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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. I wouldn't mind it for some narrative scenarios, but yeah, for matched play ... Just about the mist horrid thing to infest the game. Unfun. Unjoy. Ungood. Just un.
  2. It is. Going full demon with Khorne is a choice you make to deliberately hamstring your army.
  3. I guess it's just confusing to me than an entire army would be squatted sooooo quickly, and then you add in that the "replacement" isn't even the same army ... I dunno, seems like a really bad turn from GW - and I really thought they had turned a corner with being better to customers. This really ... really ... really lowers my confidence in picking up new stuff from them. If entire armies are valid for only a few years, it's tough to justify buying them. Ah well. Thanks, all, for the replies and guidance.
  4. "Someone" saying "something" on the Most Eisley of internet sites/apps is hardly an official "ditch your old book, oh and also so sorry you wasted all that money on an army that is no longer valid" though, is it? I totally get the bit where it says in the book that you need to use the most current warscrolls. That's fine. I can play Legions of Nagash with updated points/scrolls. I'm just not ready to start from scratch based on a FB reference. 🤷‍♂️
  5. No, not at all, but thank you very much for the insult! I'm genuinely trying to figure out if GW themselves have actually informed the player base that this new product, with a name completely different, with contents that are not simple updates but actual new entries, renders obsolete an entire Battletome and all armies built using it.
  6. Fair enough, but still, no "this book replaces that book" statement from them, right?
  7. Since cancelling City, all references to the models and in-lore stuff has completely left out references to the game. They are really trying to erase it. I am very curious to one day find out what the story behind them killing it is.
  8. Can you point to it? I'm not seeing anything saying the Nagash book is no longer valid.
  9. Whereas for me, this would be something that would push me away from them game a little. If the appearance of the models doesn't matter, why not use cardboard chits? No thanks. I want my swords to be swords and lances to be lances.
  10. Are we? Is there anything saying that the Nagash book is *replaced* by this entirely differently named book?
  11. Uh, yeah. I don't see it as a nod, but rather as a laughing smack in the face to players who, like me, have no greater love for anything in the history of Warhammer than the Tomb Kings who were gleefully obliterated by GW. Unless, of course, this is a harbinger of their return. At that point, I'll give GW my account and routing numbers.
  12. Ha! I just pretty much got confirmation that the new vampire book is a rush job/goof/placeholder. Earlier I said I was on the fence about buying it since I'm expecting it to be shoddy or quickly (relatively) replaced. In the time since then, I've seen a photo of a rule that almost certainly can't work. Without going into detail, it says you spend a command point in the hero phase to grant a boost to a unit's close combat attacks. This boost lasts ... wait for it ... until the end of that hero phase. So, you know, before you even reach the upcoming combat phase where you make the (no longer boosted) attacks. Lol! Is there maybe some extreme fringe case where somehow, some way the target of the command ability can fight in the hero phase? Sure. Maybe. But come on. Are you really investing in the model and its command point expenditure on a fringe (at best!) use? If that's the quality of the rules writing in the book, it's a hard pass. No more fence sitting on this one for me. SMH.
  13. Agreed. After the botched Tomb Kings and, I believe, Tyranid books from Robin Cruddace, I recalibrated my expectations of quality for anything to which he was attached. Nothing personal against the human himself, but his lack of skill in creating rules at that point really soured my opinion of anything with his name on it. It would be nice to know who the lead designer on an army is in order to help decide what, of anything, to purchase for that army. Hmm, maybe that's why they don't tell us!
