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Everything posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. It's a battletome that will get Warscroll rewrites. When they rewrite warscrolls, they will be trying not to step on the toes of Stormcast scrolls.
  2. GW now tries to give each unit a niche in a battletome, so that you don't have a situation where two units fill the same role, but one is clearly better. So the Stormcast units will be occupying design space. Also, the book will be balanced with the assumption that you will be able to take Stormcast, just as Khorne is balanced with the assumption that you will take at least one Slaughterpriest and Bloodthirster.
  3. I still don't want any of that stuff in there. It means that the Stormcast units will be hogging design space that could otherwise be used for Free People/Elves etc. And I really despise the Stormcast lore and aesthetic.
  4. Really hyped for Ogres and Free People! I strongly dislike the inclusion of the Stormcast in the book though. They should have just remained as allies.
  5. I'm really hoping that we get a Beasts of Chaos warband eventually since a plastic Beastlord, Doombull or Shaggoth are much-needed, but the Ghur warband uses a very similar symbol to the traditional Beastmen symbols, which has me a bit concerned that we won't get anything.
  6. Yeah I'm not really a fan of having a huge amount of elf factions as separate armies. Three elf factions in the Old World was already enough for me.
  7. I personally thought that the plot of Warqueen was at the level of young adult fiction.
  8. Does Elena Ferrante write fantasy or science fiction?
  9. Nah. Fiction designed to sell games (e.g. Black Library, or D&D novels) is generally not of the highest quality. There's so much good fiction out there to read---why waste time on boring Stormcast stuff when I could read some Gene Wolfe?
  10. Yeah that's one of the main reasons I'm not interested in 40K. It feels like everything is space marines or chaos space marines, and it's boring as. I would be extremely disappointed if AoS goes the same route and starts producing "Chaos Stormcast" etc.
  11. I would sell my left nut for a Beasts of Chaos warband or any new Beastmen models.
  12. Raiders are also very good in Nurgle: since they reroll 1's and 2's to hit they have a decent chance of rolling 6's for Blades of Putrefaction. They add a nice shooting threat to Nurgle that people won't expect.
  13. Yeah Rockgut Troggoths are also tougher more damaging than Bullgors. No clue why GW didn't drop Bullgor and Dragon Ogre points...
  14. Here's a shot of mine next to some of my other models. They're pretty big, and definitely worth buying the actual models to be honest. I have never seen either a conversion or third party Dragon Ogre that looks even remotely as good as the actual GW models.
  15. As someone who has to pay ridiculously inflated NZ prices for GW models, your selfishness irritates me.
  16. I disagree about the Shaggoth: I don't think it's worth risking him getting killed on the front line, and I think it's a waste of an artefact to buff his attack profile. With 3 attacks at 3+/3+/-1/3, you're getting on average only 4 damage through before saves. It's not worth risking him in combat when BoC heroes are so essential for negating battleshock, especially now with a lot of the weird deployments that push the Herdstone further back. The real value of the Shaggoth IMO is Hailstorm and Ancient Beyond Knowing; anything else that he manages to do is a bonus.
  17. All the models you've got are great, except for the Ghorgon, which is considered to be "non-competitive", but is still fine for friendly games. I would suggest maybe getting another 2 or 3 start collecting boxes since all of the units in there (except for the Ghorgon/Cygor) are always useful no matter your build, and you need surplus for summoning. My main advice to you would be to play intelligently. Beasts of Chaos are an army that win by holding objectives and picking your battles carefully, rather than just destroying your opponent outright. So only charge into combat when you know that you'll win.
  18. I second this. I didn't used to run it, but it's essential now, and is a bargain at 80 points.
  19. Gavespawn is good, but is hardly a no-brainer. The only competitive Gavespawn list I know of that has actually done well at a major event is Joel McGrath's alpha shooting Desolating Beastherd list. He placed fourth at CanCon with it. The true power list (i.e. Daniel Bradshaw's UK Masters and Sheffield Slaughter list) doesn't use any Fray at all: just Shadowpelt and Ignax's Scales on the Tzaangor Shaman general. I'm not a player of Daniel Bradshaw's or Joel McGrath's calibre, but I've won a tournament with Beasts a few months ago, and just placed second at another tournament this past weekend (all Majors Wins, but didn't score enough Kill Points to take first), and I don't run a Fray either: Shaggoth general with Ancient Beyond Knowing and Aetherquartz Brooch brings more to my list than any of the Frays. I've also run Allherd + Desolating Beastherd + Aetherquartz Brooch at an event last year and did pretty well (no losses). I wouldn't be opposed to running it again.
  20. GW points writers seem to have no clue how the game works (or how to do maths) so I'm not surprised.
  21. Gors still ****** due to insignificant horde discount, Gargant still ******, Chariot still mediocre, Horn is still bad, Direflock is still so bad that I wouldn't cast it if it was free, and why the hell did the crappy Razorgors go up? No changes for all the terrible monsters of Chaos that aren't even worth summoning, no points drop for the Beastlord, no drop for Warherd. Bullgors are still worse in every way than Enlightened so why would you use them even if they're the same cost? Aaaaaah! So frustrating!
  22. Man I really hope not. Beastlord is still a way better hero for the Gnarlblade, which is the only thing that makes a melee hero viable in BoC.
  23. I personally run 6 Dragon Ogres in a unit. I find that 3 just don't hit hard enough, even though they have some reasonable staying power.
  24. I think two Shaggoths are the most I would do unless I was going for a themed Dragon Ogre army, since the rend spell and hailstorm are the clear winners in their lore. I personally like running a Shaggoth and Dragon Ogres together: the Dragon Ogres make a good objective holding unit when supported by the Shaggoth. I just run them onto the objective, put an Ungor screen in front, and then spam Hailstorm on anything approaching. I've yet to concede an objective using this strategy.
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