enough. Plus if you get to buff their shooting in any other way they get very good for those points. Small units, as mentioned by Ajmaus are good for the pre-game move as screens, but not much else. Their shooting without the rerolls is so bad that you dont want them for anything else than screening, not even objective camping. Centigors, chariots and such are better for that. Cygor is mostly for fun. When you know you`re going to play a fun non try hard game with some wacky units. It can be surprisingly good, but at the same time since the Damage is D6, it can be abhorrently bad depending on the dice rolls. Cygor could use some buff to his shooting to make it truly worthwhile, but if, as mentioned you use him in more fun oriented lists, he can be surprisingly good. Surround him with 40 Raiders, and throw some warhounds and centigors on the flanks for protection, and watch your enemy face when you roll out with ranged BoC army Tried that at 1500 (my preferred point limit for games.) against Karadron, and it was a lot of fun. Thy Cygor pretty much Soloed the big Karadron Gunship. Hitting it twice with the boulder for 11 damage and then charging in to finish it in combat while the scurrying Ungors around him shot down the crew and bodyguards ^^
  6. I... I... I think I need to change my underwear Ok on a more serious note. Holy Jesus on a bycycle. This is what I was talking about when I mentioned new shiny models. A LOT more dynamic, bunch of details, overall great looking Beastmen. Love A+ ! Now as far as the warband itself goes..... One has to notice a distinct lack of Gors in there. I expected A bestigor and an Ungor sure, but 4 ungors a bestigor and only 1 Gor ? Well...... hmmmm... who at the same time could pass for a fine Bestigor. Now I wanna see the rules for these, and hope for some neat syngergies. The Hero looks like something between a shaman and a Bestigor with an Idol/Totem staff and a Ritual dagger. Mayhaps a model similar to that Khorn Buff guy ? It would be nice to see a token bearer of a sorts who can burn CP for AoE wide buff, or something like that. Thanks for sharing this *Still no Centigor. Had some hopes but did not happen. To bad
  7. A beastlord would beat, and stare that thing into submission I agree about the mighty ducks. Thats something we should have gotten as well, same with the Furies. Things that are just remotely bestial ? Ok I can concede that. But full fledged mutated beasts like these ? They should have BoC keyword by default. On a side note... if we had those ducks, I would make a thunder bird wing of Cockatrices, and ducklings just for the lolz. Wish we got some winged Birdmen as well, some flappy version of Crow-Tzaangors. And as for new models.... the majority of BoC sculpts have aged fairly well, but even so, comparing them with some of the modern, cool highly detailed and dynamic sculpts, you can see the disparity. And lets not even get started on Razorgors and Centigors. People ask why we want new stuff... maybe coz ours looks like it came from a different era, and we as well want to have the feeling of new shiny toys to play with.
  8. Hmm IF we get (****** finally...) and underworld Warband, that means we will get new unit profiles for regular games as well, just like the other armies did. Now lets hope for something actually new, like Khorngors, Slaangors and Pestigors (though again, if that was the case I am sure we would see them released alongside their respective god Battletome revamps). Honestly, I`d like to see Gor axe throwers. Just a regular Gor with 8" throwing axe 4+/3+/-1/1. If paired weapons reroll 1 on the throw as well as in combat. Same price as regular Gors (or better to say, they would replace the regular gors entirely since it would be just Gors, but with an extra throwing ability) That way we might actually squeeze some use out of the dozens of Gor models most of us have. Though I suppose we wont see anything new. They dont seem too eager on making new Beastmen sculpts, or dare I say NEW Beastmen altogether (Werewolves, Bearmen, Crowmen>Harpies, etc) Fingers crossed, but better not expect much...
  9. Now this might not mean much but BoC and StD have always been compatible allies. For us, currently they are the only ones we can take. For them BoC have always been an access to cheap chaff (though these days there is some more we offer as well). As such I dont see the ability changing and limiting the effect even more. I mean one would have to go against a lot of established lore as well to deny a Chaos Chosen champion the ability to lead and inspire all of his minions, the slavering braying hordes of mutants and beastmen included. Granted, it might always happen. I just think it wont but I guess we`ll see. Really looking forward to the Free Cities book, though I honestly and truly dislike the fact its a mixed book. Elves, and Dwarves should be their own thing, as should be the Free Cities a purely Empire thing. Why did they include SCE who already have 2 books is also beyond me. I just wanted the good old Empire back, in AoS Coat, with some new tricks up its sleeve. Not this combination of 4 factions, that will turn out into the ultimate cheese lists one can imagine. But I guess we will see soon, once the book hits the shelves.