  14. I'm really on the fence with this book. The recent trend of releasing, deliberately and with foreknowledge, of incomplete Battletomes really has me gunshy about getting the vampire book. It would really irk me to buy a $40 book now (let alone the limited version) only to see a completed version come out in a year or under. Add to it the issue of it being what we might think of as a transition/end of cycle/serving two masters book, and I think it's likely the book will have more than a few difficulties surviving long at all. I used to click buy on the book (including limited editions of armies I consider primary forces for me - like anything undead), scrolls, and a minimum of one of all new kits (often much, much more) for any army I have even a tiny inclination to play. Now, with my confidence eroded concerning the lifespan of books and scrolls, I find I'm likely to hold off almost entirely on a new army range until later. In other words, GW's plan to sell me a book and scrolls twice in a short span, doubling those sales from about $75 to about $150, has likely resulted in their loss of $1000+ sales for an indeterminate amount of time, perhaps even permanently as my interest could easily wane as I await their release of the "actual" Battletome and scrolls. Add the Cursed City debacle (and nearly complete lack of communication on that issue) and my once mostly unshakable faith in sight unseen purchases is pretty much shot. In the case of this army, I'm really only likely to get a model or two to paint initially, if that. Stinks, really, as I would love to sink my teeth into this range, but it's just too tough to ignore the recent trend. That said, I encourage everyone else to buy, buy, buy. My GW share value has enjoyed a long run of tremendous growth. Please help keep that going!
  15. The more I look at the image, and think about other stuff coming, the more I think this is a new lizardman unit. Some sort of hunters tied to the Beastgrave warband's mission. As in, maybe the Slann plan has had to evolve to deal with the new monsters emerging as a result of the mountain/god awakening. The pending release of the new Kroak model just feels somehow to tie in. I dunno. Whatevs.
  16. Sorry, no insult intended, but I just had to snicker at the idea of bloodthirsty Xtian warriors charging forth from their hill-fortress in AoS.
  17. Exactly. In order to invoke the idea that "special rule overrides core rule" you need an actual conflict between the two, not just a wish. In this case, you can apply both rules without conflict. We may not like the result, but wishful thinking doesn't allow us to invent a rule. As it stands, the Ruin rule isn't very useful at all. I strongly suspect there will be changes in the new core rules governing moves that will let the special rule work most of us here think it should. We just have to wait.
  18. Speaking of that, are there any other good review sites out there? I really, really want to like GMG, but damn, the main host just makes too many assumptions and rushes through words too much to make their content enjoyable/useful to me. I'd love to find a (professional, money-making) site that understands that not all their viewers are longtime players and that uses hosts that can speak well. I mean, if you make money using words, use your words well. Ya know? Suggestions?
  19. Yeah. I'm really hoping (I know, I know ... hope is the first step on the road to disappointment) that the Slaanesh model of "make a half book at full price, less than a year later, sell the same book again but the time with everything ... oh wait, a few months later sell another book to actually make a complete army ... oh wait ..." does not become the norm. That would go s long way toward freezing my Warhammer gaming evolution at AoS 2.0. I'm not buying the rules for one army 3+ times in a year. That said, nice models.
  20. Back in the old days, we played on 4' x 8' tables and you had to build them yourself from plywood, 2x4s, screws, and a little elbow grease ... and they were great. None of this pre-fab stuff. Carpenters glue, fine ballast, green paint. Ah, the memories.
  21. I feel the same way about any model with a "scenic" base. I mean, really? The same piece of terrain just moves around the table with the character? More than a bit silly. Gorgeous, but super silly. That said, heck yes this thing (and many of those other models) is stunning! I'm thinking three: One for me to paint as-is for display. One for me to trim down, paint, and play with. One for @TwiceIfILikeIt to break down into a hundred conversion bits, other than the little beasties that she'll stick onto something Skaven, Nurgle, or Gobbo.
  22. First game done. So much potential for fun, but I really do feel a lot was missed. 1. How do you keep track of which enemy groups are tied to which card? 2. How do you mark where the mysteries are? 3. Index? 4. No, really. Index? 5. What is a gambit? Like, what does it do? Where is the definition of what a gambit is?
  23. We could all, you know, actually use the words our highly advanced monkey brains have developed in order to allow us to communicate. Abbreviation is fine, but not when it confuses people. Also, I'll reiterate that we really could use a mouse-over/hover way to include known terms and pop up references. This site is so, so good, and so welcoming, but this is an area where it could get better.
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