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Everything posted by Emissary

  1. They're soft until you can reroll all hits for all of them and they can neuter or kill threats in a single round.
  2. I run the spites in 5s to take care of the battleline tax on the cheap. They're there to hold backfield objectives, guard the backfield line against things showing up or as a speedbump. I don't expect them to survive or kill much. The woods in the old days did damage out to 3" and would straight up kill things that charged or ran across them. They could be deadly andy opponents would avoid them like the plague. Now, not so much. They do block line of sight o you have to set them back for you to use as cover or to the sides for deep strike. You have to take care that hey don't block off sight lines for the bow hunters. As for bows, I actually think they're the only bad unit in the book. I'd only take them in the heartwood glade with the horn artifact and in a large group (3x3) and then they shine. They need to take down or neuter specific threats early. Otherwise they don't do much for the points.
  3. At the moment, I'm not completely sold on units of 20 spite revenants. Just too hard to get them all in melee. Wyldwoods aren't nearly as important anymore as a central part of the army. They don't do a ton of damage anymore (they've only done damage to my opponent once in 15+ games. Yes, I'm serious). Usually I use them to teleport between areas, grow dryads or cut off line of sight. They're good, but not what they once were. As for a competitive build, I'm really having a lot of success with a Heartwood list with Alarielle and 3x3 Kurnoth Hunters with bows. On average the 9 Kurnoth bows with the artifact will take down a Keeper of Secrets, Lord of Change or anything else with 14 4+ save wounds in a single turn if they all can shoot. Alarielle is a nice insurance policy for shooting to raise that average rate over the 64% of the bows alone. Without the keepers' command ability, a lot of the damage potential of the list is taken away. If the keepers aren't in range turn 1, you should kill over half a 30-strong daemonette unit. This works well for against most units as you can take out key pieces in the army and then mop them up. I'm a big proponent of the list right now, though most people are rightfully focused on Winterleaf. The list if you are interested is: Alarielle with Regrowth (summons 3 Greatsword Kurnoths) Branchwraith General with the Horn of the Consort and Verdurous Harmony Branchwraith with Throne of Vines 6 Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows 5 Spite-Revenants 5 Spite-Revenants 5 Spite-Revenants I talk more about it a few pages back.
  4. I bring 2 branchwraiths so that the first can cast throne of vines turn one while the other summons dryads. Then the next turn the thrones one starts summoning dryads and the other runs off to cast the other spells. This way you don't miss a turns worth of dryads potentially.
  5. 2 books, 2 sets of cards, 2 special characters, 1 vehicle and 1 box of marines at minimum. It's a full weeks release.
  6. I think most people prefer to get the 2nd turn honestly. I'd say a significant majority of my games has the person picking the 1st turn order picking the 2nd turn. It allows you to react to what they're doing and has a higher chance to put the enemy in magic, shooting and charging range of your guys. Plus you get the chance for a double turn. Unless the mission has a good reason to go first, I think most people will choose to go second on an even playing field.
  7. One can hope. I know I would like it to be that way. I have a ton of money saved up for them so my son and I can team up with his LoN. I'm just not holding my breath.
  8. A large part of the cost for battalions isn't the added abilities, artifacts and command points. It's the high degree of control a player with one has over a player without one for deciding who gets the first turn. The first year of points in AOS had battalions as rather cheap. Because of this issue, when the next General's Handbook came out all battalions went up significantly in points and it's been that way since.
  9. I fully expect next week's preorders to be the last 2 space Marine chapters and the remaining unreleased models, then the bonereapers to go up for preorders the week after. It would mean we would start getting previews a week from Monday ahead of the Saturday preorder.
  10. Plus she's mobile enough to get the kernal to where you need it.
  11. Yup, it's why it's so devastating. Get 2 good melee units in their backfield turn 1. Both shoot, both move, then both make an easy charge move. Then because of the spear, both fight first (unless they can mess with strike order also). Just remember that to reliably do it first turn, you need to buy that extra command point. Otherwise you have to buy that pretty terrible battalion or rely on a 50/50 roll, which won't make it reliable.
