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Posts posted by Lior'Lec

  1.      Yes it’s the same set in each photo; I just flipped the board. I’ve noticed the side of the board they’re placed on makes some colors/tones stand out more especially in photos. They’re all painted with cheap craft paints and homemade ink washes other than a few of the details; that’s how I paint all of my terrain. If you’re still interested I’ll post how I did it (some people refuse to use craft paint on any of their models). But for the most part you could do it with GW paints as well. I mixed my paints to make an approximation of some of the GW line.

  2.      I’ve finished all of the terrain from the warcry starter set except the statue head. My ruins are a lighter shade of blue-green than the game board so (I think) it looks good when set up and the beige brickwork helps it fit with the reverse side of the board (I hope). My problem is that I am also going to paint up the other two ravaged lands sets and do not want them to match this city ruin set. I want a paint scheme that

    1) looks different,

    2) works with it’s native game board,

    3) still looks good when pieces are intermixed together. 

        All three ravaged lands sets include statues; my idea is to paint all the statues as the same type of marble to help bring the different sets together. But what color would work? Brown marble is what I’m currently thinking about but blue would look better on the set that is currently done. 

         I know that how I paint the other sets will be a determining factor in this but I’m not 100% sure what colors I will use yet. Currently I’m leaning towards the default factory scheme on the mausoleum or a lighter shade of grey granite (possibly with some green undertones). On the storm vault I’m thinking about something close to the studio colors but reversed (so mostly grey with the warm cream color as the accent). We have a lot of people with really great imaginations and eyes for color here so I’m hoping someone can give me some good advice (even if these calls for help rarely ever get any).



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  3.      For me it will be both, and they should be in tomorrow (I’m always jealous of the members who receive their orders on Thursday, my store always gets its deliveries on Saturday). As for the twists I never considered it before but think you’re right; a small set of twists cards (say 12 maybe) to add to the deck would’ve been nice. 

  4.      What’re people running on their Ironjaws? I’m building up a quick warband for my cousin to tryout the game with and have Ironskull’s Boyz and Brutes to make his team from (I let him select a faction from those I had the models and cards for). My rough idea is the use all 4 boyz with 2 brutes; but I haven’t decided if I wanna use Ironskull himself as the leader or as just another dual weapon ‘ard boy and use the boss claw brute as leader.


         Edit: also does anyone have a spare ‘ard boy shield they’d be willing to part with and sell me? Going to covert the sword and axe boy into a shield guy but don’t wanna buy a box for just one shield. 

  5.      @B.C.D. I think you’ll be too low on bodies unless your opponent is also running a highly elite team as well. From what I’ve seen in play the best warbands tend to have a mix of both strong elites and cheaper horde units. Admittedly, I haven’t played as many games or with as many factions as some of the others on here so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

  6.      Thanks for the clarification.  I never went through the deck to compare the cards and glued mine as well. I’d used the Waywalker Studio’s post about the terrain pieces when assembling mine and they didn’t mention that particular piece in the write up. Since mine’s also glued with plastic glue we’ll just pretend it isn’t there if we draw one of those cards I guess. 

  7.      If I recall correctly Archaon refuses to acknowledge the GHR as a god of chaos so I doubt they’ll get a faction. The Everchosen can take vermintide as an ally but it doesn’t work the other way around, further evidence (in my mind) that he doesn’t see them was worthy of joining his forces. Those who are more familiar with the fluff and lore please feel free to correct me if necessary. 

  8. 15 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Wife is away for a couple of weeks so I'm going to get on this. My pledge is 10x wrathmongers, skarbrand and a bloodsecrator.

         Lol, so the wife is away and you finally get to play?

         But on a serious note, I’ve got all of my Warcry Terrain at a playable/battle ready state but have a lot of work left to do on details. Luckily I ended up with the day off so I’ll be able to knock a decent chunk of it out today. I’m not rushing the rest of it and after today will aim to knock out one detail type per session/week in order to finish it by end of month.


         Wall on the right is the state of most of the ruins while the left is after being detailed; to be honest I’m just not sure if those greys and and the brasses show up enough to be worth the effort.



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  9.      How is everyone planning to base your models? I’m specifically asking about the new/unique chaos groups. On the one hand I could base to reflect the realm they come from but then they would stand out in a larger Slaves AoS army, but then again if I base them all to match a singular larger force I’m worried they may look too uniform when used in Warcry itself.

         And while writing this I had an idea occur: why couldn’t/shouldn’t GW make these units into realm based options the same way magical artifacts are in malign sorcery? Seems to make more sense lore-wise. That would give each realm even more flavor in game as well as incentive to create a “season 2” type expansion focusing on the other grand alliances as well. For clarification: what I mean is instead of them having the “Slaves to Darkness” key word it’s changed to “Slaves to Darkness-Realm”. In order to take the unit your army must be able to both take StD units and hail from that realm; while this does make them more restricted mechanically it fits more thematically. To match their elite status Everchosen can still take any of the warcry units.

