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Everything posted by ManlyMuppet88

  1. The Candyrot look fantastic. Great paint job and really original take on the colour scheme - Awesome stuff!
  2. That’s gotta be a squig of some kind though, surely.... I am curious about endless spells though. I haven’t bought any but they’ve all been cool models.
  3. Yeah, I’m actually really excited about the javelins. It’s just something a bit different.
  4. I think they are Slaves to Darkness, the Warqueen is listed under Slaves to Darkness. My bet is the marauder kits, at least, will be discontinued around the time Darkoath get a full army treatment and probably more of the range too. I’m ok with that too. There are a few classic models amongst the characters and I still like the Chaos Warriors, but for the most part I think it’s time to move on. Edit: Actually, I’d really love for GW to blinside us and make Darkoath a Destruction faction. Never happen, but it would be kinda cool. I will now remove my tinfoil hat.
  5. Actually, I gotta say that I do feel slightly disappointed that 40K is getting Beastmen before the AoS ones got redone. Probably for the best though, Moonclan is on the way and my wallet can only sustain so much abuse.
  6. Moonclan!!! And those Darkoath look amazing. That’s two new armies I have to collect now GW, thanks.
  7. Well I hope we get something AoS previewed tonight/today as well as Blackstone. It would be nice to have another Shadespire warband shown off at least. Fingers crossed....
  8. Well I’m definitely looking forward to the Ultimate Guide this month. Maybe they’re showing off Blackstone Fortress too...
  9. @Gothicwaltz - I still can’t see it being that big.
  10. Of what!?!? That’s four times the size of a normal issue.
  11. They still look very plain to me. As expensive as they are, I think I’ll stick to the Ophidian Archway and Numinous Occulum.
  12. Especially not those ruins. They’re pretty boring and I was hoping GW had a more substantial option on the way.
  13. Well we’ve had what, four chambers since launch in 2015? One a year would be slightly below average. I am definitely keeping my hopes in check for Moonclan as I too feel that sources could have seen Underworlds Warbands and assumed there was more. Hard not to go hype crazy though.
  14. Probably my favourite warband so far. Really love that Troggoth model in particular and I hope it’s a sign of things to come.
  15. Nice. At least there’s info coming. Anyway, not AoS, moving on.
  16. That sounds exactly like somehing GW would do. Death Guard springs to mind. Depends on what exactly Wrath and Rapture is too, I guess. Spiel is supposed to be a board games event right? So if it’s a box like Blightwar then maybe it not get a showing.
  17. There’s supposed to be a Nightvault warband revealed at some point too. I wouldn’t expect much more than that though.
  18. Has that had a timeframe attached at any point though? All the stuff I’ve seen just echoes GW’s official “very soon”.
  19. They’re called rumours for a reason. Nobody can prove anything one way or the other until GW makes an announcement. Most of this thread is guesswork, speculation and wishlisting. Nothing will ever change that.
  20. I agree but, apart from the Herelds, there’s been nothing to suggest so. The Underworlds warbands are tricky like that, a rumourmonger or leaker might see them out of context or just see a single model and assume it’s more than it is. Pretty sure that’s what we’re seeing now with frequent mentions of Kharadron second wave.
  21. Same could be said for Darkoath. Here’s hoping it’s just the tip of the iceberg for both.
  22. January 2017 and 2018 were Tzeentch and Nurgle respectively (at least in White Dwarf, actual releases weren’t so precise if I remember right), so if I was a betting man I’d say that any Slaanesh Daemons that might be coming would be in January.
  23. I would love to see FW do some big AoS terrain pieces.
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