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Everything posted by cofaxest

  1. Just want to share with you guys xD 48 balloon boys)
  2. Barak - Mhornar Aetherchemist x2 - 320 Navigator x1 with second unbind artefact - 80 Armiral x1 with 4+ mw ignore artefact (general) -120 20 arcanauts with 6 skyhooks - 240 20 arcanauts with 6 skyhooks - 240 30 vulkit berserkers with shields - 360 2 Frigates with canons - 480 Iron sky squadron battalion - 130 Total 1970 Take turn 1 - shoot 24 skyhook shots and 4 shots with skycanons with rerolls on one target. Take a hit with frigates and hope that you will win second turn and charge with berserkers.
  3. Just an idea for releases: KO Auto aetherturrets (drop from the sky and hold the ground) Aetherdrones (support) Aetherguard (cc heavy infantry) New ships Some sort of heavy cavalry unit (grundstock balloon guys?) Aethermancer (true antymagic hero with aether generator for manipulating aether energy) Kharadron magnate (not named one) Grundstock hero (some kind of monster hunter heavy hitter) New aether effects (smoke/gas screens (debuff enemy units), aether clouds (attack enemy units with lightning), aether wall (buff friendly units/give cover) Kharadron overlords Zonbek (ironclade size skyfortress with garrison rule and etc.) Rebalance for already existing units Fyreslayers Magmalings (smaller version of magmadrots) Magmalings cavalry Magmalings chariot (with hero option) Forge of vengence/Grimnir statue Endless effects (big rune, small vulcano, something with fire effect) Dispossessed Combine all dwarfs from dispossessed and Iron wield arsenal New miners New anvil of doom (runelord option) New lord with shieldbearers Stone ancestors (runic stone golems) Mining machine (terrain peace) Runic endless effects Personally I think that Grungni will be God for dispossessed and Fyreslayers and KO will have exemplar figure (Brokk for KO and Gotrek for Fyreslayers)
  4. It's true but our ships cost too much. If you will try this tactic you will not have enough firepower to support your ships, and if your opponent will have double turn - you automatically lose the game.
  5. Auto aetherturrets (drop from the sky and hold the ground) Aetherdrones (support) Aetherguard (cc heavy infantry) New ships Some sort of heavy cavalry unit (grundstock balloon guys?) Aethermancer (true antymagic hero with aether generator for manipulating aether energy) Kharadron magnate (not named one) Grundstock hero (some kind of monster hunter heavy hitter) New aether effects (smoke/gas screens (debuff enemy units), aether clouds (attack enemy units with lightning), aether wall (buff friendly units/give cover) Kharadron overlords Zonbek (ironclade size skyfortress with garrison rule and etc.) Rebalance for already existing units. We have so many possible new units and changes in already existing... I just hope that then GW release new book for KO it will be more then 1 week release with book, dices, 1 hero and terrain.
  6. Good but not very exiting for me. Happy for all Khorne players... and probably all Sylvaneth players who wants their faction in underworld. Other then that I feel that KO will not see any updates this year (except ghb19)*sad face*.
  7. 1 Change embarking rule (so KO can deploy embarked only in some battalion(s)) 2 Give KO true aetherpowered weapon with 40k plasma type of weapon treatment. 3 Change range of KO missile weapon (8/16" for infantry and 16/24" for ships) 4 Change roles of KO heroes (alchemist - buff weapon characteristic for infatry + passive for debuff enemy weapon characteristic endrinmaster - buff weapon characteristic for ships + passive heal for the ships navigator - duff mobility and survivability for all friendly models 5 New terrain with garrison rule 6 Aethermancer with true antimagic 7 Other balancing and cost adjustments.
  8. Personally i think that this boxes would be cool to see: Ice and fire (BCR vs Fyreslayers) Wood and iron (sylvaneth vs ironjaws) Blood in the water (ID vs DoK) Primal innovation (KO vs Bonespliters)
  9. We will not be a dwarf players if will not complain about something, you know? With runes in our body, with aether weapon in our hands or standing on Oath stone we always will be dwarfs.
  10. Yes, but i want to play more then 2 turns...
  11. I collect almost 7500 pts KO not because i want to see SE in my roster. And I don't care about win/lose I just want KO to have more interesting gameplay base on lore.
  12. This idea have some lore problems. I just hope that your "contact" just doesn't know context. Otherwise this will be a disaster, because each dwarf player want his/her faction being "their own" thing. KO, Fyreslayers and Disspossessed deserve their own tome.
  13. Hope this is not the case. All 3 factions of Dwarfs is too different, aesthetically and gameplay
  14. It's sad, but true. I will always be a fan of "good old" grumbling dwarfs, but at the same time not every generic human warrior, elven mage or dwarven miner need a miniature... I see Freecity battletome - maximum we can get for "old world" factions.
  15. Just speculation but... Zonbeks for KO confirmed?x)
  16. Alchemists are good as they are IMHO, the only one thing i would change - double the attack characteristic of buffed weapon instead of only +1 to attack characteristic. If we talk about riggers and wardens... Wardens need to change skymines to deal 1 MW when they fly over enemy unit for each 6+ (roll 2 dice for each warden)
  17. You know... I really like that idea, but more likely it could be KO vs Tzeench with some sort of flying monster (potentially for BoC?) with new hero and 1 new unit and close battletome release with terrain and ES.
  18. 1 Grundstock nerf 2 Alchemist nerf (cost more and more) 3 -1 to hit on heroes 4 can't shoot normally when engaged 5 low def (5+ save with no way to ignore mw) 6 ships are to fragile and expansive to be a chargeblock.
  19. Mobile repair and refuel station with some guns, or mobile aether powercore that generates w and mw protection and can attack or aether "eye of the storm" type of powercore that generates aetherstorm around it.
  20. For tempest eye you get +1 to save rolls and +2" move on turn 1.
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