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Everything posted by cofaxest

  1. Did anyone notice if we will get bonus artefact for battalion? Just curious.
  2. I think we already get ward saves (invulnerable saves from 40k) from bless?
  3. I feel like reactions could be the most influential thing for us if we will consider that aether gold will not change(we will be able to use it in enemy turn to boost the effects of reactions) So right now the main question is how triumphs will change?
  4. It's so funny how GW is showing new cool 3ed rules for monsters, magic and priests... and KO have neither of them
  5. The more I think about combined battletome the more I feel that at some point GW will need to release 2 books. 1 for lore and 1 for rules and profiles...
  6. I feel that Magmadroth will be monsters for KO...
  7. New duardin faction based on Duardin Cogforts? Hm...
  8. Looks like something much bigger. Probably some kind of suit or heavy walker.
  9. This sounds quite possible because Grungni is returning and he probably will decide to return his forge that was infested by skavens in realm of metal.
  10. I think that Chaos dwarfs will be connected to united duardin tome so at best we could get duardins vs chaos dwarfs box with 1-2 new units for duardins(Grombrindal model?). And later (at the end of 3ed?) duardins could actually get new faction(like Kruleboyz for warclans).
  11. I think that we could see combined Duardin tome this year and 3ed will be splitted like 2nd was (consequences of necroquake that lead to Broken realms), that will lead to new duardin faction (like KruleBoyz for warclans) and returning of Chaos Dwarfs (Legion of Azgoth for StD?)
  12. For me ideal situation will be massive campaign with 4 acts 1) 3 armies of dwarfs descend to reclaim Grungni lost hold 2) Ressurection of Grimnir (FS get 2-3 new boxes) 3) Travel to shyish (KO get 2-3 new boxes) 4) Returning of Valaya and reunion of ancestor gods (new dwarven faction based on dispossessed) New combined battletome.
  13. I can understand your point and mostly agree with you but IF (hope not) combined book for dwarfs will come out I can assume that it will have option to play pure KO, pure FS and combined army with different synergy and allegiance abilities. Plus I believe that to make this type of army work we need third faction that will become something in between.
  14. I believe that elven faction will be souped too at some point. And I can definitely see the pattern for more souping. Warclans (BS+IJ), Gllomspite(SF+Trolls+Squigs and goblins), scavens(Different clans), CoS, DoT(demons+mortals), MoN(demons+mortals), BoK(demons+mortals), HoS(demons+mortals), SGL(Bloodlines), SCE(Chambers) If we will combine KO+FS, DoK+Umbraneth, Sylvaneth+Kurnoti and Idoneth+ Realmlords, StD+Beasmens it will give us almost 24 factions souped in some shape or form(main theme + 2-3 subfactions)
  15. 6 drill cannons on skywardens + 3 drillcannons on gunhawlers with full reroll tohit could kill him turn 1 from 24 inches...
  16. I can only assume that skaven box will contain 3 stormfiends, bombardier and doomwheel. Beastmen box could include 6 bulls, shaman and cygor For slaanesh it's probably 3 fiends/slaangors plus 5 seekers
  17. Just in case if someone doesn't already saw this.
  18. To be honest for some reason I feel that GW will goes to 6 factions per grand alliance (+1 big faction like CoS). Order: SCE, Umbra+DoK, Realmlords+Deepkins, Sylv+Kurnoti, Duardins, Gholemkins, OrderOfAzyr Chaos: Skaventide, Khorn, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeench, StD(chaos beastmens could be part of God forces) Destruction: Orruks, Gloomspite, Ogors, Gargants, New gitz, Beastmens(or silent people) Death: Gravelords, NH, FEC, BoneReapers, +2 new factions. This will give us 24 factions in total.
  19. I can agree with that but to be fair it's not only about new miniatures. Right now order have 6 elven factions: umbraneth, sylvaneth, idoneth, lumineth, kurnoti and DoK(6.3 if we will consider CoS); humans have 1: SCE (1.3 with CoS) and dwarfs have 2: KO, FS (2.3 with CoS). If GW have no plans to combine elven factions (Sylv+kurnoti, Umbra+DoK, Deepkins+Realmlords) then combining KO and FS will be totally unfair for player base of dwarven factions. If this will happens order grand alliance could be called Aelves grand alliance.
  20. Because I believe that this does not financially make any sense. FS and KO need 2nd wave and 2(or more if we will consider dispossessed and Ironwield arsenal) 2nd waves are a bit too much.
  21. I can't see any reason why they should give us more models if all dwarves will be in 1 book. I can bet, that IF this will happens combined army will be more competitive than solo... which will force other players to buy models they don't want.
  22. You don't need a battletome to do this. But you know what we really need? New models for each dwarven faction.
  23. We call it proxies and in my local meta, you can't use them in tournament games.
  24. I want to be straight. It will be much harder to sell armies if customers will know that after 5 years their collection will not be usable on the table. I know that it's not the end of the world, but still...
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