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Josh Meads

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Everything posted by Josh Meads

  1. Ticket bought Gonna bust out the COMPENDIUM High Elves if they're not banned
  2. I thought this would be a real thing with AoS. Nagash worshipping Chaos Warriors, Malekith worshipping Vampires Sigmar worshipping Orcs etc etc. I'd probably go all in for some Chaos worshipping elfs
  3. Got the Nighthaunts box Building it as a coven throne so essentially a free necromancer and 3 banshees! Ridiculously good value.
  4. This is exceptionally tempting... Have just got the Death book out to look at Nighthaunts, in facts
  5. I struggled to finish in two of the games as it was - mainly due to my opponents horde armies as I can scoot through turns, but 2,500 would make people struggle even more I think.
  6. Hotel, train and ticket booked! Josh Meads
  7. Seems kind of silly to um and ah when I live within sight of the venue pretty much Just the entirety of the army to get painted up now I guess Looking forward to it! Josh Meads
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