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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. Personally I really, really hope they don’t totally collapse everything Dwarf or everything Elf back into these mono-racial (special?) factions. It makes sense with some armies for sure but I’d like to see at least a couple more that are explicitly built as multi-whatever factions, Gloomspite’s done it quite well (though there it works as Troggs are a small sub-group) but they could be even bolder with a redesigned Free Peoples force with humans, aelves, duardin (and maybe some new odd things) all given equal standing. Hell, I’d like to see units like town militias that can be made up of different races.
  2. @lord_blackfang there was a short story published last year that was pretty much all about their spawning pools
  3. @Nighthaunt Noob I think they’re safe. As you say they’re quite static and designed for mass ranks BUT aesthetically they feel quite ‘AoS’. So would make a good backbone for a new line. I’d be less sanguine about the survival chances of the Thunderers and Quarellers though, I easily could see the Dispossessed Warriors being phased out/replaced too.
  4. Bit odd if they’re really binning a load of that Kill Team/Necromunda/Blood Bowl/AM stuff isn’t it? A lot of it only came out just before Christmas, or is it usual for things like card packs for boxed/specialist games to be a blink and you miss them affair?
  5. @michu handy! I'm hoping they eventually shift all the war scrolls over to something like this too. going to have to mess around with that Space Marine heroes battle game later now too.
  6. I honestly can't tell if I want to shower you people in praise and organise a ticker tape parade for you and your beautiful collections, or just repeatedly post the 'Stop It, Get Some Help' GIF.
  7. damn, it's for 40k but this is a stunning new model, you could do a great pirate conversion with her. Seeing models like this and the recent Rogue Trader and BSF ones definitely makes me want them to come out with something new for free people (or a similar new faction) as they could absolutely nail it..
  8. hmmm, ok assuming any of this has any basis in reality... completely unsubstantiated idea here but IDK, good models (especially the big ones), interesting lore behind them and certain lists seem popular with competitive players but... (without wanting to ignite another endless argument between player types) they're a tricky one if you're really, really into narrative games and campaigns. not impossible of course but give me 5 minutes and I can come up with an interesting scenario for why any (well nearly any) two armies might be fighting, give me 10 and I'll have at least the bare bones skeleton of a campaign (not saying it'll be good!). But IDK along with Scourge Privateersare a bit of an odd one to fit in, sure you can make it work somehow but unless you've gone all out to create some specific beach line, seashore (or similar) game boards to play on they feel a little out of place. Of course if you had the time to create that (and some actual rules for them emerging from the sea for example) it could be great but it's certainly not an obvious addition if that's how your brain thinks.
  9. oh this! irrespective of rules the shark and turtle are awesome things and it was only knowing the soul wars box was coming that stopped me buying one. I still keep meaning to pick up Lotann just to paint as I love his little club wielding Ochtar wingman. If they brought out a couple more kits like that, a big octopus and/or armour plated war crab then I'd be insanely tempted to just buy them for the hell of it.
  10. For me Fyreslayers are one of those armies that look cool in isolation (or as they were small special colourful units within a bigger army) but dull as dishwater as just a massive blob of orange with almost nothing to make any one unit or indeed hero particularly stand out (bar the big magmadroth). Some kind of Salamander cavalry would definitely be interesting but really anything to break up a sea of little orange buggers would surely help
  11. I know you can go mad trying to parse every single sentence GW puts out for hidden meanings, clues and the like but... " In 2019, we’ll be seeing even more, including powerful and strange new options available to any faction…" Does leave some wriggle room for something other just another another box of faction agnostic spells, we'll obviously get more faction specific ones over the course of the year but if we are looking at another Malign Sorcery style boxset with updated rulebook there's always a chance it could be something similar but who knows maybe something like 'Arcane Scenery', various magical odds and sods that any army can use not just ones with wizards. But hey who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.
  12. @alghero81 "Endless spells have become a much-loved part of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with every army having the option to take their choice of summoned sorceries. In 2019, we’ll be seeing even more, including powerful and strange new options available to any faction…" https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/01/1st-dec-the-top-5-things-to-look-forward-to-in-2019gw-homepage-post-3/ No more news since then...