  10.      Picked up the strip magnets on my way home this evening but sadly they didn’t work. Two rare earth magnets would hold each other with the stairs between them but the strip magnet wouldn’t even hold up the weight of the RE magnet alone.

         Other ideas would be a bar style ceramic magnet or *maybe* a small bar of steel if you can find either in a size that would fit. I don’t have either so don’t know. Another idea would be glueing multiple rare earth button magnets under the overhang. If I have trouble during play with the stairs I may give one of these other ideas a go but for now I’m just gonna play with it as-is (my stairs are already painted and ruins are almost done, don’t wanna risk messing them up if I don’t have to).

  11.      I love the sculpts but honestly hope they add some new models or kits down the road. I may try kitbashing a figure or two down the road (already decided on a new breached by modding a blood bowl ogre), but (for now) I’m just going to have one box of each faction. 

  12. 3 hours ago, willange said:

    Warcry is setup much more simply from the beginning.  All the abilities are on 2 cards (the universal one and the warband one) and tournament rules already seem to be in place.  Thus, I think Warcry is in a better position to control the "bloat" and stay relatively simple going forward.  

         I for one hope that they keep it that way if/when they expand any of the factions. I’d rather buy an $8 card pack which includes all models and abilities for the faction in addition to the new model/set than end up with an entire deck of ability cards the way you can with Kill Team tactic cards. 

  13.      Haven’t made a pledge in a while (life happens), but...

    Goals: Warcry starter set scenery and at least the Iron Golems painted.

    Stretch (in order): Any two additional warbands (but beasts and cabal most likely), a second scenery set.

    Never gonna happen but wish I could goals: cypher lords, unmade, fangs and the last scenery set... maybe next-next month. 

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  14.      Didn’t have any magnetic strips, will pick some up this week if I get a chance to swing by the craft store after work but may not be until this weekend.

         My own paint scheme is ending up much closer to the board than a I originally intended. Was going for a grey stone with some green undertones and decided I’d give it a wash with a blue/green wash recipe but it really kinda stained it a deep blue/green. Should’ve diluted it more. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    maybe magnets could help? refrigerator magnet strips are pretty cheap and you can probably figure out spots of where they could go

         That’s sounds like it might work, there is an ever so small strip of overhang along the wall where you could stick a strip magnet and then use rare earth magnets under the top step of the stairs. I’ll look and see if I have any strip magnets left around here to give it a try.

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  16.      The getting a Ravaged Lands box, Core Rule book, and Warband of choice leaves you only missing the tokens and battleplan cards used for quickly setting up the game. The starter set includes four decks: terrain, deployment, victory, and twist. A battleplan card deck is available on the web store which includes three of the four decks; the terrain cards are omitted from that set since each Ravaged Lands box includes a terrain deck specifically for that set. Tokens are handy, but ultimately not mandatory.

  17.      @PhallusDominus No, I don’t care what is or will be “competitive”. I just want to build up a full campaign warband roster and reading the rules that means:

    A minimum of 1k points worth of models

    At least three models/fighters

    Exactly one leader model

    UP TO twenty models/fighters

         Besides... I reeeally wanna play a game with three prowlers and two breachers... those models are just too nice not to see play. 

  18.      I only pre-ordered one each of the starter set and Cypher Lords boxes; now I’m starting to realize I really want two sets of each of the warbands. What are other people here planning to do about this in regards to the Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts; will you pick up/split a second starter set, wait for individual boxes of the warbands, or wait/hope until an “elites” expansion comes along adding new models for each faction?

  19.      I had several of these guys painted up for use in board games, but was just dying to play with the chameleon paints I got in. So I picked out a few to give a quick primer coat over the robes followed by some fresh paint on top. Have a few glavewraiths I could add to bring it above 12 models but I’m stumped for what I could do differently to make them not blend in too much. They may just get the same treatment anyways...


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  20.      Is the ‘ardboy on the bottom right warscroll holding a shield? I cannot tell exactly what I’m looking at from the photo and trying to figure out how many of the options Ironskull’s boys would cover. 

  21.      @Zamik I did this last night while playing, err... testing some new color shift paints. Use a clear colorshift paint on top of a white or off white base coat. Color shifts only really show up over dark tones and just give light tones a glittery effect. Just make sure the color you’re using is clear or very close to it as a couple of them use translucent colored mediums instead.

         I don’t know how well these photos will come out as I had to zoom in quite a bit to catch the effect and the quality went down the further I zoomed in. In one I brush painted a single thin coat on top of a black stripe to test it and the paint extends below the black (in person you just see a shimmer). The second is a patch of plaid wytch flesh meant to be a highlight on a model’s shoulder. The entire model was airbrushed with chameleon paint to get the purple/blue color of the model but the off white dot (which i need to fix) is still just off white with a glitter effect. 

         Also: the stripe photo is of Greenstuff World’s “toxic purple” which is a green/purple chameleon which would fit perfectly for Mardi Gras. 

  22.      I remember reading somewhere the cypher lords worshipping tzeentch, but just went back and re-read their intro on community page and guess I must have imagined it. Still the unmade would be perfect for the basis of a Slaaneshi mortal army and hence... EXPAND!

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