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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. My impressions after watching the Battle Report: - The Rubber Lance Syndrome hasn't been fixed (again) As a former bretonnia player it is an understatement that this makes me sad. - Normal Knights are incredibly bad (like they were back in 8th) - The Blessing of the Lady is still plainly bad. - Magic is still completely out of whack (I know he rolled well, but the potential is plainly silly) - The frankly stupid challenge rules haven't been changed at all. - Knights not having 2 wounds each feels so wrong after playing AoS - Scoring by killpoints is the worst and it is back - WHY - The TK recursion seems a little strong? - TK still crumbling when the Hierophant dies is the worst. Jesus, it doesn't even make sense lore-wise - The push-back after losing is cool. - I like that the damage is in general dialed down, it makes the fights more thrilling. Raging:
  2. I agree. I enjoyed End Times battles a lot. It was a real bummer they ended the Setting like that.
  3. The funny thing is that the end times sold very well - turns out new and redone models sell
  4. And this several ex employees explained in more detail. That blatant lie left a bitter taste.
  5. They really split the Pegasus kit in two - that’s annoying.
  6. Often it’s around 30-40% more so the Army Boxes are 200-215€ Tomb Guard 55€?
  7. I am surprised theyβ€˜re no releasing the bone dragon? well. Looks like a nice preorder wave for khemri (and also for my Lahmia Vamps) any idea for what I could use the Stalkers?
  8. I've just finished "The Hollow King": Really good book! The first AoS Book (apart from Gotrek) I've enjoyed that much.
  9. How does this survey matter at all? How is this even a discussion?
  10. My guesses: - New Chaos Barbarians on Horse or Doomfire Warlocks - New Stormcast with Pistol?* - Some kind of Witch Hunter with Lantern* - DoK/LrL Fighter with half-moon-blades - Nighthaunt obviously * as mentioned by others: Callis and Toll makes sense
  11. Behold, my stuff (a part of it) - currently getting rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy (reduced my SCE by 40%) IMG_8573.MOV
  12. I intend to use my FeC as Strigos Empire units in ToW. luckily the system should be variable enough to add units like the crypt guard with ease (incl. points since weapons are usually universally pointed)
  13. I love it! (That thereβ€˜ll be female knights)
  14. Guys, you've lost the way again. happy holidays everyone! πŸ˜ƒ
  15. Easy answer: AoS offers a wider range of options. 40K is kind of either Necromunda territory or another Black Stone Fortress (in theory it could be anything including exploring several Xeno-Ruins, Planets etc. but we all know 40K is't that creative.)
  16. - On the recently visited threads section: A time stamp of the last reply - Automatically jump to the last page of a thread when opening it. - A spoiler tag for the mobile version - I am just Super confused by the gallery, it’s impossible to find my pwn uploads - maybe a chat box at the top of the page?
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