  13. he's not showing on the site here (Belgium)
  14. Didn't the MP book come out less than a year ago? Feb 2018 if I'm right?
  15. If you take WHFB 3rd edition as the point where they properly started fleshing out a scenario then in the AoS equivalent we're only in about 1991 at the moment and I can assure you we have a lot more to go on now than we did then. I've got last year's core book and the Nighthaunt and Gloomspite battle tomes in front of me, there's 220 pages of world building in the corebook (which I think they handled pretty well even if at 220 pages it's still very much an overview), before you get to the rules and both battletomes are over 50% fluff for their respective forces. I totally can see people being overwhelmed by the scale of the new setting, especially when compared to the incredibly mapped out (and so limited) old world but honestly I think they're doing a good job to get it all up to scratch, could they do more? Sure probably, I think wargaming does tend to attract polar opposites, people that love being given a blank canvas a few paints and told to go wild and people THATUTTERLY LOATHE the idea of colouring outside the lines and want everything perfectly squared away and it will be hard to reconcile that. It's clear a lot of people want more structure so maybe they need to have something like the mini-sites with timelines they've put up around big launched that's constantly updated with what's happened (and links to where to read in more depth (actually this is something they should do and would probably sell a few more novels), but keep it loose. I like that we're not just dealing with a linear series of events and BL writers are fleshing out stories from various times, and we have a universe big enough that they can do this without someone pedantically whining about x couldn't have happened then because y was doing z to w. -------------------------------- Edit: so basically they should just keep this site updated... https://ageofsigmar.com/timeline/
  16. Considering that BL are pumping out dozens of books, short stories, novellas etc I'd say they're not doing too bad at fleshing out a universe that's only been around for a couple of years. I mean I'm not the most dedicated reader but just from some of the ones I've read recently (Soul Wars, Inferno 2, Plague Garden, Bone Desert, Warqueen) I feel like I have enough to go on to imagine what life might be like for normal people in some cities in Shyish, or in small desert trading outposts built around caravan routes or on an oasis, or very, very roughly what a Darkoath war band society might look like, or how Ogors get their kicks in their down time, or how some ordinary humans view Stormcast etc etc etc. I don't know maybe it's just me but it seems like they're fleshing out this world(s) fairly quickly, you just have to be actually reading what they're putting out but at the same time leaving plenty of scope to let your own imagination run riot and do your own thing. I really enjoy reading about established places but mainly as it makes me imagine what else might be out there.
  17. New AoS warscrolls up for the new nightvault warbands Godsworn Hunt https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-godsworn-hunt-en.pdf Mollog’s Mob https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/AoS_Gloomspite_Gitz_WSCards_Mollog.pdf
  18. funnily enough I did think they might go the elemental route with the Duardian KO = Air Fyerslayers = err Fire Dispossessed = Earth Leaving space from some kind of sea Dwarves (though IDK pretty much killed that).
  19. There seem to be a surprising amount of people here building up 6K armies, especially of ‘older’ ranges. That’s a lot of eggs in one basket.
  20. Warband focus up... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/15/15th-jan-warband-focus-godsworn-huntgw-homepage-post-1/ Opponent depending of course but you should have a good chance of getting in a kill in your first turn with Jagathra, to then get an early glory point and inspire someone straight away.
  21. and we have an article digging into Mollog's Mob now https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/14/14th-jan-warband-focus-mollogs-mobgw-homepage-post-1/ that floppy eared lad is gonna wreck ******.
  22. @robinlvalentine not sure how it will pan out for AoS but for Underworlds I reckon they’ll lean into the idea that Dankhold Troggoths are like magic sponges... So either he’ll shut down or brush off magic easily, kind of like the Briar Queen’s ‘Curse of Unbinding’ or he’s soaked up enough Shadespire Weirdness that he has some innate abilities. i don’t have the Gloomspite battletome yet (stupid Belgian post) so haven’t seen his AoS warscroll yet, (well I saw a blurry exerpt from it that looked like his Squig retinue don’t look like they have separate warscrolls to him).
  23. TGA’s taken a surprisingly Socratic turn this Sunday...
  24. Just posted this in the Underworlds forum but will have relevance here too... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/13/next-weeks-pre-orders-underworlds-titans-and-middle-earth/ Darkoath and Troggoth warbands up for pre-order next week
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