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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. Lurker here, last summer there was mention of “Mulriple Verminlord” list ideas, but at the time no one had run any.., My next major undertaking for 2019 will be running a 3-4 Verminlord list. (Caveat - AFTER I finish acquiring, assembling and paint the rest of my Bloodthirster Council) Which builds would you bring into a 2000 list? I’m thinking if only 1 - probably the Warpseer? if 2 eshin and Corruptor or Eshin and Warbringer? What are your thoughts?
  2. Hello - I’m an avid “gaming stats geek” Please help - I’m looking for help or trying to not “recreate the wheel” generating stats analysis As a new AoS player I’m trying to wrap my head around the fundamental stats of the game (i.e excel sheets showing Bloodletter reliable stats to hit -> to wound-> modified by save, etc) What i “don’t know” is all the different units Core Average Reliability (compared to old WHFB (rip)) Like the averages for To Hit -> To Wound -> Save (Y/N) -> Mortal (Ward) Save (Y/N), etc. I’ll put this project together over next week, which will eventually encompass everything... But if anyone had anything that might cut down on time may be appreciated. ***Note my first project is BEFORE any Prayer/Item modifications ***
  3. Honestly, I’m fine with the Bloodletter changes. I feel setting the bomb was way more complicated and took way more $ for me to work than now. i didn’t want to *have* to purchase Mortals, and intended to run Daemon only list. i think they’re striking their own now without have to spend 3 character slots and 300+ points just to augment my other unit. My 330 pt Bloodletters are now *better* on their own without the help, and still give massive wounds with assistance. We now have the chance to generate 2 wounds on a natural toll of 6 - so if we hitting on 3+ our math is actually a possible (before saves) 1.25 wounds for every round of combat instead of 1. I think the math is better, and ultimately cheaper in both real life money and points we pay for the table.
  4. How do you update? *edit - my WH AoS app shows updated as of 2 days ago, the Warscroll Builder website has the updates not my Azur yet
  5. Probably a work in process - looks like Warscroll updates (*not points changes*) have been made for at least- Bloodletters Flesh Hounds Blood Crushers Not for Karanak or the new Battalion
  6. Yes, I’ve seen the posts here- and some of the other posts regarding Slannesh- but where can we see where they discuss the changes and any speculation on points costs?
  7. Furies - I’ve asked before- Anyone use or proxy Furies? 60 pts for 5..,
  8. I don’t know but that sure looks fun as Hell (pun intended) to play! I’m two Bloodthirsters towards the goal (2/4) and hopefully after Christmas will have the other two. It won against Nagash from my understanding, but it’s also a technical tactical list made for pursuing objectives.
  9. *If* the unit is 10 - don’t think you can take Goreglaive in units of 5 - only 1 per 10, 2 - 30, etc
  10. Thanks! Perfect, more guys to get in base to base, that will work I suppose.
  11. Hey Quick question- Flesh Hounds base sizes- new images for Rath & Rapture show the new models on a “not 50mm base” *What is the base size in the images?* If I need to rebase 50 Flesh Hounds, need to know what size to add to my Christmas list. Sorry if already answered- Didn’t immediately see it in any search. Thanks!
  12. It’d be nice to have a FAQ update with the release.
  13. And I get that, no complaints about rules as written. My opponent is actually really really cool and one of the smartest players in the group. What I *wish * though is - the Bloodletters only have a couple things going for them - one of which is the Mortal Wound (just like the old Killing Blow).
  14. Right, but would like to see a place to put all the ideas togetherin one spot with the Community recommendations together in a sticky first posr. Also, for what it’s worth we could make a “petition” of the ideas in the thread to present to GW.
  15. Back to the forthcoming 2019 Genetals Handbook - can we generate a Dedicated BoK Community driven thread dedicated to good, reasonable and fair fixes, or rules restatements (errata) to recommend as a community?
  16. See, that’s what I thought - I had natural “6”s for Bloodletters for mortal wounds... I had a -1 to hit for something - opponent said the natural 6s became 5s - (still hit) no mortal wounds though.
  17. Having 8” is range for Hero’s is almost useless when using as bubble for multiple units. For exsmple - Murderhosr 220 pts- can only take *1* hero, and hero only effect units within 8 inches. *If* I were to take 8 units for 2d round plus use of Warscroll- again only units within 8 inches of the 1 hero get moves after 1st turn. Almost impossible to keep everyone with 8 especially with MSU bloodletters.
  18. No, that’s probably it - a 100 pt unit for Gore Pilgrams that turn to Bllod Tithe pretty easy.
  19. Please advise - Simple question, I guarantee it’s been asked before: How many artifacts (magic items) can I take for hero’s - 1 right? Question part - IF I have a troop able to take a totem (I.e Bloodsecrator) that“magic banner” or totem is in addition to the other “1” item /artifact per Characters? Right? A simple yes (we take both) no (only one or the other) is fine.?
  20. Thanks - right now the only three mortals I own are two converted Bloodsecrators and one converted Bloodstoker. No Gore Pilgrim for me - yet.
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