  12. Drycha, dreadlord on black dragon with a crossbow, Alarielle are three off the top of my head.
  13. While we are putting up lists: Nomad Prince with General, Druid of the Everspring, Ironoak Skin Sorceress with General's Adjunct, Cage of Thorns Dreadlord on Black Dragon with Exile Blade and Repeater Crossbow, Spear of the Hunt Drycha Hamadreth with Lifesurge 30 Eternal Guard 10 Sisters of the Watch 10 Sisters of the Watch 10 Shadow Warriors 10 Shadow Warriors 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords Emerald Lifeswarm Extra Command Point Idea is that the list is flexible to adapt to the mission or opponent. If the mission warrants it, I can bring in Drycha and the Dreadlord on their table edge, both can shoot, then use the 2 first turn command points to move both and then choice targets. Both will get to fight before anyone else (except for guys like Slaanesh) Drycha also has Lifesurge to help heal if they survive. The Shadow Warriors will also deep strike onto terrain to get better first turn shooting. Either or both sets of Sisters can start in my deployment zone or can come on from a table edge depending on the mission. Then have the Eternal Guard, Kurnoth Hunters, Sorceress and Nomad Prince make their way up the table and grab the objectives and hold them while the rest of the army is causing chaos in their deployment zone. Also, it's important to know that the Nomad Prince is not a wizard, so cannot cast the Lifeswarm even though he can cast Ironoak Skin. Hence, why he gets that spell which he can use every turn.
  14. Yeah, she can have spells from the lore. The command trait restriction is one of the reason why you rarely see special characters that should be the warlord as the warlord. It's kind of stupid.
  15. She's a special character and so can't have command traits or magic items.
  16. You can't cast the turn you show up from a table edge since you show up in the movement phase.
  17. Also remember that there are 2 turns in each battleround. So you can run your eternal guard up on your turn. Then on your opponent's turn they will get the bonuses for not moving (as long as they don't pile in). Also, don't sleep on drycha instead of Durthu. She's a monster and can throw out a bucket of mortal wounds. I think she will be better than Durthu as he doesn't get the wyldwood bonus. Even with the 1 heal a turn, it's still really easy to knock off his 6 damage a swing.
  18. Eternal guard are battleline for all cities and generals in cities of sigmar. That's why it doesn't say they're battleline if your general is wanderers.
  19. There are plenty of things like this. I mean you can even bring Alarielle and have her move up 16" or come in from behind and summon a treelord, then both shoot and have her use the ability twice by buying another and them charge 1st turn with both.
  20. Personally I have 80 Dryads (units of 30, 30, 10 and 10). Also 1 Treelord, 2 TLA and 2 Durthus. for the extra treelord, you can't really go wrong using it for the 2nd TLA for Lords of the Clan or just a second Durthu in general. I wouldn't build a 2nd Treelord personally. I'd rather just have a unit of 3 Sword Hunters.
  21. It doesn't matter who owns the ability. The Kurnoths have nothing do with the ability. The Kurnoths simply make it that you are within range of the ability if you normally would be out of it. That's all. Just don't overthink it. Hero A uses a command ability. Unit 1 is outside of the range of the command ability but wholly within 12" of a unit of Kurnoth Hunters. The Kurnoth Hunters then make it so that Unit 1 is being counted as though they were within range of the command ability. It's really as simple as that. At no point do the Kurnoth Hunters channel the command ability or do the Kurnoth Hunters act as though they are the ones using the command ability.
  22. I think the issue more is that it sounds like he's thinking that Alarielle's command ability is radiating off the Kurnoth Hunters. It's being overread. Envoys of the Everqueen doesn't radiate the command abilities. It simply makes you in range of them. . So if the command ability states that it affects allies within 14" of Alarielle (even though it doesn't mention her specifically), Envoys would simply make a model across the table count as being within that 14" of Alarielle and so get the effect of the command ability.
  23. Kurnoth hunters and spite revenants are what you need. At least 3 boxes of each. And 3-4 Awakened Wyldwoods
  24. A branchwraith summons more dryads. She's a critical piece in a sylvaneth army and is probably the only model that is mandatory to have 1-2 of for any decent army.
  25. Problem with Durthu as an ally is you won't get the +2 attacks from a wyldwood and once he takes 3 wounds he loses the 6 damage without a good way to heal him.
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