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Reuben Parker

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Everything posted by Reuben Parker

  1. Yeah I think 6 eels is still better but it’s a lot closer now (I was touching on this above). Other aspect to consider is that now shark is our cheapest combat unit so you may have 120 points spare in a list and throw it in as a flank harasser / objective stealer. On the net launcher you take it when you take the turtle battalion as it’s a single dice attack it gets more benefit from the one dice per phase re roll (do it first to see if you need the re roll then turtle shooting second).
  2. If you go full Mor’Phann infantry the list will at least be around 180 cheaper so an extra unit and render might squeeze in. I will be interested to see if thralls still get unit discount including the reduction as 30 at 330 would be quite reasonable.
  3. 3 sharks for 360 or 6 spear eels for 340. Edge will still probably be with eels. Can gain cover, faster and better charge re roll. MW output and greater overall damage. Sharks only major plus is a small amount of range damage and not losing any output until 8 wounds taken. Its defiently closer now though compared to 420 and 320 price tags.
  4. I think new points really boosts ardfist. Either can do min size with double MK and support heroes or mass ardboyz and chanters.
  5. Yes he can fight twice and gets the re roll 1s as he has the daemon keyword. He also can be buffed by mortal buffs as well. Hes very good just his command ability doesn’t do much good anymore as most others have moved away from the hero phase. Varanguard also are good but can only fit 3 in as they will have to be allies (he only marks them after the game starts).
  6. Slaanesh have massive weaknesses I just think people need to play vs them more. They normally have a very low wound count generally around 110 in a 2k game with a lot of those being 5+. 10 wrathmongers with Skarr Bloodwrath is 400 points and will do unbuffed 10 MW and circa 14 -1 wounds when your opponent kills them. This can be made a lot more scary once they get bonuses (if you charged with killing frenzy now 2+ to hit and stoker can give full re roll on wounds it’s suddenly 10MW and around 30 -1 wounds). To the point where in death they will easily kill as many points of slaanesh as they cost just when they die. Or when buffed you can kill 2 KoS just on your death blows. Big units of blood warriors although less good will do similar things (although not as good dmg and scream for a blood stoker re roll). Then I think Khorne needs to add some flying into its lists either through allies or the hero slots. In general this is needed for playing the objectives game but also against slaanesh so you can hunt down the smaller backfield heroes to shut down summoning.
  7. I already have 4 Bloodthirsters but thinking of buying more as UF plus 3 IR playing under to have extra CP in reapers is something I think maybe one of the better builds. Even with zero buffs using the 6” pile in shenanigans it can be 30 IR attacks where the thirsters can’t be hit. With proper setup and screens I see it beating a lot of armies. My main issue with the Bloodthirster builds though is I think they’re a bit of a matchup coin flip as Morathi or shooting armies really give them a lot of issues. Where as vs a lot of melee armies the build will really dominate.
  8. D6 on average is 3.5 not 4 Battlefury is correct random damage values are bad for anything close to competitive play especially d6 which is way too swingy. The fact that two wounds can be 2 or 12 damage is a lot of variation when you already have variations from the hit and wound rolls. Also as we know within randomization theres grouping of results so looking at the average only helps to a certain degree.
  9. Similar to you I’m not all over the judgements my main reluctance with the judgements is that they kinda force you to go first in the battle round. Otherwise they can just disappear before your opponent even has a turn. Especially the skulls which get thrown far across the battle field so pretty likely you won’t even have the priest close for plus 1 on the roll. I find that often playing second is preferable in AoS for a number of reasons not least of which is that it gives you the double turn potential. Plus if the opponent is playing something nasty like Geminids they win priority and either let you move the endless spell or give you the double turn.
  10. I like the MSU list and can understand not liking the foot boss. If your already dropping a fungoid for 2CP then maybe drop one gore grunta unit for a allied banner boss. This would give the list a second source of waagh for when the MK dies or too few units left to make it reliable plus the banner re roll is always useful.
  11. I think Bloodthirsters will be best vs slaanesh maybe even something like 3 rage thirster and 1 unfettered. Then you do the 6” pile in trick to get around combat order and locus of diversion. All those rage attacks will probably get the couple of 6s required to provide bubbles of mortal wounds to kill the support heroes. Will need a lot of CP though so playing under points will be required.
