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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I like the new FeC although they’re truly not what I wanted them to be. To me now they feel like the Goblins of Goblin Town from the Hobbit Ushoran is too hunched, I would’ve wanted him to have a upright Pose.
  2. You asked so I did leak them, in the depth of the internet, it might take years for them to resurface! Muhahahahar
  3. 40K SPOILER: New deathwing terminators for anyone wondering (source 40K reddit)
  4. It’s fdm (filament) printing, that’s harmless
  5. 3D printed and modelled myself. You can download them from my Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PqjkqrGp5LRAwMoGw8K_EZlxUdASfbNW?usp=drive_link the standard size is 25mm but it's easy to scale it to any round base size in a slicer.
  6. Should not be necessary. However this depends on design choices Example, if we want buildings to play an active role it'd be nice if the rules for garrisons are removed, one can walk on buildings and potentially climb to higher levels. If a shooting attack is performed from an elevated position (higher floor of 2.5-3" in height) than the target's position (expect for when the target is a monster) you can add -1 rend to the attack. apart from that the AoS cover rules do cover most situations rather well In the end the rules will turn out to be even more lightweight than AoS I'd imagine, with smaller forces fighting.
  7. Good point. I'd almost copy Boarding Actions with a few additions. Examples for everyone not familiar with it: - Units can only be taken in their minimum sizes. Monsters of a certain size are not allowed (this can be edited depending on missions) - Only visible models can be killed (shooting & magic in 40K in AoS I'd say both: Shooting, magic and melee) - Some mechanic to tear down/fight from barricades - Missions layouts - Max 2 Heroes - Commands can only be issued to visible units and not through closed barricades and doors. - No Faction Terrain Not much more to add, unley you guys have cool ideas! (then everything has to be put into words and we need missions)
  8. I'd really love to buy this game but at the moment I am spending too much money already. So I will buy it next month. It's kind of sad that success is measured in initial sales though.
  9. Weclome, This thread is dedicated to a little community project: Bringing Boarding Actions from WH 40K to Age of Sigmar in the shape of rules for fighting in tight City streets. @Beliman@Ejecutor let's get cracking (slowly and bit by bit) Cheers
  10. I also struggle to include more than 10 steelhelms (other options are way better imo). What's your experience with this?
  11. Perfect iirc you had page-blueprints for Aos? (Let's start a new Thread)
  12. If GW would finally release an actual City kit I'd build an actual city (and my GF would kill me) XD Give me Towers like the Osgiliath set has and all that cool stuff. How about we start a community project for rules fighting within a city?
  13. Amazing idea. The fun thing is that the boarding actions rules can almost be used without any change.
  14. Let’s be real guys, if GW made a Sigmar Model he‘d be a useless, underpowered 1,5k points sink - they’re the worst at making rules fir big Stormcasts. To proof my point: The Stats of Ghal Maraz, The Dragon Brothers, Stardrakes.
  15. The trays work incredibly well, in fact better than square bases. I managed to fit very busy models with lots if overhang easily
  16. I honestly don‘t know (import-settings of your chitubox?) , the stls open at the correct scale on my laptop and pc. some values for scaling: width of 5 wide should be 12,5cm -> 125mm width of 4 wide should be 10cm -> 100mm and so forth.
  17. Oh I've forgotten. Some free stls I made for you guys. It's 25mm round Regiment Bases in 2x5 | 4x5 etc. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PqjkqrGp5LRAwMoGw8K_EZlxUdASfbNW?usp=drive_link
  18. Absolutely, I've posted a big Scale comparison on Reddit. Her price is ludicrous
  19. A friend brought his Thalia along for today’s game. I made some size comparisons for you spoiler: She’s probably about as tall as the new Bretonnia Pegasus. Smaller than a Tauralon and a Griffon (Which is small, very small for 120€)
  20. idc why they are afraid to make monsters that actually blend enemies.
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