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Everything posted by Veterannoob

  1. Thanks for the game. In matches that are not terrible for Fyreslayers we're doing better. But no some cases our no magic and low movement just doesn't hold water. Funny you mention the picks. I think that would have hindered me greatly as I would have hit much much less. And the armor save wouldn't have mattered imo.
  2. I'm thrilled you said that. Are you saying Boooo or Boooersns?
  3. Looks like their site is partly down right at this moment getting updated I imagine. Or Duncan's grots got loose, he's had a rough day...
  4. I REALLY want it to be duardin and am cautiously optimistic
  5. Gathering Storm is the campaign title, began with Fall of Cadia last month (imperium and Chaos mostly), now book 2 (Eldar) in February and next month book 3 (unknown).
  6. rrriiiiiiiiiightt. As much as I would love this to be duardin (and maybe I'll be surprised and it is) I think 40K with Gathering Storm campaign continuing. Maybe it's Necromunda and a shot out of nowhere will hit us.
  7. Ooooo,' maybe new men, elf and dwarf in this one!!
  8. Ooooo,' maybe new men, elf and dwarf in this one!!
  9. I do, I saw that, but Trump now controls the autocorrect...you see...it's already BEGUN!!
  10. i think its 40k rumor too but I'm glad to hear a president for guns in AoS
  11. Oooooooooooo, you three have made me very happy today
  12. As much as I want a duardin piece now I kinda expect it to be magic power over gunpowder and technology so not expecting them to have guns. Not sure how I feel about it, but will see once it releases.
  13. At least 40K stated they aren't blowing up the universe so that's exciting times for both flagship games
  14. no, sadly as much as I want them NOW! I don't think it's safe. Other artwork showed other armies, like a Bright wizard which isn't new yet either. So to be honest I want but expect not to see before March at the very earliest...which is OK since I need to catch up on building other stuff anyway
  15. yeah, sorry. As much as I want a new Fyreslayer, it is the Khorne demon above from the past event.
  16. "this is halfway there".....woah, oh!, livin' on a prayer! I can't wait for AoS duardin, though my Fyreslayers might get a bit jealous. Massive dwarf army, slowly being rebased, just sitting there waiting for 2017. Exciting times ahead from GW in 2017 on all fronts!
  17. ZOMG! I didn't even notice that. Thank you, indeed! Lots of TGA forum stuff up catch up on since November. Merry Christmas everyone.
  18. Perhaps, but there are no new models with the TL and Imp Ag codex release. But in 2017 (so far away, I know! )...well... we'll see.
  19. The Tzeentch release for 40K starts Saturday so I expect some of those kits going AoS & 40K.
  20. @hobgoblinclub there are stupid cheap similar models from Black Tree design you can get, always sales, if you like the look as I (the dwarf collector) does. They have UK and US stores. http://eoeorbis.com/ @daedalus81 lemme just say this, I went to snatch up eBay stores selling the 6 ST tzaangors cheap and when the pics came out so did everyone else so the price shot way the hell up. I'm glad I dropped it there because, while there will of course be AoS/40K releases units from STower, the ST 6 would not work well for 40K unless you only want hand weapons and/or were cool with doing more conversions, though the number per unit doesn't line up with the ST box of 6. Though it wouldn't be terrible to start picking up extra pink, blue or brimstone horrors if those rumors are true...
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