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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I model tabletop minis as a freelancer, even WHF was 32mm already the last time I measured a Namartii it had 34mm to eye-height.
  2. AoS is 32mm+ and Epic Scale Lotr is 28mm real-scale(ish)
  3. Jeeezuz Christuuz, AoS won’t be canned, Warhammer Fantasy will be like 30K, no canning no nothing just stop the hyperventilating already 🤨
  4. Srsly despite all the endorphins created by nostalgia: The rules were just the worst: Monsters were unplayable (canons), 40-50% of each Armybook were unusable, the game was too static, Aelves were too strong, heroes too OP and it took AGES before you could finally take your turn, the balance was a bloody mess, MSU was OP af, redirection units were way too powerful (and Ummersion breaking, also the only true mechanic the game had),magic was way too strong etc.
  5. I’d play both and use Warhammer the old world models as proxies I guess, as long as I can play with my round bases.
  6. Especially since they can draw inspiration from really good games like the Lotr rules, A song of ice and fire and the like.
  7. I could also argue that it‘s your loss (of money and people being fed up with OBR). 🤷🏼‍♂️ I didn‘t expect much agreement anyway, it‘s like posting on a 40K Fan Community and bringing up arguments why 40K is getting worse - all you‘ll get is disagreement 🙃
  8. I am sorry but the other legion‘s traits are just bad or boring - really bad design to slap all „good“ buffs onto Petrifex. I am not claiming they‘ll rule the competetive scene but they‘re ruining the casual scene. So why should I collect an army no one wants to play against? It‘s just DoK all over again but more bland.
  9. Were there any? Chaos wasn‘t present and all gods were pals so the only enemies might have been godbeasts? GW could pull the Riverdale-Storytelling card: Just adding events that don‘t make sense as we please“ - but I doubt that.
  10. * that can easily be resurrected * that have 3-X commandpoints per turn * that devolve into strong beatsticks Rerolling a 3+ save equals ~88% dmg mitigation. they just suck to play against in friendly games.
  11. Yesterday I used my khemri units as proxies for a 1600 pts game and it turned out that OBR don‘t die (due to Petrifex and resurrects), the catapult got two lucky hits and took out his Hammerhal infantry General and the adjutant turn two and massacred his swordsmen (constant 10 wounds a turn). And he couldn’t kill any of my units, I just marched forth, buffing up morteks and using them as my main damage dealers and tanks 🤷🏼‍♂️ It wasn‘t fun for me or him, he just didn’t have the options to deal with any of my units (Gothizzar harvesters are so strong xD) back in the „are OBR op“ section a Tzeentch Player confirmed my experience a few minutes ago. everyone has to know for him/herself though
  12. I finally got around to buying one hero and a box of Infantry - though I won‘t start this army since you can‘t ally them into Legions and apparently it‘s utterly unfun to play against. here‘s my first quick n dirty paintjob
  13. It actually is. It‘s up to the TO to ban them or not since the Base Guide is just a suggestion as GE themselves have pointed out.
  14. At 2+ to hit it is more like an indirect-firing sniper rifle. 🤣
  15. I hope all they‘ll do is sell Regiment bases in which round bases fit so you can play with your round base models VS squares (pretty much what ASoIaF is doing right now) and then add a cleaner, simpler version of the 8th Ed rules for humongous battles.
  16. I never had that issue with any of my old skeletons (I have 60-80 of those bony buggers ^^)
  17. It‘s not only the +1 armor that makes them great but also the -1 rend... who thought it was a good idea to slap both, offense and defense onto the same subfaction?
  18. @XReN nah it‘s ~66% with lookout sir and a 4+ =} hobestly: spread your shots to 3 different heroes and hope for that juicy 22% to kick in twice xD. Or a ~ 30% chance against a 5+ hero per shot. and then add +1 shots granted by the Liege Kavalos and double tap one hero. the catapult would be fine without the oneshot shot, and hitting on 3s (or only causing 4 dmg instead of 5)
  19. They seem fine except for Petrifex Elite as far as I can tell as of now ^^
  20. Variance not included. I calculate the average chance to cause an unsaved wound (x3 due to 3 shots) it causes 1.11 unsaved hits which results in killing 1.11 characters. The % is misleading meaning 110%\3 = 36.66% chance per shot to wound successfully == 110% to cause A successful wound distributed over 3 shots. Each unsaved wound= kill to round it off: multiply *5 to get the statistically caused wounds then it should be on par with @XReN‘s calculation. Though that is also misleading due to a dmg of 5 never only causing a fraction of it‘s dmg.
  21. 3*4/6*4/6*0,5*100 = 66.7% withput lookout sir it‘s 83.33% (3*5/6*4/6*0.5*100) your advance is to multiply in the 5 damage at the end. It‘s not about calculating the dmg inflicted it‘s about the kill. 5 dmg == Dead which means I calculated a 66,7% chance to cause an unsaved wound to a hero (or a 83.33% chance). VS a 5+ with lookout sir:3*4/6*4/6*4/6*100= 88.3% without lookout sir: 111%
  22. It’s a 83.33% chance if it throws all three shots. against a 5+ it‘s 111% chance.
  23. These lists are (highly) specialized. The crawler is just a model - no synergies required.
  24. There aren’t, the range + definitely killing 1-3 heroes is the issue. It dictates the entire game. No Nighthaunt player will have a good Time vs this thing =} you mentioned an important point about it: heroes have always been endangered by shooting. This catapult however does not endanger them, it certainly kills them and that is the biggest issue with it. The distinction between endangering and mathematically killing your hero on average no matter what is important and it is what makes this model utter bs. sorry if I get carried away from time to time but GW‘s Power creeping is a trigger topic for me. (It was awesome having to shelve my DoK a year ago since my enemies could not handle them at all due to DoK overperforming). in a competetive environment I don‘t see the catapult being an issue since the meta will adapt - that‘s their jam. However the biggest part of the community are casual players and these catspults will destroy their games. It will force a playstyle of monster heroes only (this feels like the situation of 8th where monsters were made redundant due to cannons but this time it‘s the 5 wound heroes)
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