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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. The Skitterstrand Arachnarok is a neat idea as a lone predator. I love that it isn't just a naked Arachnarok. It lives in the nest of the Spider God and comes out from Shyish to hunt. I don't have one, but if I did I would paint it to be somewhat ghostly, like maybe an ethereal Black Widow.. Also gets you some good bits. The Howda and stuff can be used for terrain, the on foot shaman, and some spare grots for conversions.
  2. Cut the spear shaft down to a handle, add a knife, sword, or club to the top of the hand. Maybe just give them a good stick to smack people with.
  3. Converting Spiderfang from Deepkin will be remarkably expensive. Spiders can come in groups of up to 30 Spider Riders and 3 Eels are 50 dollars each, so a full squad of 30 riders would set you back 500 dollars in eels alone. One thing you can look at is an icy theme. Nomadic ice raider/viking grots! Instead of Spider Riders, use some Fenrisian Wolves with riders. If you can find some of the old Goblin Wolf Riders (sans the old derpy wolves) they would be perfect as riders. The larger Thunderwolf model could be used as a mount for the Scuttleboss. Replace the Arachnarok Spider with a big ice monster like the Stonehorns with some added goblin Howdah's and archers (And an appropriate sized base). You could use Gitmob models because they have a lot of furs and stuff, and are probably cheaper secondhand now since they aren't in the Gloomspite and might be discontinued. Edit: And paint the wolves up like icy, sort of elemental beasts. Instead of deadly poison, their bites cause frostbite that can freeze a man solid.
  4. Nope, Gitmob aren't in the Gloomspite book (and neither are Sourbreath Troggoths). The entire range has been removed from the store during last month, starting with the Chariots and Wolfriders early December, and ending with the rest of the range the same day Preorders started. Some people think that they are being reboxed, but that doesn't make any sense to me. They aren't part of Gloomspite, and we have had them barely mentioned in any lore so far. A lot of those models were very old and dated (The wolves and chariots they rode are the same ones from 1989!) GW might have seen the expansion of the gobbo range as a good time to clear up space. Edit: Also the new-ish plastic Gitmob Grot shaman is now being sold as a Gloomspite Madcap Shaman if you check it's rules and category. It's a fairly young sculpt and they probably don't want to throw out a perfectly good mold, especially when real Madcap Shamans are still sold in metal. GW did say they are supporting all armies from the start of AoS into the future. What this means to me is that Gitmob will still have rules, they just aren't selling the models anymore. Now whether this means we will see Gitmob legacy rules or that they will still have points in GHB, I have no idea.
  5. I didn't think of that. I guess it isn't the same spell so rule of 1 doesn't affect casting both versions. Could be a neat combo with fanatics. Force two enemy units to attack last, Fanatics always fight first so they can butcher one not debuffed unit while two other have to wait and watch.
  6. Shroomancer seems great because he has a great debuff. I think he will really help with harder targets, Spiker giving rerolls of 1s can really buff up a unit of Stabbas or Spears. Alongside Sporesplatta's Frenzy and the Snuffler Squigs, he seems to be able to make some melee grots dead-killy. Boggleye has a good spell. Either makes a unit immune to battleshock (which can be helpful with our low bravery), or makes one unit fight last (which pairs well with units we don't want getting hit back). The second effect can also be done by Itchy Nuisance it seems, so maybe if you just want that effect a normal shaman might be better. Scaremonger allows rerolls to runs and charges, but only to Moonclan Grots. It's neat. Brewgit is a bit of an oddball. I don't like that his buff is limited to Moonclan Grot Heroes, which means his can only really help people like on foot Loonbosses or Zarbag in combat. As far as I can tell he cannot help Squig Riding Loonbosses which is what limits him the most.
  7. Yeah, I love the Gobbopalooza, but Brewgit seems to be the weak link. He could make a basic Loonboss fairly killy, but he feels a bit like a tax compared to the others.
  8. Throgg the Troll King is too small to be a Trogboss, but he is the same size as the new named character Mollog. Convert up 3 squig buddies and you could run him up as Mollog.
  9. Is the Grot Warboss and Loonboss two different warscrolls? I just noticed they are still selling the old metal Warboss with axe despite all the other models being renamed to their new Gloomspite names. He even still has his old warscroll. Edit: Also the Squig Herd Warscroll on the GW site lacks rules for the instrument player. How are they handled? Pretend they have spears too?
  10. Ah, I missed that only Hoppers became Battleline. I eventually plan to have both, especially since I love the classic Hoppers, but I think I will start with the Bounderz since I have plenty of Grot battleline.
  11. How do we all feel about Squig Hoppers vs Bounders? Unless Hoppers are significantly cheaper, the Bounderz seem better. Higher armor, accuracy, rend, damage, bravery, range. Both of their abilities seem to be about the same, except the Bounderz require you to charge, while the Hoppers require you to pass over them. Bounderz also have the Lance bonus. Then again, Hoppers are significantly faster, and I will probably roll a lot of ones with my luck...
  12. I feel the best way for them to expand on Ironjawz would to focus more on the smaller Orruks following them, the 'Ardboyz. The Megaboss, Brutes, Gruntas, etc aren't likely to pick up a ranged weapon and fight, but the Ardboyz might. They could look to the old world for inspiration for the Ironjawz. Ruglud's Armored Orcs used to be a unique DoW unit that could be reimagined into Ardboyz with Crossbows and Capes/Hoods. Maybe some heavy duty Catapults since they have a big focus on smashing fortifications and cities. These are all the jobs the little Orruks would be given since the Ironjawz are too busy smashing things up, and could add some variety. Maybe an Ironjawz Gore Grunta Chariot made from looted pieces held together by scrap metal, or some new stompy Ghur monsters..
  13. I am still convinced normal Dwarves will stick around, they are too iconic for the francise. It's the entire reason Night Goblins got a facelift was because they were iconic and had a dedicated fanbase, just like Dwarves. Heck, the most infamous rival of the Night Goblins was the Dwarves, so it would be odd to have one faction missing, If they do it, my guess is they will be in a combined Free Persons book. Both species are typically mentioned together in the lore and are connected through the Ironweld. Major release of humans, minor release of Duardins like maybe Warriors/Thunderers/Quarrellers and something else similar to the Troggoths in Gloomspite.
  14. Sounds like it would squish units of high armor and single wound stunties fairly good. I am imagining a very unlucky trio of longbeards or arkanauts being crushed by the bad moon's glare. Not major, but it will add up over time.
  15. The Scaremonger would make a really neat Skull Kid...
  16. Bit of a shame, but I guess they can be mixed in with normal grot mob for diversity. Maybe using the Spider-grot archers and the Spider-grot shaman you can use them as Zarbag's Gitz.
  17. Hopefully, but there has been zero mention of Sourbreath in any of the releases so far, and they have already brought up River Trogs, Rockgut Trogs, Dank Trogs, and Trogbosses. I would think they would have at least been given a passing mention of Sourbreaths if they were coming.
  18. It is what I am doing, though my Sourbreaths are on 40s and the new Rockguts are on 50s and look bigger.
  19. I knew the Squig Hoppers weren't staying at 5 per model if Squig Herd were being upped to 10 and both had similar price increases. They are a horde cavalry with unreliable movement, 6+ save. If we had to make a squad of 30 by buying 5 Hoppers for 50-60$ at a time they wouldn't sell.
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