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Everything posted by willange

  1. Could that also be a funky mutated Doombreed? His name has come up a lot recently.
  2. Honestly I'd be cool if the crossbow ghosts had mortal wounds. At 12" range it's way less oppressive even though they have a deep strike. At worst you basically have a salamander hunting back, but that's more okay on Nighthaunt since they generally suck
  3. Thanks now I’ll never be happy again till this is confirmed true
  4. Double turn and randomness in general have a much higher impact on the outcome of the game when you take it down to 1k or even 1.5k. With more points you have more opportunity to smooth out your dice roles and win the game with tactics and deception which, imo, makes it more fun. The only reason I don't go to 2.5k or even 3k is mainly time constraints. I mean, I want a little randomness in my game. I also want enough units and rounds to actually employ some tactics and pull some feints and misdirects. I also want to throw a lot of models on the table. I also want to get home on time. At the moment, 2k feels just about right on most of these fronts and given the balance of units in the game. I honestly feel that with so many large point units (god models, 500 point GUOs, expensive foot troops in factions like OBR/Slaanesh/Lumineth/Idoneth) in the game and things going up in points seemingly in general that 2.5k might be more worth my attention, but I haven't actually tried it yet. I'd like to hit the table with slightly more models than I often do now, though that's partially 3.0's new coherency rules at fault there skewing everything toward smaller more elite units and battle tactics making model count less important. So yeah I'm pretty happy with 2k, but would consider playing larger games. Smaller games just feel like they constrain list-building too much and don't let me play with my big toys
  5. LotFP can no longer take skaven daemons :(((((
  6. I don't know... That "tail" on his backside looks suspiciously like a tentacle to me...
  7. In my view this mostly happens because many of those "spam-able" units don't really have many hard counters or else perform too many roles too well. For example, if your opponent spams 60 sentinels and minimal protection for them, many armies don't have an "anti-ranged" that can just crush that. It's not that there aren't ways to beat 60 sentinels, but there aren't enough options to shut down ranged play in most armies. Basically what I'm saying is that there isn't enough "rock-paper-scissors" in the game. I get that rock-paper-scissors sounds bad, but I actually think it's pretty important to limiting spam lists without making up very arbitrary rules that literally just do more to dictate list building. For example, what if there were melee units in the game that were decently fast (without flying) that were actually immune to unleash hell and had a 4+ ward specifically against missile weapons (and MWs caused by missile weapons). They'd have decent combat stats as well of course, but not amazing for their points. Spamming them would be ill-advised because against non-missile armies, you'll be crushed, but taking 300-400 points of them could be reasonable given that they have potential to clear out enemy ranged. By the same token, you could have a semi-fast (like 6-8" move) skirmisher unit that specializes in killing chaff. Now you combine those two units and you have a potent combination to clear the chaff protecting your opponents missiles and then punish them with you anti-ranged. Ideally, 1k of counter-missile units should easily handle 2k of pure missile spam. Obviously my specific unit ideas are mostly ****** (came up with them on the spot during lunch), but the idea here is you want some units to be really really good against other units. That way someone with a balanced force who runs 500 points each of different battlefield roles (with room for variation and partial spam on a role or two) should fare far better than someone who pretty much makes 1.5k points of one role with minimal battleline/leader requirements filled. That's the goal you try to get to and I think AoS gets there by doing a better job of making units that counter certain types of other units well. Of course this concept gets even cooler when you have units that can perform hybrid roles to a certain extent, but those units as well should have clear counters available in the majority of armies so that the new standard doesn't immediately become "spam hybrid units".
  8. Support for elves? Calling dwarven hats silly? Liking the lore of the weak storm manlings? Not realizing bulls were only for the traitor dawi zharr? WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH @Public Universal Duardin?!?!
  9. Definitely gotta vote Krabnos. No real agency there
  10. I feel like what we really need is "General Chat" thread where people also talk rumors
  11. All-new units would be sick for gitz, as well as model updates for madcap shaman and spider riders/boss. That said, the primary thing that book needs is just a tune up.
  12. Well obviously Old World will at some point cover the dwarves, but it makes me wonder... Will we actually be getting new sculpts for old races in Old World? I would imagine the answer will be some variant of "sometimes". It would be cool to see Old World dwarves with the current gyros and ironbreakers/hammerers/etc. that we have today but reinforced by brand new quarrelers and thunderers and warriors and so forth.
  13. Yeah most of the Bonesplitterz changes are simply mistifying even now. The funny thing is that their heroes were pretty much OK, but the troops are just all so unbelievably bad. HOWEVER, a major points drops to all their non-leaders could at least make them work. It would still be a little lacking in theme, but they could in theory at least become playable. I also feel that Bonesplitterz should get some extra allegiance ability faq'd in to give them some bonus vs monsters across the board. It feels weird that Bonesplitterz don't get their anti-monster stuff now that monsters are finally ubiquitous in the meta.
  14. Do we have any actual evidence or indications of more to come for Nurgle? I got the impression the sorcerer was it.
  15. That's good to know! I actually still need to read through the rest of my soulbound stuff (also purchased for lore). I'd still love to see more of these "minor" order factions/nations/cities represented in game somehow though. Maybe if only as some sort of warcry warband or underworlds thing. Makes me wish more and more each day for a mortal realms spanning Total War AoS!
  16. So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here. Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going. To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas. ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it. It had me wondering how you could represent that in game. One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map. They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there. So how would that look in game? Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units? Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)? Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns? There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper? I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?
  17. Oh man I sure hope so. I don’t think we’d be able to use much AoS in the old world. However, there’s almost no reason why every old world faction couldn’t exist in AoS. For example, Kislev becomes, “Random group of reclaimed who cling to ancient legends about bears and ice and stuff”. I’d love it!
  18. Makes sense. Combat Patrol is the game size for small 40k games and Vanguard is the game size for small AoS games.
  19. 1) I actively want more Lumineth. GIVE. ME. MOAR. (everyone around me seems to think they're annoying) 2) I enjoy playing against hyper competitive meta-lists, but everyone in my group checks to make sure their army isn't too powerful before bringing it to our casual nights. I find that extremely annoying and then winning feels cheap (I don't usually run meta-lists for the record, I mostly play Khorne, CoS, and BoC) 3) Store terrain is mostly super annoying. Anything with a slope is just the worst. I get that it looks nice, but bases weren't made for slopes!!!
  20. I've tried exporting my list from warscroll builder and from the AoS App, but BCP says it's invalid either way. Warscroll Builder gets closer, but it keeps not being able to parse my battleline and reinforced units section. Do any of you have experience with this?
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