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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. Summerking/Carrionking/Ushoran will be definitely the new Fec centerpiece as Katakros for Ossiarch.
  2. Remember that there is also Gen Con 2023 from 3rd to 6th of august . Two years ago we had a lot of reveals : Get Ready For a Grand Host of Announcements From Gen Con 2021 - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)
  3. During warhammer fest seminar they said that they will support and re release old kits only for the 9 featured factions. For the rest of classic armies (including DE) they will publish only rules and stats. we already know from Whitefang that old dark elves will stay (for now) while freeguild, arsenal, wandereres, phoenix temple will leave CoS.
  4. Dark elves are not in focus in TOW so basically they will get only rules and stats to play old armies. So I think they will stay in CoS. Old empire/freeguild , old wood elves/wanderers , old high elves/phoenix temple will definitely go back to old world
  5. Yes , but if I remember correctly they made a comparison with stegadon
  6. From WHfest stream We know that Dawnbringers campaign will bring miniatures for ( at least) 12 factions , so far we have seen: 1)Nurgle: hero 2)Fec : hero 3) Fyreslayers: hero 4) Gloomspite: hero 5) Ironjawz: behemoth so there are at least 7 more factions to cover and at least 7 more models to reveal. Some factions could receive maybe 2 kits Ironjawz start collecting is "again " no longer available in Europe. ( still available in North America and Aus/Nz )
  7. A brute boss maybe but not a mega boss , otherwise it would have been stated in the description: "The mighty Maw-grunta is a big pig like no other. Dwarfing the Gore-gruntas that the Ironjawz love for their orruk-bearing strength and blind porcine fury, these hulking beasts are a true force of nature. A single Maw-grunta can smash through massed infantry like a like a boar in a china shop, paving the way for a brutal Ardboys charge.* Covered in the trademark fist-forged armour plates of the Ironjawz, topped with a saddle made of bones, tusks tipped with choppas – these giant hogs are living battering rams with tempers as foul as the nastiest orruk. Adding insult to (massive) injury, the Maw-grunta is big enough to have two orruks riding side-saddle, equipped with massive hooked blades for lopping the ’eads off anyone who thinks dodging to the side of this avalanche of fur and iron will keep them safe.** These colossal war-boars will make their trotter-shaped mark on the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar campaign series Dawnbringers, which follows the Twin-Tailed Crusade as it sets out from Hammerhal to claim lands back in Aqshy and Ghyran. "
  8. I am not sure , side orruks look smaller to me than the brute on top and generally brutes do not wear masks/helms while ardboyz do . Maw Grunta should be as big as a Stonehorn/Thundertusk!
  9. They could be like the side orruks on new Maw gruntas
  10. Ardboyz are " still" no longer available in North America webstore, same thing happened with Lord Kroak during Broken Realms : I want to believe!
  11. What if the orruk wave of Dawnbringers book 2 brings along 2 new kits for ironjawz ( Maw-Gruntas + Ardboyz) and 2 kits for Bonesplitterz ( Wurrgog/wardokk + Big boss on warboar)
  12. Bonesplitterz will stay firmly in AoS my friend! TOW Orcs & Goblins will be likely to be just commons ( the discontinued greenskins and gitmob in 2019) From last Old world article Even the new Treemen will stay with Sylvaneth while ToW wood elves will keep the classic one in metal.
  13. I think its is totally possible to have a full reveal at Nova (30th august) , two weeks advance preorder in September and then release in December before Xmas ( as It was for Battle for Osgiliath box) : it is a way to mark the 40th anniversary of WHFB. TOW itself looks to me more an IP oriented project ,they even changed the name of the legacy armies : Dwarfs now are Dwarfen Mountain holds !!!!
  14. A couple weeks ago Valrak said launch box Bretonnia vs Tomb kings is coming at the end of the year ( November/December) Last year battle for osgiliath box was released in December with early preorder in September : I can see happening the same with old world launch box. This is year is 40th anniversary of WHFB.
  15. So those are some highlights from Hastings on war of sigmar blog on the preview online day ( 1st of July): .... The actual game becoming some sort of semi inclusive episodic narrative event.... My understanding is the focus and timeline will move with each episodic narrative release Yea, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but a large part of this project will be resin. From what I hear there's not much in the way of "new" plastic kits, not much at all I'm hearing things surrounding different "issues" from proposed price points to actual ruleset. There's quite a bit more news, but I'm not inclined to post more yet. Sadly, it's not sounding great by any stretch of the imagination.
  16. On GenCon 2023 website there are more than 200 small demos scheduled for Underworlds,Warcry,Blood Bowl, Kill so GW will show up indeed :https://www.gencon.com/events?host=Games+Workshop I think Whitefang hinted Kurnothi and Fyreslayers for AoS/Dawnbringers: we know for sure Dawnbringers bring miniatures for at least 12 aos factions.
  17. At the beginning of August there is also GenCon . I am sure Cities army set is out latest early August. September is probably Cities full release/second wave Orruktober is probably Dawnbringers book 2 November is probably Dawnbringers book 3 with Kurnothi and Fyreslayers
  18. 'Ere we go, 'ere we go , 'ere we go !!!
  19. Yes , ardboyz are black orcs from whfb 7th edition (2006) Savage orruks and savage boar boys are Savage orcs from 8th edition (2011) The online preview is probably the skirmish one ( warcry,Underworlds, kill team, Necromunda) as the past two July.
  20. Ironjawz deserve new ardboyz ( black orcs from 2006) Bonesplitterz deserve at least new Wurrgog/wardokk ( both very dated in resin) Kruleboyz deserve Gutrippaz cavalry on smaller gnashers No problem for me to be in one book : Big Waaagh is so cool !
  21. Yes , it is basically the same rumors making the round but it is reasonable. At this point for the launch box I am expecting something similar to Battle for Osgiliath box set : returning classic miniatures and new plastic heroes for both factions.
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