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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. With this, our painted warbands are complete. This is a first for me - having all the models for a game painted before the next ones come out. @TwiceIfILikeIt Painted our Orruks (though I bought another set for the cards) and I did the others. The Reavers were the last. Apologies for the blurry, crappy photo.
  2. I am very concerned that after all this time GW has had to work on Death, all we are going to get is "spooooooky ghosts and vampires" again.
  3. If anything, it looks like the back view of a warrior with leg up, foot resting on a rock.
  4. @Biboune Oddly enough, you analysis is almost exactly what I did last night. Focus on the two tough guys, get objectives to power the upgrades, etc. My deck: Soultrap Great Strength Daemonic Weapon Berserk Charge Bloodslick Frenzy Whirlwind of Death Great Fortitude Grisly Trophy Ever-advancing Shardfall Boon of Khorne Distraction Final Blow Time Trap Confusion Fuelled By Slaughter Insensate Illusory FIghter Khorne Calls Hold 1-5 Supremacy It Begins Khorne Cares Not Blood for the Blood God! Denial A Worthy Skull Conquest The Orruck deck that we have all been using: Daemonic Weapon Coordinated Attack Brutal Swing Waaagh! Great Strength Helpful Whispers Unkillable Legendary Swiftness Shadeglass Sword Brutal But Kunnin' Shardfall More Choppin' 'Avin' a Good Time Deafening Blow Pillage Shattering Terrain Sprint Gorkamorka's Blessing Kunnin But Brutal Swift Advance Too Dumb to Die 'Ard as Iron Punch-up Ploymaster Biggest an' da Best Dead Kunnin' Brawl Call of the Waaagh! Denial Conquest Contained
  5. Two more games against Orruks. New player who never used them before. 10-4 12-4 Orruks win just by moving ahead and fighting.
  6. Reporting, with updates to this post to follow. Game #1 of my Reavers vs. Orruks. I lost 13 to 1. Game #2 I won 13 to 3. Game #3 Tie 6-6 She won based on tie-breakers. The lesson: Remove cards that count on combined effort. Stick to straightforward stuff.
  7. Maybe the reason they have held off on elves is because they are just going to use Eldar whole-cloth. They are the 40K AoS bridge race. Jk
  8. If that's not Eldar, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
  9. Why would having a name interfere with his abilities?
  10. Amen. The game is so darn cool, but (as much as I am appreciative of timely FAQing) these latest answers really do seem either poorly tbought out or a stealth attempt at rule changes - either is bad in the long run.
  11. Here are my Undead and Stormcast, with a preview of the Khorne fellows.
  12. I am of of the same opinion. I have won three games specifically because of that card - going through an enemy and landing on an objective. If you could not end on an objective, I'd never include it.
  13. Is there a definition of an empty hex? There is an undead card that lets you move through other fighters but stipulates you must end in an empty hex. To me, this is just a way to reiterate that you cannot end your move sharing a hex with another fighter. Tokens and the like don't make a hex non-empty, right?
  14. It's a superskinkchampionoforder who throws bolts of starstuff.
  15. Btw, just finished (in a drunken haze) my band. Shoot. Sorry! Meant to put this in another thread. Mods, feel free to delete.
  16. Nope. The model is removed and all tokens on it (wound) are as well. He comes back only as per the rules on the Warden's card or the one other card that resurrects models. It's not auto.
  17. Dear gawd please no. A real strength of AoS has been it's creative spins on things. Copying the 40k path would be lame.
  18. Hmm. I LOVE Arcadia Quest and Black Plague, so maybe that explains a thing or two.
  19. Except that, you know, I gave examples (common ones) that are true. Also, just as an example, the Numinous Ocuthingie blocks Los nicely, as does the archway (for hiding a key single character- incidentally addressing the common moan of characters being too easy to kill). I get that AoS frustrates you in its differences from Old School Real Wargames (tm), but I think that frustration is leading you to gloss over some valid counterpoints or dismiss rules applications as pedantic when if we just take those rules that are there and understand that they are for AoS and not trying to recreate any OSRW (tm) then the happiness quotient would be much higher. TLDR - AoS is its own system and it's fun.
  20. Then that's a problem with the players, to be blunt. Curious, why would walls "exist as an area?" A wall is just about the most straightforward bit of terrain (with rules handled completely in the 4-pager) I can think of on the table.
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