  12. And it’s been toned down in the new book compared the wrath and wrapture table It really is a matter of locking down / killing all their heroes in one go or possibly two with a double turn. Very hard for khorne though who don’t have redeployment options.
  13. Really he needs more stuff even at low points he probably wants at least 20 arkanaut in one unit then another 10 for battleline with 6 / 3 skyhooks and a unit of 6 riggers with saws plus khemist. He could run that plus his frigate for exactly 1k. Maybe proxy models so he can test it. Army will be 2 drop giving him control of who goes first. Having some good shooting and riggers can be a counter charge unit.
  14. I think Sylvaneth is an ok matchup but the other two are for sure rough especially if including Morathi. KO are I think better than often given credit for and you do see the odd high tournament finish even with very few KO players. I’ve found they’re an army you have to accept your probably not going to table your opponent. Instead it’s turn 1 and 2 kill key units then spread out sacrifice cheaper / less useful units and play objectives. Khemist Buffed endrinriggers and arkanaut are very good still and it’s an easy one or two drop army even without battalions if you include a ship.
  15. I think it depends on the composition as shield eels will be strong vs them. 3+ saves no rend on the charge and just volume of attacks counters their strength and attacks their weaknesses.
  16. Model number is important for screening and holding objectives plus they’re faster both with movement and pluses to run and charge. Also I think darkfeast at 500 points minimum size is pretty good. Fills battleline and 2 useful heroes and the battalion itself is only 110.
  17. I think IDK on the whole are fine vs Slaanesh we have the tools to beat them. Theyre a very fragile army but you have to ensure you can kill / summon block all their heroes in one go. With speed and high tide (although their ability can cancel out our strike first) we can try to alpha strike all characters at once. In terms of heavy thrall regen I have cooked up a list just not played it yet Mor’Phann Volt 3 render brooch and lament 30/20 thrall 10/10 reaver 6 spear eels 10 eternal guard allied corp 1990 its a list that wants to slow the game down with screens and regen then get to high tide and win with buffed Volt and eels. I see it as a fun mix up that I think still can win games.
  18. If the TO isn’t letting you know battle plans ahead of time then I wouldn’t go to a tournament without at least two models that can score in wizard / artifact missions. I find TOs love including those missions. If you know the battle plans ahead of time then don’t worry about it. For the scoring purpose I actually find the godsworn hunt can be good as get a wizard and a screen unit for 150.
  19. As far as I’m aware you can have a mortal General in reapers same as a daemon General in goretide. Then any hero can use the command ability. So the jugger lord is your general but skarbrand can still use a CP to pile in twice. Also any bloodthirster you summoned via bloodtithe would also get the reapers host abilities.
  20. I would probably drop magores and 3 crushers so have 300 points. Bloodsecrator bloodstoker 10 reavers then even playing just skarbrand I would probably play reapers host as him with double pile in really shores up any Melee matchup whilst the crushers are great vs shooting / magic lists. Would also love a way to squeeze a unit of wrathmongers in.
  21. Even if not going for large units I actually think dark feast is pretty worth it now. 110 points gets you at minimum 5 drops down to 1 there’s no tax units in it for most lists that want reaver screens, priest and stoker. Plus it can help to get your screens upto higher damage output for as you mention early suicide style charges. I always think most battalions now due to CP give around 100 points of value without any special rules (CP, artifact and drop reduction) as long as the list is taking advantage of those 3 things and units aren’t a tax most 100 odd point battalions are very playable.
  22. They can use it on themselves or another daemon unit in range it’s your choice. Doesnt fly but now skarbrand in reapers host has insane damage output and really changes how your opponent plays.
  23. Well with double pile in you use the reapers slaughterhost and use their command ability. They all get to fight in a row due to the new Bloodthirster battalion. Also if your using a Bloodthirster of unfettered fury you can use his command ability to pile in from 6” away and all the shenanigans that allows.
  24. Indeed they don’t hit as hard but they have two advantages 1) cheaper 2) the fastest of the 3 especially in goretide with a 27” average threat range. Blood warriors can get close to that with 24” but will have lower damage output as such they can have a role in a larger buffed squad as something that can shoot across the board and challenge light to medium units. In no way am I suggesting them as a main line battle unit but they can serve other roles than pure screen.
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