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Everything posted by Blueraven84

  1. Didn't january white dwarf already leak or something that said Skirmish?
  2. New Skirmish would be so good if it took notes from Kill Team
  3. "We have news for you this Wednesday" Yes, maybe if you live in States...
  4. Orruk Gore Gruntas will start to fly off the shelf of FLGS once the tome is released if they will keep Pumbagors... I wonder if they include Skyfires in the battletome or is it just normal tzaangors....?
  5. My first ever miniature bought was beastman champion made of metal ?. Then I collected everything else between heaven and earth. Made return to Beastmen around End Times and bought couple battalion boxes or whatever they were called back then. Idea was to make monster list with only couple infantry units to fill out requirements. I wonder how feasible my plan still is with this new AOS release.....?
  6. I'm just happy they made new battletome for them. Also helps when you can just take models off the shelf and rebase them and you have "new" army to play with.
  7. Dunno if posting pics allowed but herdstone, that bull spell and some horn and flock of birds? leaked from Wd.
  8. Lets hope we get some actual news from Texas today...
  9. If you are unlucky and play armies that haven't been updated (other than rules) I can understand how you feel, but overal game is in very good place.
  10. Starting to think they changed previews on purpose
  11. Bull has same CAD face as the current minotaurs...just saying
  12. Soo...what happened with all the grot rumours?
  13. Could be, unless they are two totally different rumour sources... Ironjaws (among many others) could really do a new tome and more models...
  14. Went back to play World Of Warcraft. I have found that you can find inspiration for the little toy men especially by playing Blizzards games. Back to rumours, I wonder what release schedule will look, as we know for fact, that GW will release 3 40k codexes and titan game in coming months. Also were there not rumours about Darkoath and destruction armies coming? Slaanesh maybe nearer xmas?
  15. Personally I'm waiting for Lost Kingdom Miniatures "lizardmen" models, they are going to do kickstarter in couple days...
  16. Release date anyone? Big fear here in Finland that is same time as summer solstice holiday...
  17. Mortarch of Grief anyone? King sounds like Settra to me. " I'm no false god" "My rightful domain has fallen (Khemri?)"
  18. People are saying the character in story is Nagash, but the first thing that came to my mind was Settra...
  19. Everything so far sounds great. Been playing both 8th ed 40k and AOS and every now and then gaming group is asking where are the rules (like command point rerolls) from 40k
  20. What happened to the rumoured flying stormcast creatures? Maybe later release with battletome?
  21. Oh the doom and gloom. What happened to positive vibes on tga? Nothing wrong with 40k rules. I know because i have enjoyed them from the start of 8th ed. With little tweaks could easily be transfered to aos system
  22. Rumours are rumours, not facts. I want to thank LLV for juicy bits, whether they turnout to be true or not.
  23. I'm not saying 40k is the best ruleset ever but it seems AOS could take couple hints from it and update the ruleset to the real aos 2.0 Im sure people have playtested it and tried if it works without heavily criticized rules like double turn or sniping characters....(just to name a few rules I would love to see gone)
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