  10. I was comparing the unit of 3 to the 1x1x1. Ofc if you have 4, then use 4 in a big cheap blocking unit. That nurgle thing is so weak I dont even.... if it was D3 MV this would be another story. And I personally dont play anything nurgle related. Just dont like Nurgle in general Or ok, let me clarify: Single chariots are good for objective capturing. Not for combat and or blocking. Should have said this in the first place. Since Razorgors are now more expensive and funny enough when doing my lists no longer work as padding, since those 40pts was a sweet spot that I always had to fill out after finishing those list, I think the Chariots are now a better option and a replacement for them. More wounds, better save and more damage output in general. Never mention Shamans speed buff. @Maddpainting No harm done. It was just genuinely funny to me seeing as I`ve been active here for at least a year by now
  11. Guys , you`re talking as if I was a newbie here lol I`ve been playing Beastmen long before AoS was a thing. The game was mostly for new players and for the rest of us who wanna take a look at the GHB changes that happened lately. Either my comment was written in a confusing way or people people assumed that due to the small points range and me stating its an introductory game, not reading the whole text. Anyway. Yeah, single chariots, are not good. Always take them in pairs minimum, ideally in 3s
  12. We `re gonna play a fast 500 skirmish game today. Not sure about the rules and how you build the list, only that they were released in WD as an extra. Thus I just did the list as for any normal game: 1x Beastlord with Axe or Blade for artifact 2x10 Bestigors 1x10 Ungors 1x Chariot 1x Razorgor Exactly 500 pts. If there will be objective play, Chariot and Piggy got it covered. If its gonna be just a slugfest, they wont be as useful albeit for maybe flanking the enemy Character. A well balanced list if I may say so myself. Especially after seeing some of the things other people forced into those 500pts, "sigh and an eye roll". This game is mostly introductory for some new players we got, and also to get the others get used to the GHB changes. I have been thnking about the Furies again.... I am kinda torn on this. I have a LOT of harpies from back in the day. Some from Mantic, some from Raging heroes. I do like the new Gargoyle-esque look these guys have, but rather than getting those giving the old minis of mine some use again sounds like a better choice... especially those from RG, since theirs stuff aint so cheap for it to just sit on a shelf. The unit itself looks solid though. (Cant understand why they didnt include BoC keyword though. At least the Raptorix are clearly mutated Beasts.) Any idea about their base size ? Cant find them in the GW shop yet, so unsure, but they look like 40mm to me.
  13. To bad the dont have BoC Keyword. We need some god damm love in here ffs. At least we can ally them in. I really do like those models, and seeing the warscroll... sure why not They replace the Harpies we once used to have rather nicely. Though only as Allies. Good lord, all of these units just show how horrible Gors are....
  14. Yes, generally Khorne Battalion is the best out of the 4 God Batallions taken in Vacuum, and obviously necessary if taken with other Khorne stuff under the main Khorne army. Personally I wish Nurgle Batt included cheap stuff like Razorgors that you can just throw at the enemy and deal that extra MW. It should also be D3 MV. Khorne is good, but I think that the restriction of friendly units within range of another Khorne unit is unnecessary. Also that 1 time reroll for Wounds should be treated not as a global thing, but as on a "per unit" basis. Each unit under the battalion gets to activate it once per game. Not one activation per whole army, Makes little sense because its not that often there is enough units in combat to make full use of it. Slaanesh is seriously bad. (On its own without using actual Slaanesh book). The limitation for the ability to proc is way to specific. A hero with an artifact.... Yuck. Just make it a Hero. Even then it wouldn't be exactly amazing but still better than targeting an artifact.... in 1.5/2K list, how many of those you will see ? 1/2 ? Yeah. Honestly though I think it should be just a reroll, each unit under the Battalion, once per game. That would be an amazing trait for our speedy army. Tzeentch is just meh. You`d expect it would buff your wizards for casting and dispelling, which would be nice, considering we have no native wizard buffs and tend to run at least 2 spellcaster in most armies minimum, but its just meh. A simlpe +1 to cast rolls and +1 to dispell rolls if enemy caster is within 18" lets say, would be more useful. The sole purpose of Battalions is to 1/2 drop an army. As far as the effects of the Battalion go most of them are meh, though some are relatively nice and one or two are actually good, but as far as the God Battalions go, they are mostly disappointing and used only to run along a God Army, or 1 drop your army.
  15. Not sure we can call Tzaangors dirty anymore with the price hike, they are on par with Bullgors (yet are oh so much better, only shows you how bad bullgors are).
  16. I prefer learning the rules as we play, rather than just sitting down binge reading the whole massive book trying to cram those rules in, as if I was still in school prepping for a test
  17. Jesus..... I am SOOO not looking forward to this ><
  18. Is there a summary of the changes to GHB ? I really dont care for reading the whole bloody thing, so if anyone can just point the changes to the core game and to our faction, that be good enough for me.
