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Magnus The Blue

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Everything posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. Lol, sure thing. You roll off to see who picks deployment zone, the person who picks also deploys the first unit. Then alternate deploying units one at a time until both players are finished. The player who finished first gets to choose who goes first in the first round. The important thing is that when deploying a battalion you can deploy all units in that battalion at the same time, so for my army list and others that are entirely in one battalion, you will almost always get choice of first turn. The system you described is (almost) how it worked in AoS 1.0, so it's not uncommon for people to get the wrong end of the stick. As of AoS 2.0 one of the major advantages of battalions is more control over priority for turn one: a game-winning advantage against some armies.
  2. yes, but unless your opponent also has all their army in a single detachment (not very common) you will finish deploying before them and thus has a choice for the first turn. So your opponent will have more than one drop about 80% of the time and for the remaining 20%, half the time you'll start deploying first and still get the choice of first turn., thus approximately 90% of the time you'll have the choice.
  3. Yes they are lovely sculpts, lots of detail, easy to build and lots of option. Would be great to get something similar for the other gods. As of AOS 2.0 the first person to finish deploying can choice of first turn, don't know the page number off the top of my head but it's in the big rule book.
  4. Thanks Not that hard, for this first batch I just used to Stormcast bodies that came with the kits and they fit quite easily, but the positioning on some of the arms isn't quite how I'd like (see the two on the left with hammers in front of their faces). Next batch are going to be using Retributor bodies and arms for two handed weapons (draconic crushers), so should have better positioning. Some green stuff fur covers all kinds of issues (and easy to do) as does the tzaangor shield they each have covering their back, but bodies really not hard to fit together. Worst part was clipping the saddles, saddlebags etc off, so will probably break out the dremmel next time. Yup, one up front will be a Shaggoth, but really needs some more impressive weapons (or weapon and a horn).
  5. Dragon Ogres are conversions, Tzaangor heads and weapons, Gryph-charger body/legs and armoured torsos/arms from stormcasts. Makes them nice and Tzeetchy and about as bulky ask the official models Good point about raiders as an expanding screen, but I do love the centigors for their tactical flexibility (act as screens, tanks and can hit hard when charging drunk). Will have a think about how to get some raiders in there.
  6. After my mulling and some playing I've come up with the following list for semi-competitive play based on the Phantasmagoria of Fate Battalion and Gravespawn great fray. Dragon Orgor Shaggoth General: Unravelling Aura, Artefact: Horn of the Tempest, Spell: Hailstorm, 180 Beast Lord Artefact: Mutating Gnarleblade 90 Great Bray Shaman Spell: Vicious stranglethornes 100 5 Centigors 80 5 Centigors 80 5 Centigors 80 6 Dragon Ogors 4 Crushers, 2 Glaives, Battleline 280 6 Dragon Ogors 4 Crushers, 2 Glaives, Battleline 280 6 Enlightened on disks 280 10 Ungors Mauls, Battleline 60 10 Bestigors 120 10 Bestigors 120 Phantasmagoria of Fate Battalion 200 Command point 50 Comes in at a round 2000 and all in a single drop, so should get choice of first turn 90%+ of the time. Hope to start trying it out next week, but any initial thought would be appreciated. With a battalion and extra command point I should have plenty to both stop nasty battleshock and dropping multiple 'Propagator of Devolution' mid game. Any thoughts/suggestions?
  7. The bonus from either is nice, but hardly essential, in my experience. I find max enlightened units are usually overkilling units without the bonus and 180 point is a lot to drop for a 1 cast (2 once) wizard who is bad in combat. That said, it is important to have a hero who can keep up with them, losing them to battle shock really stings.
  8. Feels like a waste of points to me, neither units need more movement. The rest of my force struggles to keep up with the disk enlightened as it is!
  9. Well the one in the book does have a date, it's call date of publication. You'll find it at the front of the book. 😉
  10. Cheapest will be your bits box and a bit chunk of green-stuff If you don't have decent buts to do that just hunt for things on ebay, anything without much armour that is of approximately the right size will do, some cliping, green stuff and glue on extra bits and your sorted.
