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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 10 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

    I dont think there was ever anything about removing their eyes.  They just cover their eyes with helmets.

    I think I read that they blind their mounts (physically) otherwise the magic to tame the beasts would dissipate.

  2. 41 minutes ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    Will do. Maybe we should send them a copy of a book of grudges and every day they didn't release a dispossessed Battletome since AoS gets an entry.

    Put up a website with a nice book animation in which a grudge is added for each time GW does not release Sth. For the Dispossessed =D

  3. 9 hours ago, PJetski said:

    That battletome was written before the concept of Allies - it's a vestigial clause. 

    Regrowth can be used on allies, but they will get no benefit.

    It's a broad wording so it can cover all possibilities and leave no loopholes for exploit. 

    After all the evidence given I think you are right. 👍🏻


    But I still find that restriction unfitting from a lore and game play perspective 🤔 (perhaps a hint to AoS 3.0 where allies become more important?)

    • Thanks 1
  4. 43 minutes ago, Ivo said:

    New rumour engine


    I smell Soulblight.


    @PJetski If your Allegiance Priests receive  prayers due to their Allegiance, then this does not convert prayers to Allegiance Abilities. Allegiance Abilities have a separate Section in the Battle Tomes.

    so prayers can be used on any faction as long as it is not specified differently within the prayer‘s text.


  5. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    There are countless death gods in Shyish that are spawned by mortal belief in an afterlife (although Nagash keeps eating them) so it's not impossible to presume that gods can be "created" in other realms.

    I presume Gorkamorka wouldn't take too kindly to some upstart minor god muckin' about and taking his followers in Ghur...

    What would happen if a cult arose that believed in a afterlife that was protected by a god that could absorb/defeat Nagash as its sole purpose? Could that god which would spawn into existence beat Nagash? 🤔🤔🤔

  6. Just now, Killamike said:

    Nah, looks cool on the tabletop. Rule of cool wins. 

    Sorry you guys have to draw your 'unbelievable' line in the sand over nice models. 

    Pretty 'stupid' when my stormcast play someone elses stormcast too. 

    Sure though there is that training g arena in azyr 🤷🏼‍♂️ So it makes sense.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It's is really not that far fetched. The Romans built an entire walled camp anytime they had to stay somewhere for longer than a day. It doesn't really seem that hard to imagine that the fyreslayers would bring material to build a forge with them on campaign.

    Also it's an awesome model.

    ... made of Wood. And you assume they have a Long stay before EVERY battle.

    now try to get immersed in this:

    throng moves to war:

    battle starts apruptly: the forge appears.

    Fyreslayers getting ambushed; forge

    Fyreslayers ambushing Skaven; forge

    Fyreslayers quickly aiding stormcasts; forge

    The model is awesome but it‘s lazy game design to include immovable parts of a dwarf hold to take part in every battle.

    The Anvil of doom was no FREE TO HAVE MUST INCLUDE you paid points so it was not at EVERY battle. This one is free so it will be a constant part of the game.


    if the new sceneries cost points it‘d Be fine.



    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Actually they would make perfect sense lore wise, there have been examples of it since WHFB with the cult of pleasure and recently while it isn't a battletome there was even one in the Scourge of Fate novel.

    WHF is a bad comparison since at its conclusion all Elfes were eaten, so I doubt they‘re too keen on reliving that?

    I haven‘t read the novel though I expect there are some rare exceptions of „Pkease don‘t eat me Slasnesh“


    Am I the only one who thinks the direction of Faction Terrain has become ridiculous? BoK carry a massive shrine, dwarfs an entire forge. And what will aelfes do Next? Will they carry a massive white ivory tower? Or an entire castle, since the scenery does not have to make any sense being on every battlefield it seems..?


  9. 3 hours ago, Turgol said:

    but slaanesh aelfs would be the mindblowing solution!

    And they world make no sense o.O „yeah he‘ll eat our souls, let‘s serve him“

    humans and other races except Aelfes make sense imo

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    I did not get everything in the trailer. The following is what I heard:

    ?,  something has changed.  The Dark Princes' BONDS (?) are slipping(?). Correct

    When the blood goD  BROUGHT(?) his wrath across the realms,  Slaanesh only heard love.

    When Sigmar's  CHOSEN(?) spillED the blood of the innocent, the god of excess DRANK deep.

    And  When Nagash's scheme nearly shatteRED the realms, so too did he sunder the chainS of my lord。

    All love slaanesh, all worship slaanesh, all serve slaanesh.


    Can anyone give me a hand  on the words with ?  mark.


    The first part I also can‘t hear.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    But Skarbrand of all minis should be a rediculous combat monster. You should be terrified to fight against him in close combat. 

    I think it is a good change. You will do the 16 wounds once per battle if you are lucky.

    Seeing the very next battletome have an anti gristlegore option is interesting. My worry is that a lot of these changes are not op if you are a competent tournament player and are thinking about suitable counters , but might give a bad play experience to Joe casual at their local game store.

    That‘s what I fear. It‘s hard enough already to get people to play AoS around here 😖

  12. 51 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Well, against a 6+ Save against Mortal Wounds Model it still deals on average 6.7 MW on normal trigger and 13.4 MW with the 16MW trigger.

    Against 5+ Save it would be "still" 5.4 MW on avg and 10.7 on the 16 Wound Trigger. So actually still a buff I guess?

    A 16% Chance at 16 freakin mortal wounds is just too much... (byebye my monster...) and The skulltaker continues this trend. Seems like we‘re in for a AoS Chapter approved o.O

    why does GW have Toskana MW all the Time o.O

  13. 5 minutes ago, TheWilddog said:

    I always loved this model from Blood Keep minis for a Varghulf. To bad they went out of business. You see then on ebay occasionally and the sculptor keeps saying he is going to release them again.  


    This one is bigger than a Terrorgheist. I had him and gifted him away. ^^



    I‘ve got some armor bits on my shapeways shop, they might help to cover it up a little =}

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