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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. Agreed. Neat looking stuff, but not really game-appropriate to place in hexes that you can occupy with models.
  2. Not to mention, it used to be a subtle reinforcement of the idea that Underworlds is not a hobby-oriented game and that painting is quite optional.
  3. That's an option, but I think it would be more appropriate to correct the original error. The game is not now, nor has it ever been, "Shadespire." Its title is Warhammer Underworlds. When the only set we had was the Shadespire set, we all (myself included) incorrectly identified the game by that name. Now is a chance to rename the forum to "Underworlds" or "Warhammer Underworlds." Since GW has said everything is cross-compatible between the sets, it's clear that it is one game, not two different games, and thus it seems right to keep it all under one forum.
  4. I'm guessing this forum will get renamed. Right?
  5. I would bet on a Nurgle box containing some Beasts. I'm guessing they are sitting on a ton of stock for those. They were a massive disappointment in looks and design, and were far too expensive. I had planned on getting 14 when I heard they were coming. Then I saw the models. Then I saw the price. I bought zero. So, if they bundle a few into a box with some other, more attractive, kits and put a deal price on it, I'll end up owning a few.
  6. Agreed. Yet, I still didn't buy it. Cool as it was, the price was just that much too high for me to accept.
  7. Oh heck yeah, I remember those. There was a blister pack of Tyranid Squigs. Ah, good times.
  8. GW has earned a lot of trust in their vision for "rawr over the top turn it up to 11" in the new AoS versions of World That Was armies. It would just be a bummer if, with many clamoring for squigs, they warped the traditional look of squigs so much that they really don't capture the things that make squigs so appealing - a ball with teeth and a touch of humor. I am nervous now, having seen the cave shaman and this ... whatever it is.
  9. Underworlds is my first GW game ... ever ... where I've kept my commitment to have all models painted before the next release hits. I'm ready for more!
  10. At this point, if beastmen aren't coming, it would be a cruel taunt by GW. That said, it works be great to see them next. It's one of the few armies I could probably resist buying en masse. Squigs would just empty my bank account, so the longer they are delayed the better. ?
  11. Yeah, an update would be awesome, but given when he was made, he's still great. Fantastic detail, fun to paint, menacing.
  12. You shut your mouth! ?? Abaddon was my favorite sculpt for most of a decade!
  13. The word "additional" in an of itself makes the need to phrase it so you've suggested redundant. That's whole point. Nothing illogical about using the meaning of the word they choose. You can't have an "additional" something until you have at least one of those things to begin with. It's actually them writing a rule efficiently. Now, they may not have intended to write what they did, but if the wording is what it says in this thread that it is, then, according to the word they chose, you need to have at least one defender present to be able to claim an "additional" one. Yes, zero is a number, but it's a number that says you don't have any. One is also a number, and it says you do have some. The difference between zero and all other numbers is a big deal mathematically, programmatically, and grammatically. Also, the day art becomes rules is the day I get to start saying that you can only use cards on the races depicted in the art, even though the rules themselves make no mention of it. You cannot, at all, use the art this way.
  14. Unless there is a clear text somewhere, I'm not so sure you get to count 1 defender of you have 0. If the card reads "additional" then you have to start with one. You can't have an additional thing that you have none of to begin with. None to one is not an additional one. It's just ... having one now.
  15. I also think it's connected to the oval shape thingie from before. Maybe even the same model.
  16. I dunno. Telling someone they are choosing to be ignorant is not exactly friendly, especially after you've complimented them. Anyhoo, Allen Merit and Golden Demon - Yep. I used to judge Golden Demon in the US. He was a co-judge one year. I vaguely recall scratching my head at some of his thoughts, but they didn't seem horrible. Models got eliminated for all sorts of reasons. Heck, one year (Co-judge may have been Gary Morley iirc) it came down to two models and we eliminated one because it used NMM as a technique and the other didn't. It's a very subjective thing. As to rumors - if plastic squigs are a thing and they look more classical than fungal, my gf and I will take on part time work and have the checks go straight to GW.
  17. Dude (dudette?) No need too get insulting. I pointed out that i appreciate you and your accuracy. I'm just saying that the rumor from one disaffected ex employee and a few of his former cronies might not be the best gospel, especially in light of just how crazy improbable the likelihood of those things is. ;shrug: Sounds more like revisionist history than fact. Again - not doubting *you* just the info.
  18. There are just so many parts of it that seem like pop myths. - That the chapter house thing forced their hand ("yeah, power to the people ... Take down the man ... This proves it was real!") - That AoS was rushed out the door ("See, it sucked because they rushed it ... Now it's good because they listed to the points crowd.") - That an entire army could simply be forgotten. ("Whoopsie! Silly us!") Especially consider that they did indeed make rules for them and could simply keep selling the kits instead of pulling them. - That even if (if!) they got missed, GW still decided that the better plan was to stop selling the range than to just keep them around and put the tiniest effort into keeping them viable. Keep in mind, Skaven (for example) have had pretty much no different treatment than TK other than just keeping the kits available. Nah. Just doesn't add up. At all.
  19. I know you've shown to be pretty accurate, and I for one appreciate your contributions, but that sounds nuts. I'm not buying it.
  20. The rumor engine looks like some sort of platform to me. It feels like a slaanesh floating contraption.
  21. Collecting for 33 years. Worked for GW for almost 12 years when we got 80% off retail and metal models at 4 cents per gram. Just bought a house with a finished basement and workshop. Three of the bedrooms are fully set up all the time as gaming rooms with 2-6 display cabinets full of models in each room. Workshop is converted to full 2-person painting and modeling studio. There is a rack of unopened blister packs hanging in that room. The utility room has 5 18"x36" shelves full of unopened boxes and 5 more with models packed base to base. The bar/lounge area has a dedicated Shadespire & Blood Bowl table and more display cabinets. The garage has ... more. I have more models than I'll even count or paint (which means I'm immortal!). I have an illness. And a gf who not only doesn't want me cured, but has been infected herself. I am a lost cause.
  22. Random amusement: We pay more for the privilege of getting a more difficult to use product.
  23. In my group, we commonly see at least 4 ways to push with cards. Add in drive backs and objective play is dead on arrival. Really, though, it only takes either earthquake or concussion to do the job. You objective opponent spends and entire turn moving - a third of his entire game - and you just pop one card at the end of the round to spoil it all. Even if he then spends and entire second round getting back, he's done for. No way to get enough glory after that. Come to think of it, I bet push ploys gain popularity with these boards.
  24. The problem with Objective plans is that there are much more than just 2 push cards to stop them from working. There are also the concussion and quake cards, shardfall, the card that destroys an objective, the cards that move objectives, the card that swaps two fighters' spots, plus drive backs. It's tricky to get the positioning needed but to earn glory from Objective play, and trivial to disrupt it. These boards are not changing that.
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