  19. Be sure to share your thoughts and pictures of your new Khornate Beastmen when you do 👍
  20. Disclaimer: If you want an army that does something completely differently than those two, you better look somewhere else. BoC are pretty much a mix of what you said. High mobility army that does well on charge, but lacks the grinding sustain for duking it out with any more elite units. HOWEVER: with that said there are some things that BoC can offer to a Khorn allegiance army. Actually a lot. BoC synergize well with the other God armies, if taken via the God Battalion, and you can pull off some sick combos. At least with Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle that is. Tzeentch will more likely than not yet get a rework like the other Gods, and we will see how it does with BoC units in the mix then. But anyway. Running BoC in Khorne gives you what Khorne lacks. Mobility and high volume of numbers. You could sneak in maybe some Ungor raiders for cheap shooting, but they are not part of the Battalion so you would have to go with the Allies limit, but I think 1 unit of 40 should fit into that. BoC units can benefit greatly from Bloodstrokers and Bloodsecrators. It turns our cheap low tier elite unit into high end murder machines that still come with the big numbers most of our units do. Khorne buffed minotaurs are no joke, Bestigors become even better. Centigors and Dragon ogors get much more deadly. You get the idea. Beastmen perform better in the God armies than in their own lol.... honestly its sad, that we have no inner army synergy of that magnitude and must sell out oureself to different armies to get to that level. So yeah, if you are looking for something completely different, I would not recommend BoC as is. But if you are looking for something slightly different, something to fill out the weak spot in your Khorne army, than BoC is the best complimentary "ally" (not really an ally, due to the God Battalions) you can give them.
  21. Thats a fantastic flavor full conversion ! Completely in line with Beastmen theme of mixing differnt animal parts. And you did very good job on the paintjob as well. Really nice Now it makes me wonder what else you have have in stock as far as conversion are concerned ; )
  22. @decker_cky I have that one as well, all magnetized and ready to be based Yeah that one works nicely for a Shaggoth model. The bigger one I was talking about is this bad boy. No way you gonna fit this monster on that base, ...Makes me wish we got Kolek SunEater back as a giant Shaggy. This guy from MM would be the perfect substitute for that.
  23. Well I am not a competitive player. I play to win sure, but I dont try hard, and keep it at a friendly level. I have the Khorne mentality when I play my Beastmen. I dont care if I loose, as long as things on both side die. You defeat me ? Thats mighty fine, if I wiped 2/3 of your army in the process, we rolled bunch of die, removed models, and talked smack about each other and the units goofing around and missing their rolls while laughing. Thats why I dont have a problem running a combat shaggy with Azyrite blade in the front lines. That mentality of keeping a 180 pts monster in the back row just doesnt sit well with me. Its wasted points for something that can and should be paying for itself once deployed. As for the big Shaggy model from Mierce mini... yeah that one is bad*ss as all hell, but the size is waaaay bigger. You would normally put that thing on a 120mm oval minimum, not the 90x50 that Dragon Ogors are based on. The cool factor is high though, gotta give him that!
  24. What mercenaries are you guys talking about ? I didnt know there is such a thing, especially considering how limited BoC ally options are. Shaggoth is not a spell caster in the purest sense so if you restrict yourself thinking that "this is just a overcosted bray shaman with bigger base" you are literally crippling yourself with that line of thought, which in turn might negatively impact how you draw your strategy and move things around. Dont play him as a spell caster. Play him as a 10W combat support character, who can either roll a -3 Rend with one arterfact, or a 3+ Save with another one. Treat the spell casting as an extra ability that can happen each turn, but move him in a way you wound move any other of our front-line units. I tend to run my Shaggy with the Azyrite Blade for the innate -3 Rend. On many occasions he cut through several units, or small groups of characters on his lonesome, while occasionally succeeding at buffing his nearby retinue of DO or anything that was close enough to be buffed. Unless there are bigger threads on the board he will get focused heavily, so might as well give them (opponents) a reason. The fact that he has 10W and no damage table chart does allow for a more relaxed mindset of using him as a multipurpose tool, rather than a one thing specialist.
  25. For the remaining 220 points I would either add one more 10 man unit of Bestigors, leaving you with 100 pts to do as you please, or alternatively, add +3 to the existing Dragon Ogor unit. 6 are pretty good at what they do. 3 melt to quickly. And this is true for any monstrous infantry, so applies to Bullgors as well. That would leave you with 80 pts. Thats enough for one more unit of Ungors, and a cheap situational Endless spell. Or just take a unit of 10 gors with shields for extra objective holding just to not leave any point unused. Otherwise I would put them into a unit of Centigors. Same price, double the speed. But we are cooking with what you have here. Honestly you need to test out different variations of the build, to see what sticks with you the most. Since you said you are still quite new to BoC, all of this is theoretical, since you you yet need to see the units act out their parts and see how they do in different scenarios.
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