  11. I use two from the box set and two from the warshrine kit (some green stuff required). But depends on what look\feel you are after? Or is it just you want a cheaper alternative?
  12. Feels very fragile to me, Chimera are great offensively but won't last long which combined with the points spent on the battalion and Skyfires mean your going to be vastly outnumbered most of the time. I'd drop at least some of the more fragile stuff for more warm bodies. Ambushing Tzaangors and Bestigors feels like a bit of a waste to me, with a shammy around they can sgiftt and often get turn one charges in most missions (move 9", run d6+1 and charge). Without a big central threat or a way of delaying ambush, your opponent will most likely just screen against ambush turn one and they will end up further away from the action than if they deployed. (Both solid unit generally, but I'd deploy at least one of them)
  13. Means it can hide in your back lines and not get murdered before it gets a charge in. Also means your opponent doesn't know which way it's coming from.
  14. The command ability however (savage encirclement) has no such restriction, annoying that it costs a command point but the amount of havoc I could cause I'm the back lines could be worth it.
  15. Anyone tried a Chimera in a Dark walkers force? I am thinking Savage encirclement turn one for a turn two charge almost anywhere with the beasty?
  16. Enlightened definitely, 3 Skyfires are enough to operate independently whereas 3 enlightened will quickly get whittled down to being ineffectively small (so work better in larger units).
  17. Lol, I was about to say almost exactly the opposite! In friendly play my Tzeetch (mostly deamons) are clocking in a 80%+ win rate and I think they are even reasonably good in competitive environments. Sure they army book has some duds (the Chariots are shocking at the moment), but there are a few good builds and even some decent battalions. The main problem I have with them is that the rules have been changed and updated so much that you need a tonne of FAQs and updated warscolls printed out in order to play with them. Sure they aren't the neigh invincible monster that they were in AoS 1.0, but lots of armies have it much worse.
  18. Pendulum can't go backwards, check the FAQ. But yes, I find it far superior to swords and would happily take it even if I wasn't playing pinks.
  19. Pinks have a tonne of advantages over Acolytes: 1) produce a minimum of 50 wounds if your opponent kills all of then (and the blues), making them twice as efficient as Acolytes point for point . 2) Your opponent doesn't know where the blues/brims will go, so you can keep on raising screens and/or pushing 10 model units onto key objectives, all game long. 3) A few ones on battle shock (like those 1s you rolled for destiny dice) and you can get 5-10 extra pinks from the banner (and at this point start running out of blue horror models). 4) Before they get killed you can another spell caster with +1 to cast (also charging the Tzaangor banner) Basically pink only perform poorly when they stay alive, so be careful to make sure they can't be ignored/avoided. If your 16" move, 36 wound unit with a relatively small footprint is getting smashed in a single turn, you need to work on your screening. Enlightened aren't supposed to be a tank unit that marches into the centre of your opponent's force and goes toe to toe with it, Enlightened need to be protected but will still get whittled down as the game goes on, thus Fold reality. Kario's ability has a lot of other uses too, making a key dispell fail for your opponent, for example, can swing a game (Eathervoid Pendulum down the enemy lines for example). Also, his spell, might not do as reliable damage but producing a free spawn in the enemy lines nearly every turn is invaluable.
  20. The saddles shouldn't be a major problem, just clip them off and use green stuff fur or smooth to cover the reminents. That said spider centigors sound cool.
  21. Nope, the latest Skyfire warscroll doesn't have the +1 to hit ability. In the beasts of chaos book they moved it from the Skyfire to the Shaman.
  22. No links but I am planning using Tzaangors and marauder horsemen's horses to convert some Tzeentch ones. Should be relatively easy with some green stuff fur to cover any ugly bits. Could obviously just use Gor bodies for non-tzeentch flavour.
  23. Anyone else notice the stealth buff to Centigors? Base size moved down from 75mm to 60mm ovals. Makes it much easier to attack in two ranks and helps getting more in each rank. Makes 10 beast units more of a tempting proposition: easily throwing out 20 spear attacks for a nasty charge.
  24. Anything with fly can see over/into the trees. So lord of change is great against them, flamers and mounted heralds are also good.
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