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Satyrical Sophist

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Everything posted by Satyrical Sophist

  1. Just jumping in to the bullgor discussion, I suppose one advantage they get is better charge from ambush than enlightened. That said, enlightened seem just silly good. I'm tzeentch mainly (transfering over to BoC), but they have always just been brutal. The 16 inch move is kind of silly. I'd be surprised if enlightened aren't getting a points increase. Kind of funny if they end up back at 160 and so do Skyfires ( who I'm pretty sure need help right now). Speaking of the ogre class stuff, anyone tried dragon ogors? They are a curious one, being pretty darned tough, but not that damaging.
  2. Might be reading it wrong, but the opponent took the first turn, so couldn't double.
  3. I quite like it for just how WTF the OT is. We don't know what the deal is with them at all, even the name is a vague description. Seriously, its Ogor- looking, Mage who is good with fire. It doesn't look a ALL like anything else, it doesn't have the Ogor keyword, and is a very different shape to all the beastmen stuff. Its pretty inexplicable. It's types being weird is part of that.
  4. Incorporeal form is a Daemon trait, so OT can't take it. Also the gaunt summoner can pick from Daemon and mortal spell lists, but only gets one spell, not two.
  5. Correct me if I am wrong, but can't you do it like this? WWWWWWW WWWWWWW UUUUUUUUUE EEEEE. They'd get to direct a few attacks at enlightened, but only a few
  6. With the rerolls they absolutely murder. In my two most recent games three of them have one phased a black coach and almost killed a star drake. Then just the Aviarch has killed a lord of shrouds and lord arcanum on Gryf in one phase.
  7. I've liked running Tzaango isr in 10s. They lose their bonus pretty easily (needs 4 wound though), but I feel like 2 units of 10 works out better than a unit of 20. I like having the extra banners and not having quite so much worry about battleshock. As for tzaangor vs bestigor, I thought the concensus was that both units are good choices, which Tzaangor being a bit more durable, but damage falling quicker and Bestigor having better optimal situations (on the charge, Vs big units) and worse fail states (getting charged, not Vs big units). I'm actually pretty impressed with GW on the BoC diversity and use cases. This is probably just wishful thinking, but has anyone tried pairing centigors with enlightened? I like the idea of giving the opponent's two opposing choices on which unit to target. If they hit the enlightened, then the centigors got drunk with no disadvantage, if they hit the centigors, the enlightened get to slap back full strength.
  8. Which units are you thinking of? I can only really think of warhounds, who are still very fast and bulky. I'm mid converting a lot of things, but looking forward to trying out centigors, chariots and pork missiles.
  9. Tried enlightened today, was playing tzeentch but only the beasts of chaos stuff is relevant. Enlightened were deadly. Managed to trigger the ability and they one phased a black coach. They went on to kill a spirit torment and finally a knight of shrouds. The Aviarch actually killed the knight on his own, after the knight killed his two fellow birdgoats. The shaman did a good job floating around and just gently filling back up a unit of tzaangor.
  10. If you are willing to convert, I guess. I'm not actually sure you can. I think the rule is that standard and musicians are considered to be armed the same way as the rest of the unit, so I'm not sure how that interacts with special weapons. I personally wouldn't.
  11. You can use both. Shield wording is that as long as the unit has any with shields, whole unit gets the benefits. So optimial 10 man is. 1 leader with greatblade 3 regular with greatblade. 2 mutants. 1 banner (with 2 hand weapons) 1 musician (with 2 hand weapons) 1 shield. 1 with 2 hand weapons.
  12. Double gargant box seems like good value. I wonder how they run in pairs, makes a flubbed charge unlikely
  13. I thought that while a unit has to be brayherd to ambush, you count all BoC units to see how many units you can ambush?
  14. Anyone got any idea when we find out what forgeworld stuff ends up in BoC? Wondering about a warpfire dragon. Speaking of, how is the dragon?
  15. I am a little unsure why, but cracked and bought some Bullgor. Not sure how they stack up vs enlightened. Anyone looked at the numbers?
  16. I am a little unsure why, but cracked and bought some Bullgor. Not sure how they stack up vs enlightened. I guess I should start thinking about army lists. Have 30 tzaangor, plus 6 extra silver tower ones, so can make some regular tzaangor into enlightened. Tzaangor Shaman, 9 disc tzaangor, with options for up to 12 spears (acolyte glaives are almost pointless and would make fine spears), Start collecting box. Many spawn as needed. Oh and those Bullgor that a weak Satyrical Sophist (whose chat name has never been more appropriate) bought.
  17. I'm really looking forward to a beast lord with the gave spawn artifact, you expect to one phase even a 6 wound 3+ guy. Do that and your Bestigor are throwing out 2 rend 1 wounds at small units and 2.4 rend 1 wounds at big ones. That is PER BESTIGOR.
  18. Should be. It's been released after the GHB18, so is the most current. Assuming they release Slaanesh or Moon clan before GHB19 then any stuff for them will also override GHB18. I don't see how else it could work.
  19. Yup, that said, units of 10 get a bit of a buff which is nice. Enlightened also seem really nice now.
  20. I really love the Ogroid, in small games I tend to use a fair few DD on him. A 6 will guarantee a successful fireblast (they can unbind, but you have an average of 9.5 on the cast), and the horrors made are useful. If you keep them in combat, they'll tend to throw out maybe one extra wound, and don't always die in one turn, and you can always run and use them to screen or just steal objectives. They are also pretty funny vs something like a ballista, since it'll usually have to waste a turns shooting. Otherwise, I seem to find myself using 3s to guarantee horn hit and wounds. That combined with the charge mortals is surprisingly successful at murdering characters.
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